Chapter Nine

Corrine's P.O.V.

"CORRINE! WAKE UP!" I sat up at the demand and squinted into the darkness. The clock read 4:30 AM, and there Serena was, whispering very loudly into my ear.

"What the… Serena what is it?"

"I was just talking to Zac, and they're going on tour, and want us to go with them!"

"Why were you talking to Zac at 4:30? Oh, wait, talking to him during the day would actually be, God forbid, NORMAL!"

"Shut up, Corrine. Anyway, as I was SAYING, they're leaving in three days- Monday. So are you in?"

"I guess…" I mumbled, falling back down into my pillows.

"Don't get TOO excited about getting to go around the world, miss school, be with your boyfriend with whom of which interesting, ahem, activities, could take place."

"I'd be a heck of a lot more excited if you had waited to tell me in the morning, like a NORMAL person."

"Well, your boyfriend must be pretty abnormal, 'cause he was the one who told Zac to tell me to tell you he wanted you to go. On tour… yeah…"

"Uh, right Serena. Well, I'm not going back to sleep NOW. Is Taylor still up?" I asked, flipping my bedside lamp on.

"Yeah. Taylor, Zac, and Ike are having a contest to see who can stay up the longest," Serena giggled. "I promised I'd help Zac."

"Right… Do you think I'd be able to sneak Taylor over here? Or all three? I want to talk about this touring thing. Or just talk with my one and only!" I grinned.

"All three, Cory. But I'm sure Mom and Dad wouldn't care." I squinted at my sister.

"That feels weird, doesn't it? Saying Mom and Dad in the same sentence. That's just… weird. You know?" Serena nodded, and then strolled over to the window, opening it.

"Hey guys," she said. I heard a response. "You guys, come over. Our parents won't mind, and I'm sure neither will yours, so come on." I heard someone mumble, and Serena shut the window.

"They're on their way. So, why don't we go downstairs to wait. 'Kay?" Serena grabbed my hand, and grabbing the blankets and pillows off of my bed, barged out the door, me in trail, and down the stairs.

Five minutes later, we heard a soft knock at the door, and quietly let the trio in. Zac was giggling, proud of himself and his brothers for sneaking out successfully. Each brother was carrying large bottles of Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. Serena and I led them upstairs and into my bedroom. As soon as Taylor had the chance, he set down his four bottles, and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so tired, but I'm glad I get to win the hundred bucks with you at my side," Taylor half whispered, half laughed. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"You could make a song out of that!" I chuckled. Taylor raised an eyebrow.

"I'm so tired, but I'm glad I get to win the hundred… no… doesn't fit," Taylor laughed.

"Hey, Bubba," Zac poked Taylor. "You are not going to win. The king, me, of course, will win. Right Serena?"

"You got that right, hon," Serena nodded. I watched Isaac looked at the ground. I could tell he wanted someone to back him up like I did Taylor and Serena, Zac. Suddenly the light bulb went on in my head and I pulled Taylor into my bathroom and shut the door.

"Well you are feisty tonight, aren't you?" Taylor grinned, pressing his body up to mine. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"No, no, how about we get Anna over here? I feel so bad because you have me, and Zac has Serena, and Isaac has no one. Anna would love to come over at such an abnormal time. Anna is all about abnormal," I laughed, as Taylor took both of my hands.

"So is Ike! They'd be perfect for each other!"

"You're tellin' me! So, what do you say? Hook them up?"

"Definitely." Taylor grabbed my hand and we strolled leisurely out into my bedroom.

We found Serena and Zac with straws in their mouths. Just as I stepped out into the room, a gigantic spit wad flew from Zac's straw, hitting me square in the forehead. I attempted to look up at my forehead, and then looked back at Zac. His eyes were wide with silent laughter and fear. Serena looked at me, then Zac, then back at me. She pointed to Zac.

"It was him!" Serena exclaimed. I inhaled, and peeled the spit wad slowly off of my forehead. I could tell everybody was trying not to laugh, except for me, of course.

"I'm really sorry. I swear to God I was aiming for Taylor."

I walked over to Zac, dropping Taylor's hand, and stood over the teenage boy. I took the sticky piece of paper and stuck it to his forehead.

"I believe that belongs to you, Zac."

"I should believe so."

Two Hours Later

"So," Taylor yawned. "We've gone through a game of Monopoly, a game of pin the tail on Zac, and we've read two Hanson Fiction stories. And it's only six AM. Now what?"

I was draped over the bed, my head in Taylor's lap. Anna, who had come over previously to our game of Monopoly (she jumped at the chance of being in the same house with the brothers Hanson), was sitting next to Isaac, and Serena was on Zac's lap. After Taylor's big yawn, it started a chain reaction. I yawned, then Serena yawned, then Zac yawned, then Anna yawned, and then, last but not least, Isaac yawned.

"Well, we could play a game of truth or dare…" Zac grinned, a sly smile on his face. Taylor and Isaac exchanged glances, and looked at us three girls. I nodded quickly, as well as Serena and Anna. We sat around in a circle and looked blankly at each other.

"Who's going first?" I asked.

"How about you, Corrine, since you so graciously are holding our little party in your room."

"Okie dokie. Hmm… Okay, Serena. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"

"Um, truth," Serena squirmed. I grinned.

"Do you, or do you not, want to go out with Zac?" I giggled. Serena looked at me with daggers in her eyes. Zac grinned.

