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Welcome to Perfectly Demented!

No one likes the way I dress, I need a new style. No one likes the way I walk, I need a new strut. No one likes how I talk, I need new words in my vocab. No one likes the way I act, I need a new personality.

No one laughs at my jokes, no one cries with me when i'm sad...they will never feel half the pain i've had. Look at those people smiling, they have all the right stuff. Then there is me, i'll never be good enough...

People always try so hard to be like everyone else when they could be loved for being unique. It is a waste of time finding bad things about people who claim to be perfect, when you could be finding the good things about those who don't see a reason for being who they are.

Those who think they are perfect, will never admit to it. Nobody is perfect. Except, for you...

So when someone tells you that nobody is perfect, proove them are perfect. We... are