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Plug Zer0.

Plug Zer0 is...

  • Bass and Vocals: Bobby
  • Guitar and Vocals : Orion
  • Drums and Backup Vocals : Ryan


Wow, if it was a while last time, this time was like a century...anyway, a lots gone on. First off, me and bobby are no longer a part of wireframe heart, due to some differences in...well just about everything! but everythings cool between us n the rest of wfh, so still support them as they go on. Next, orion broke his arm a while back, so weve been on a short "hiatus" i guess, but hes all good now, n well start practicin once again once school's out. Also, in another leg of the ryan and bobby journey through many many genres, we are now starting a SKA side-project! We are very excited about this. All three of us will be a part of it, as well as about six others playing various horns, including Reid, previously from the band called Smalltown Superhero, so thats sweet. Ok, heres the plan...were gonna get together over the summer, write some stuff, record an ep, and play ONE show, thats it, so deffinitely don't miss it! I'm gonna make a site for the new project, which goes by the name of "The Badhair Gumshoes." so look out for the link on this page pretty soon. Only problem is, we need a lead singer, so if u live in DE, n sing, email me. And finally, "Like Me" the band put together from William Penn High School students, (made up of Bobby, me, Big Matt, and Mike McFadden) won second place at the school talent show the other night, which was kinda cool. thanx to everyone who came out, we had an awesome crowd. aright, thats about it, im gonna work on the gumshoes page right now
peace out and ska on

Again, its been a while, but i do have some good news! We got a guitarist! woohoo. his name's orion, but we call him Moses (just too close to "ryan") well, we jammed with him the other day, n it went very well, and were workin on some new stuff as well as teachin Moses some of the old stuff. So send him an email sayn whats up! (contact page) yea, so thats about all for now, peace.

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