"Uh, well, I guesss sooo…" Serena looked down at her hands. Zac had a grin about a mile wide, and everybody else was laughing.

"Okay, Taylor, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?"

"Dare," Taylor grinned.

"Make out with Corrine- in front of all of us," Serena grinned evilly. Taylor looked at me wide eyed.

"Do you want to?" he whispered.

"Um, okay," I replied.

Taylor and I shifted so we were facing each other. His face was bright red, and there was no doubt in my mind mine was too. We leaned in slowly and kissed.

"My virgin eyes!" Zac dramatically said. Serena laughed. Yet, all of that wasn't really conceivable to me at the time. I was too wrapped up in our kiss. Taylor was a good kisser. He pulled me in closer by putting his hand on the back of my neck. We were really starting to get into it when Serena started breaking us apart.

"Break it up, break it up!" Serena said. "We didn't ask for foreplay, all we asked for was a simple kiss."

"We?" Zac asked. "I believe it was your idea, sweets."

"Yeah whatever."

"Zac, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?" Taylor said.

"I, unlike all of you chickens, am going for the gold. DOUBLE DARE!"

"Uh, right, Zac. Okay, I dare you to strip, run out into the middle of the street butt naked, do your little victory dance, shout I love Serena, and run back inside."

"Hey, that's like five different things!"

"You asked for it buddy. I thought you weren't a chicken?"

"I'm not!" Zac insisted. "I never said I wouldn't do it!" Zac got up hastily, and filed out of the room, the five of us following him.

"This is gonna be good!" Serena whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Zac went up to the front door, and looked at all of us wide eyed. He sighed, and pulled off his shirt. I covered my eyes and put my head against Taylor's chest.

"I can't watch!"

"Me neither!" Taylor laughed.

"I can!" Serena grinned. I heard Zac's zipper go, and then Serena and Anna whistled quietly, laughing. The front door opened, and I heard heavy footsteps running down the pavement.

Isaac groaned in disgust. "What a lovely dare, Tay." Taylor just laughed.

"I LOVE SERENA!" Zac shouted. I heard him run back in the house. Once I heard the zipper, I uncovered my eyes and shuddered.

"Zac, you have serious guts."

"Don't I know it."

"Hey, what is going on?" my dad scolded, coming out of his room. I looked at him briefly and rolled my eyes.

"Why should you care?"

"It's called sleep, young lady."

"Dad, I don't think it would be that hard for you to go back to sleep. Now if you'll excuse us…" I marched back up stairs, everybody following me, only to run in face to face with my mother.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, having a party at SIX AM?" my mom yelled.

"Mom, calm down, we're trying to stay awake the entire night. We'll only be up two more hours, and then you won't hear a peep. 'Kay? We're just playing a rousing game of truth or dare. Zac just had to run outside naked and yell, it was quite a show. Although I couldn't bring myself to watch, I'm sure Serena and Anna would gladly give you a play by play," I grinned, slipping by my mother. Zac groaned from behind me, and I laughed, strolling back into my room.

Nine Hours Later

"Hey, hey, Corinne!" My mom said, shaking me awake. I didn't say anything as to not wake Taylor, and glanced at the clock. 3 PM. All six of us had been asleep for seven hours.

"What?" I groaned quietly.

"Diana wants Isaac, Taylor, and Zac to come back home now."

"Tell her they'll be home in a few. I'll wake them up." My mom nodded and walked back out of the room. I leaned over and kissed Taylor to wake him up. A smile spread across his lips and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hi, " I smiled. "Your mom called and wants you home."

"Oh," he sighed, his smile vanishing. He grabbed a strand of my hair and smelled it.

"Uh, Taylor?" I asked, frowning. "Why are you sniffing my hair?"

"Because I like to smell people's hair. Especially my girlfriends hair!" he grinned, practically stuffing my hair up his nose. I giggled and pulled away.

Zac moaned and rolled over. "Would you two shut the freak up? Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"Actually, hon, you and your brothers have to go home," I said sympathetically, getting off the bed and walking over to the groggy boy. I smoothed down his hair like my mom used to do when I had just awoken, and then woke Serena.

"Serena, come on, get up. The guys have to leave."

"What? Huh? But Zaaaccc, I don't want to do it right now," Serena groaned, rolling over, burying her face deeper into Zac's chest.

Zac looked at me, completely bewildered, while Taylor laughed and I stifled one.

"Serena talks in her sleep. Serena come on. It's time to get up." Serena groaned once more, but nothing else happened.

"I think I know what to do," Zac grinned mischievously. He bent his head down and brushed away Serena's hair. He proceeded to give Serena's neck little kisses. All at once Serena's head flew up, bumping Zac's chin.

"OW!" They both exclaimed, rubbing their bruised parts.

"Hey, what the- oh. It's them again," Isaac groaned, suddenly sitting up.

Anna sat up too, rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" Anna asked, stretching.

"Three' o'clock. Isaac, your mom wants you guys to go home. So, yeah."

Taylor walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Now who's the feisty one?" I grinned, flirting. Isaac, Anna, Zac, and Serena all moaned in unison, turning away.

"Babe, I think we should go," Taylor sighed. I nodded, and turned around so we were face to face. We hugged and then led the gang down stairs.

Chapter Ten

Story Index
