Chapter 6

Corrine's P.O.V.

"And Anna, I'll tell you, he was as sweet as can be! And funny, too! I accidentally smeared my mascara, and well, he told me after he was done singing-"

"He sang? To you? Taylor Hanson sung to you?" Anna stressed through the phone. It was about ten minutes after Serena and I had got back. The first thing I did was put on pajamas and brush my teeth. I proceeded to call Anna as promised.

"Jeez, Ann, he didn't sing to me, he just sang for me. Anyway, as I was saying, he looked at me and started to laugh. So, he told me, and I went into their bathroom and wiped it off-"

"With what? What did you wipe it off with?"

"Um, a red washcloth. Why?"

"Aha! Was it his?"

"I would assume so."

"Did he tell you to put it in the hamper?"


"Oh… well, nevermind. Keep going."

"Um, okay… Well, Zac called down and told us to hurry up, and once we were about to go up the stairs, Taylor turned around and gets this cute little smile on his face and goes, 'by the way, you have mascara on your nose'."

Anna squealed.

"And that's not the best part," I gushed. "When we were up there, and had distributed the soda's, he turned around and wiped it off! For me! He just stuck his finger out and gave the tip of my nose a little swipe!" Anna screeched so loud that I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Anna! Calm yourself! It's okay!" I assured, laughing.

"No, this is major. TAYLOR HANSON TOUCHED YOUR NOSE! Oh, sorry mom. I'll be quiet," Anna yelled. I giggled at the last phrase.

"Well, anyway. It was so funny, when we were going to the dinner table, Avery ran by, and Taylor pulled me out of the way. But she was chasing a rat named Simon, which was in one of those Rat Ball things. And Diana came after her, and soon, Avery came back, after announcing that Simon had peed on her foot! It was so funny! I love that family! They are so awesome! No wonder Hanson has such good music! They have a wonderful family! All those bad singers have broken down families, so, I have proved a point. Better family, better music," I laughed. Anna muttered something on the other end of the phone.

"What?" I asked. I couldn't hear her.

"Oh, sorry, nothing. I have to go. It's late. Well, bye!"

"Late? Okay. See ya'." I hung up the phone, and looked out the window. Taylor was staring at me, through the window, and I waved. He blushed, got a sheepish smile and waved back. Suddenly he motioned me to open my window. So I did as was told, wondering why he wanted me to open it.

"Hey!" I yelled. I looked up at the sky, which was sprinkled with stars like sugar on an elephant ear. I looked back at Taylor.

"Hi!" he yelled back. He grinned and pointed down. I looked down and saw nothing but grass. I looked back up with a questioning glance.

"No," he yelled. "Meet me!"

"Okay…" Taylor pulled his head out of the window, and ran out of the room. I shut my window and looked around. I looked in the mirror at myself, dressed in sheep pajama's, and ran out of my room, and down the stairs to the front door.

"Be right back!" I yelled to Serena. I ran out the front door after unlocking it so I could get back in, and around to the side of the house.

Taylor was already there, complete with a grin, baggy green pants, and a black shirt. His eyes were twinkling in the dark like a maniac, but I felt safe. Safer than I did in my own house. And the feeling of safety was an incredible feeling, strong and supported. I wanted to kiss Taylor, hug him, be wrapped in him like a big blanket. I hadn't ever felt like that, and I wanted it to last forever. I grinned at him.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Because I want to ask you something…"

Taylor's P.O.V.

Okay, Taylor! She's about to ask what. There is simply no way she won't feel the same way. I can see it in her eyes. Oh God, I am a nervous wreck. What am I doing? And why did Isaac tell me to do this? What a moron I am, I should have never followed his advice. Although he does have a point. I do really like her. And she should know.

"What?" Cory asked me. She had a cute little curious face on. Her head was tilted to the side and I wanted to hold her. I wanted to cuddle her, just like a big dog. Or cat, it doesn't really matter, but still… Cory looked so cute with her pajamas on. Her hair was messed a bit, and I loved the fact that she didn't care that she didn't look 100 percent. Although to me she did, but obviously to herself she wouldn't. Taylor, this is it. There is no turning back, man.

"I, um… I really like you, Corrine. Would you want to go out with me? I mean it doesn't have to be forever, we could just go out on like one date, just to see if we like each other that way, although I know I already do, but, like, would you?" I said, all in one breath. Oh my God. Did I just say that? Did I just say all that?

