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Payed in Full


Payed in Full started about two months ago with Matt,Mooney and Willard. A Little while later we added Eric on lead. All of our songs are original with the whole band contributing to writing. We hope to start recording very soon when we get some more material worked out. Although Mooney is holding down the vocals for now we are still looking for a lead singer.

We decided to take the path of christian music for a couple of reasons .The first being to glorify our lord a savior Jesus Christ.The next being we believe that our music should contain a positive message while exposing everyday problems that everyone else tries to cover up or sweep under the rug. Hopefully our songs will reach someone who they can help if they are in such a situation.We do not try to stick to one style of writing and are very open minded to suggestions. Again I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our site.Please sign the guest book if you have time .