
6/6 (Bean) Ok, the name battle is still going on. We've determined that both names have been taken by someone else, but their still fair game 'cuz no one knows about him. I've talked to my cousin, he's coming down for the week of the 14th, we'll get this all together and finally record it. Maybe. I hope.(Nervous look) ____________________________________________________________________________ 6/3 (Bean) Yo! alright, if you were to stupid to notice that I've changed the homepage, we need you to vote on our name. So do that. We're aiming to get into the studio for our demo CD sometime in the beginning of July, so look for the thing sometime after that. Peace! ____________________________________________________________________________ 5/26 (Bean) We-hee! My parents are stupid. "Now, don't go on the computer while no one is home." So anyway, I'm trying to get the lyrics up, there were jnust some tech problems. The only one right now is Never Was, but I'm putting up State of Disunion soon. We're officially signed by In the attic records though, thanks steve. OH CRAP, THEIR BACK!! ____________________________________________________________________________ 5/20 -(Bean) Damnit! Can anything actually suck more than school does? Anyway, due to ceratin academic shortcomings, I'm currently grounded in solitary confinement. Since i'm not allowed to use the computer, updates here will be few and far between. Mack's apparently grounded too-his parents are taking too much after mine- so he wont be doing much either. Aside from that, we've got two songs under production right now, so...yeah. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5/13 - Hey! Site's still under construction, but I think I'm getting the hang of this. I've got Mack's and my bio's up, we're still waiting for Chris and Terrence's. No practice really, I'm grounded and that kinda makes it hard, but we're getting it done. We've got Never Was(the song) down except for the drums, and we're working now on a still nameless song. No lyrics yet, but it sounds wicked. We're aiming for our first show to be towards the end of the summer, we'll let you know as it comes. Peace!