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PJ's Cool man §ite No Longer updating anymore, too buisy working on The Extension, everything will stay here

PJ's (fake) Bio

now, i must warn you, in these links, you might occur these problems: HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE SPELLING, UGLY PEOPLE, UNAVALIBLE PICTURES, MAYBE UNAVAILIBLE MUSIC, COURSE LANGAUGE, POLL'S IN THE WRONG PLACES, and yeah, thats about it

My Thank you's
News Archive
The Cronicles of Mike and PJ
A Hick Story (In The Eyes of Jim Bob Brown)
Ryan's Fake Bio
Dave's Fake Bio
Chris T's Fake Bio
Chris P's Fake Bio
Alana's Fake Bio
Meghan's Fake Bio
Steph's Fake Bio
In Town Whoolignz

ThanX 4 visiting, come back 12 years later...i'll be 36, addicted to cleaning solution, and married to a Bette Midler look-alike. OR DON'T COME BACK AT ALL!

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