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Depths of the Meadow

Me, myself, and I
In here, it's just the three of us...
and we're all feeling The current mood of froggyhopper86 at

To tell a little about myself, my name is Emily George, but mostly, people just call me Emmy. I am a student at Edinboro University majoring in both Elementary Ed and Spanish.

I love theatre, band and New Age World Religions. But my main passion is theatre. I've been acting since I was five and plan on acting for as long as I can. As for band, I play the clarinet. I'm not great at it, but I can read music and attempt to play music. I was in Central High's marching band for two years and Academy's wind ensemble for four. I've also just recently taken up playing the guitar.

As for religion, I'm Pagan. But I find all the new age religions fascinating. (Though I'm not sure why Paganism is considered New Age as it was obviously around before quite a few of the Christain denominations...) But anyways, if you share an interest, feel free to come talk to me. I like to discuss those sorts of things.

FONDL: The Naked Dancing Llama Fan Club!


Fun Sites and Links

Rocky Horror Picture Show (under construction)
Favorite Stuff
Randomness - UPDATED!!!
Naked Dancing Llama
OhmyGods comic (pagan based)
TROGDOR!! and more
Waterman Studios
Potter Puppet Pals
