Jordan's interview in OK magazine...


Q: Jordan, where do you comes from in the States?

A: I grew up in Boston and still live there as it's where all my family, friends, dogs and cats are. My wife Evelyn was a neighbourhood girl who I've known since we were kids but we waited until we'd achieved our goals before we got married last year. We have a little boy Dante who's just turned six and a crazy boxer dog called Shane who literally boxes!

Q: Dante is a very unusual name. How did you both come to choose it?

A: My wife actually chose it. We were watching this mafia movie and there was a cute guy in it called Dante who I think she had a crush on!

Q: Is your wife your muse when you're writing songs?

A: My music these days is a bit darker than it was with New Kids On The Block and I no longer write many straight love songs. It's more likely to be "I love you but you love him". I'm pleased with the new single and the songs on the album, but if they flop I'll move back to Cyprus and be a holiday rep!

Q: Had you been to Cyprus before?

A: No, it was my first time. As a family we usually go to the caribbean for our holidays and we also have a place in Orlando in Florida, where we can just switch off and relax. Dante is now old enough to appreciate Disney World and on our last visit we had great fun at Universal Studios.

Q: Do you and Evelyn find it hard when your away on a big tour?

A: Touring round the world leaving your wife and kid behind is hard and can leave you a little crazy but the secret is not to stay away for too long. Absense makes the heart grow fonder but sometimes I just want to get the hell out of a place and go home. Dante is growing up so fast and I can't bear to miss any of it.