"I'd love to," she grinned. Her face just lit up when I asked, it was amazing. And she said yes! Well, she didn't say yes, but… she said yes! Thank you Isaac! Man, do I owe him one! I couldn't help myself. I had to hug her. So I did. I wrapped my arms around her tight and held on to her. She hugged me right back, and I felt wonderful. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Wait," she said, pulling back. I looked at her a little confused.

"What about the fans?"

"What about 'em?"

"Well, we can't just go out on the town! They'd kill me!" I laughed at her expression. Obviously we had a lot to talk about. I put my arm around her, and led her forward. She put her arm around my waist, and guided me toward her house.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Inside! It's cold! Well… it was," Cory grinned. I looked down at her and grinned right back. We walked each other to Cory's front steps, and let ourselves inside.

Corrine's P.O.V.

This has to be a dream. Taylor Hanson did not just ask me out, and we are not going inside my house at ten thirty at night. I'm going insane! That's what it is. I'm hallucinating! Yup, it can't be real. Nope, there's no way. But I want it to be real. I want him! Ha! Corrine Becker, what are you thinking?

"My parents are going to kill me!" Taylor grinned as we went inside my house. Serena came into the living room, just as we entered, in a bathrobe.

"What were you- hi, Taylor. What were you guys doing?"

"Oh, hi Serena. Taylor was just-"

"I'm having problems with a song and Corrine said she'd help me with it."

"Then why do you have your arms around each other?" Taylor and I stepped away from each other as quickly as we could. I wondered why Taylor didn't want Serena to know. I mean, she knew Isaac has a girlfriend. And I hardly think Serena would mind if Taylor and I went out. This is just all so strange!

"She was cold, and I was warming her up."

"Warming her up my a- I'll leave now," Serena grinned, turning around and walking out of the room at the look I gave her. I looked over at Taylor, who was blushing, and looking down slightly. I went over and touched his arm lightly.

"I'm sorry, I should've known. You didn't have to pretend, I could've just made her leave."

"No, I'm sorry. I should've told her."

"Well, then why did you pretend?"

"Because, force of habit. I'm used to pretending. I have only gone on one date in the past year, because of these teenybopper fans, no offense, going even crazier at the thought of us having girlfriends. The last time I had a date, I couldn't handle the pressure, because everyone was like, 'Do you have a girlfriend, do you have a girlfriend?' and I couldn't take lying like that. So then I just sort of, ignored her. We're still friends, but I think she still wants to be more than that."

"I'm sorry. We don't have to go-"

"No, I want to. And if people ask, then I will tell them I do have a girlfriend. But I won't say who."

"You promise you won't say who?" I laughed.

"I promise," he grinned, pulling me in closer to him. We hugged, and I kissed his cheek. I was kind of hoping for more, but I didn't want to rush things. I just wanted to take it nice and slow, so I could savor every moment with him, and remember the words we spoke, not the kisses we kissed.

Two Hours Later

We were now sitting on the floor in my room, talking. Well, I was on the floor, and Taylor was on the bed. But I was enjoying being with him. I was still shocked that I was now Taylor Hanson's girlfriend, and so fast! I had only met him yesterday, and now we were together! Talk about fast-paced! I looked up at Taylor, who was now gazing out the window with a confused stare.

"What?" I asked, looking out the window. I saw Isaac motioning for us to open the window. There was only a little lamp on in their room, so we could barely see him. I turned off the overhead light so we could see him better, and opened the window.

"Yeah?" Taylor said.

"Where have you been? Zac and I have been going nuts!" All of a sudden Zac's head appeared next to Isaac's.

"Yeah! What's up with leaving?" I looked over at Taylor, who was now looking very sheepish. He looked at me, smiled, and then joined me at the window.

"I um, asked Cory out." Taylor was now blushing so furiously, I was wondering if his head would explode. Yet I grinned at Taylor, and then grinned at the other brothers.

"Way to go, Tay!" Isaac howled, then immediately shut up. "Oops." Zac and Isaac were grinning at the two of us, proudly, in some way. I waved good-bye, and shut the window.

"I think you should go," I smiled. Taylor nodded down at me.

"Well…" I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs together. As we approached the door, Serena came bounding over to us.

"Before you go, did you really ask my sister out?" Serena demanded, holding the phone in her hands.

"Yeah," Taylor grinned, blushing.

"Then Zac was right!" Serena grinned, and holding the phone to her ear, ran back to wherever she had come from.

"I didn't even hear the phone ring!" I laughed. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"Well, I guess I better go."

"Yeah. Well, I'll see you…"


"Okay. Well… bye."

