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Basics of Paranoia

Welcome to Paranoia's website!

Hey Everyone, This is lead guitarist, Jeramy England, from Paranoia. We are a junior band in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We play rock, metal, punk, slow rock, the rock works I guess you could say. Take a look around, enjoy yourself. It’s the 21st century, you can do what you want!

People this is something that doesn't belong on the news page, it belongs here because it's important. We want your ideas for songs! Just simpily e-mail your lyrics, guitar tabs, bass tabs, or drum tabs to: This Link. If you e-mail us ideas. We'll give you credit on our fourms page when it gets up and running. So send those ideas away!

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What is Paranoia?

Paranoia is the ultimate music expirience, so hard it will blow your mind. But yet, so suttle, but only half the time!

"Were a lot like AFI, that's probably what inspired me the most. I was listening to them since i was about 8 years old. And have loved them ever since. Their music is so good, it just amaizes me to hear something like that." -Jeramy England

"Finally some good punk for a change. Damn wuss / poser punk. I could name a few, but I might get a lawsuit... "coughfacefirstcough"" -Jeramy England

"I'm the coolest guy in this band!" -Jarred Nodding

"Dude..." -Nick Skinner

"How many butts do i have to pick before you people realise not to be dummies!" -Ryan "Random Hero" White

"Eh?" -Nick Skinner

"For all you posers who think your "phat". CUT YOUR HAIR AND GET REAL JOBS YOU HIPPIES! All of these new "punk" bands are destroying what punk really is. AFI, Bad Religion, Green Day. All prime examples of good punk. Also us, screw all of this "phat" crap that you guys are playing today. Get a life!" -Jeramy England

"Damn you homie g's. Whickkit, Whickkit, What? G-UnIt" -Jeramy England

"You got served! BIZZNATCH!" -Nick "Skinny" Skinner

get this gear!

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