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Band of Faith

Hey, this is the official Band of Faith website. Before you read on please note that we ARE NOT A BAND. We are a small sized family everquest guild on the Fennin Ro server. We are trying to build it better and better day by day. This site is currently under construction and will be up soon (I hope). Good hunting everyone.


Hello everyone, it's me again. I've left the guild to join Soldiers of Virtue. To some people, it was a good thing that I left. I will finish the website though. Just to let you know, it's probably just about the crappiest layout you've ever seen in your entire life. I'm not very good with making websites, but better than there is one than having no website, I guess. The website should be up by tomorrow. I wish good luck to all in Band of Faith, and i hope the guild becomes even better than it already was (if that's possible =) ) Hopefully I'll pesonally better in SoV than I did in this guild, without "annoying" anyone else by a way i don't know of. Good luck everyone.