"Bye." We awkwardly hugged. I think Taylor was contemplating if he should kiss me or not. I guess he went with not, much to my dismay, because he went out the door slowly after the hug. I closed the door and pressed my back against it, sighing.

"Serena!" I yelled. Serena came galloping down the stairs and into the entryway.

"Congratulations! Congratulations! And you said he didn't like you…" Serena yelled, smiling slyly. I grinned back at her, swatting her on the side of the head.

"Shut up! They'll hear you," I said, walking away from the door and towards the stairs with Serena close behind.

"So… how did he ask?" she asked as we trudged up the stairs together.

"Sari, that is very private information." We walked into my room and sat down on the bed. Serena looked at me skeptically, knowing I would eventually burst.

"Okay, so he calls me outside, once I opened the window. I went out to the side of the house and I asked why are we here? And he goes, 'because I have something to ask you'. So in my head I'm wondering what is this guy's problem? And so I asked what, and he goes, 'I really like you, Corrine. Would you want to go out with me?' And, you know, stuff like that. And of course I said yes! And then he hugged me! Taylor freaking Hanson hugged me! Can you believe it? And he asked me out!" Serena screamed, just like Anna would. Serena bounced of the bed.

"I can't believe it! I am the sister of the girlfriend of one of the hottest superstars there is! This is major! Oh my gosh, I just can't believe it!" Serena giggled, then walked over to me and hugged me. "Oh my gosh, you have to call Anna! She is going to FREAK!"

"I know, I know! Should I? I mean it is 12:30. I just don't know…"

"Call her! Call her!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, do it! Now! Here's the phone. I've already dialed every number except the last one." I took the phone number and dialed the last digit. Here we go!

Taylor's P.O.V.

Next Day

The phone rang and I bolted to get it. Hey, it could've been Corrine, you never know. I picked up the phone and heard Isaac talking. Yet I didn't hang up.

"Hi, Audrey. Thanks for calling me back."

"Of course, baby! You know I'd do anything for you." I heard Isaac gulp.

"Yeah, well. Listen, we need to talk."

"About what, honey bunch?" I shuddered in disgust. What a fake girl. And it's sad, too, because she's only nineteen and dresses like that.

"Well, um, my brothers aren't happy."

"With what?"

"You and me."

"So? Tell them to get over it!" Audrey replied in disgust.

"Well… neither am I. I don't think that… who's there?"

"I am, duh!"

"No, I hear breathing…" That was my cue to hang up. I hung up just as Isaac came running into the room.

"Were you just on the phone?" He demanded.

"No, why would I be?"

"Uh… no reason, just asking."

"Okay…" I couldn't believe I just did that. I have now officially sunk to the little sibling line. That's not something anyone of us Hanson's would do. Except maybe Zac.

Isaac turned and walked out of the room. I watched him go down the hall. I am such an ass.

Corrine's P.O.V.

"Anna, okay, you have to promise me that you won't tell anybody this. Not even Ricky or whatever his name is. You have to promise me." I had called Anna last night, and she answered, then said "good-bye", and hung up. I knew she wouldn't talk.

"Okay, Corrine-Corrine. What is it?"

"You swear?"

"I swear. Okay, would you prefer if I tell you on the phone, or do you want me to come over?"

"Taylor asked you out, didn't he?"

"Damn you! How did you know?"

"It's so obvious! When's your first date?"

"I would assume tonight."

"Girl, you have got to come over here right now so we can primp you up! Or, better yet, why don't you just walk over. Maybe Taylor is watching for you."

"Oh Anna… You think?"

"I do!"


"Yes! Now I'll be expecting you. Chow!" Anna hung up quickly, her way of telling me to get a move on. I grabbed my jacket, slipped on some thong sandals, and after gathering Serena up to come with me, I left. Serena and I walked slowly in front of the Hanson residence, hoping for a little Hanson company. We both had our fingers crossed, me for Taylor, and Sari for Zac. We were lucky, because all of a sudden, the front door flew open, and Taylor and Zac came bounding out.

"How goes it?" Zac grinned, running over to us. Taylor ran over equally fast and soon was standing directly in front of me.

"Hello," Taylor said, a big grin plastering his face.

"Hey," I replied shyly.

"How are you?"

"Pretty tired, but I'm okay. How about you?"

"Same," Taylor laughed. "The guys absolutely would not let me sleep! They're almost worse then girls!" Zac overheard and pinched Taylor. Taylor rolled his eyes and shooed Zac away.

"What were you guys going to do today?" I asked.

"Um… rehearse. Call you. Ask you if you would want to go to a movie with me and dinner," Taylor explained slyly.

