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Payed In Full News

3-24-02-We played our first acoustic gig at McConnell's Chapel Church.We did two original songs and one hymn,Amazing Grace.

4-02-02-I have started making updates to the page .There will be more to come as soon as I get some time.I have added a guest book so please be sure to sign it .As soon as possible there will be some music on the site,so please just bare with us .

4-09-02-We will be playing at Food-City in Pennington Gap on May 18th. If you can come out and watch us and tell us what you think

6-11-02-Well I am finally getting around to doing some updates to the page . First off the Food-City gig went great . Also some pictures and a brief article about it will be featured in the Food-City employee magazine "Frontline". And last but not least as soon as I learn how to get pictures on here I will let you guys know.

6-12-02-I figured I would tell everyone that you can now get to our page from the Lee County home page. Our Page is under the section "other" . I don't know how we ended up on there but we are so it's all good. Also I have added a links page and started to work on some links .Just keep checking back there will be continous updates.

07-17-02 Well I figured I would let everyone know what was going on in the Payed In Full world. We have set up a small studio at my house and started recording a few acoustic tracks. I have no ides when we will be done with it. Hopefully really soon so we can get our music up on here and get it on a CD. Well I guess that is all for now.

10-14-02 We have a couple of updates to tell everyone. We have got a recording contract offer for Hilltop records out of California. This is the best news we have got in a while just pray that we will be able to make everything fly and spread our message around the world. Also we have a benefit for Arthur Miller coming up on November 3, 2002 at McConnell's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. As soon as we get more information on it I will put it up here. Thank you and please pray that our contract comes through.