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How to build a pipe bomb:
  1. Get a metal pipe
  2. Seal up one end with epoxy resin.
  3. Pack it with explosives and nails
  4. Put in a fuse.
  5. Seal the other end with epoxy, leaving a millimeter of space around the fuse
  6. Put it somewhere where there are jocks, jews or jiggaboos and light the fuse!
  7. Run away!

How to shoot someone with a gun:
  1. Make sure you have a gun and it's loaded and cocked
  2. Point the gun at the person, preferably at a vital organ
  3. Pull the trigger
  4. Shout "Heil Hitler!" and run away real quick!

How to poison someone whom you hate:
  1. Buy some rat poison
  2. Slit open a hot dog and put poison inside hot dog (use a tofu-pup if the intended victim is a vegetarian).
  3. Give hot dog to the person you hate and make them eat it. Gentle persuasion is best, not strong armed tactics. Good: "Eat this hot dog, it's good for you and surely tasty as well." Bad: "Eat this hot dog because I want you to die, motherfucker!"

How to get back at a jock:
  1. Get a brown paper bag and some gasoline
  2. Go for several days without taking a crap while eating lots of Taco Bell and drinking plenty of Banana Red Mad Dog
  3. Crap in the bag (it's best to do this outside, as the odour will quickly overwhelm the ventilation of any conventional suburban bathroom.)
  4. Pour gasoline on the bag
  5. Make sure the jock is at home. Football Sunday afternoons and Monday nights are ideal.
  6. Put bag on jock's porch.
  7. Set fire to bag.
  8. Ring jock's door bell.
  9. Shout "Heil Hitler!" and run!!
  10. From a distance, observe jock stomping bag and getting your dung on his shoe (or, better yet, bare feet).

How to download porn:
  1. Go to a porn website using a web browser like Netscape.
  2. Right-click on the pictures you like
  3. Save them to your disk. Shout "Heil Hitler!"
  4. Double click on them whenever you want. You DON'T have to be online!

The Basic Rules:

Hitler is cool.
Jocks suck and football sucks too.
Niggers need to put down their forties and head back to Africa.
School sucks and should be bombed.
Teachers are the real death camp guards.
The holocaust never happened, but it would have been cool if it had.
The big secret is that cheerleaders have more problems with gas than average Americans.
Doom is a fun game.
German industrial music is better than all other music.
If something explodes, it's cooler than if it doesn't.

What I don’t see I don’t know
What I don’t know I don’t want
What I don’t want I don’t need
What I don’t need I don’t feel
What I don’t feel I don’t say
What I don’t say I don’t do
What I don’t do I don’t like
What I don’t like I waste

I have come too rock your world
I have come too shake your faith
Anathematic Anarchist
I have come too take my place

I am your unconsciousness
I am unrestrained excess
Metamorphic restlessness

I am your apocalypse
I am your belief unwrought
Monolithic juggernaut

Shockwave massive attack
Atomic blast son of a gun is back

Chaos panic no resistance
Detonations in a distance

Apocalypse now walls of flame
Billowing smoke who’s too blame

Forged from steel iron will
Shit for brains born too kill

All are equal no discrimination
Son of a gun a simple question

Son of a gun master of fate
Bows too no God, kingdom or state

Watch out son of a gun
Super hero number one

If you don’t like it,
Well.....you know what to do.
anything I don’t like---Sucks