"How could I say no?"

"What movie?"

"Doesn't matter. What time?"

"How about 8:00. Dinner, then a movie."

"Sounds fun. What kind of food?"

"What's your favorite?"

"I don't have a favorite," I teased.

"Sure you do," he flirted back.

"Nope… What's yours?"


"Mine too!" I laughed. It was true, Italian had always been my favorite, and would probably always be. It doesn't matter what kind of Italian food it is- ravioli, spaghetti with meat sauce, angel hair pasta slathered in a light, tomato-based sauce- I'll love it.

"No, you're just teasing me."

"No, I'm serious! I've always loved Italian! My dad used to make killer Italian food! It was the best! Everything from portabello mushroom stuffed ravioli, with a light Alfredo sauce to lasagna. He was such a good cook…" I sighed, remembering the last time I tasted my dad's food. My mom was a wonderful cook, too, but preferred to experiment more. In fact, my parents met in a culinary class. It was an Italian class of course.

"Oh… how… interesting," Taylor chuckled. I blushed.

"Sorry. I do that sometimes…"

"Hey, don't forget my brother is Isaac. I'm used to it," Taylor smiled.

Taylor put his arm around my waist. Of course I only blushed a deeper red. I loved how he was trying to make me feel better. It was sweet, and made me like him even more.

I laughed in response.

"Yeah…" I looked over at my sister who was in deep conversation with Zac. Taylor followed my gaze then looked back at me, grinning.

"Do you want to come over this after noon?"


"Yeah! I mean, if you guys aren't busy…"

"No, we were just taking a walk," I smiled, completely forgetting Anna. His arm around me made my brain, and my legs, melt. The only thing I could think of was Taylor: Taylor's eyes, Taylor's lips, Taylor's skin, Taylor's clothes, not to mention Taylor's arm, which was still wrapped around my waist. Not thinking, I put my arm around his mid-back, still smiling at him.

Taylor's P.O.V.

"So," I said, as we walked up the walk to the front door. Zac and Serena were trailing behind, snickering at something unknown to us.

"So," she repeated. I glared at her, joking. Cory just smiled sweetly up at me. I tightened my arm around her waist. Just as we made it to the front door, Serena yelped this weak this yelp, and I stifled a laugh. Cory and I both turned our heads. Zac had just tried to put his arm around Serena's shoulder, and, much to his surprise received only a little attempt at a scream back. Serena was blushing furiously. I didn't blame her. I looked over at Cory, finding her hand covering her mouth, eyes wide, and her whole body shaking with silent laughter.

"Um, um, um, uhh… Cory? What a-about Anna?" Serena stuttered, looking wide eyed at her older sister, who was still laughing. Zac was now blushing a little, his arms crossed behind his back, and staring at the ground.

"What about her?" Cory managed to say. I looked at her just as she quit laughing and a look of realization crossed onto her face.

"Oh! Shoot! I'm so sorry, Tay, we have to be at Anna's house in," she dropped her head to look at her watch, "three seconds. I'm so completely sorry! But, we're still on for tonight, right?" Her eyes searched my face hopefully, brimming with emotions I couldn't tag. My happiness fell a few miles, not being able to spend the day with her. It was funny, we had known each other such a short time, and I already couldn't stand being without her. I gazed at her longingly, then smiled.

"Yeah, of course. I'll pick you up at eight."

"Great. Fancy? Or non-fancy?"


"Okay. Well, I guess I better go…" I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me in a tight hug. She hugged back, and pulled away.

"Bye," she whispered.

"Bye…" Serena and Cory left the porch, and once they were back on their way, Zac turned to me.

"What just happened?" he asked, frowning.

"Uh, I scheduled a date with Corrine?"

"No, Taylor! Serena! My arm! What happened?"

"I don't know, man." Zac and I went into the house.

"She's older than me, too! And I can't even touch her freaking shoulder! This is stupid!" Zac spazzed. We tromped up to our room, only to find Audrey and Isaac sitting apart from each other, tears running down Audrey's face. Isaac looked embarrassed, nervous, and scared, all at the same time. I had never seen him look that way. Isaac looked at us, his eyes pleading for us to save him. But we didn't need to save him. Audrey did first. She stood up and walked over to Zac and me. Her tears were gone and dry now.

"Screw you, Taylor. And screw you too, Zac. I hope you're happy. And I hope Isaac finds someone worse than me so that then you'll wish! You'll just wish you had never said anything!" Audrey hissed. She pushed past us, and I could hear her heels clicking down the stairs. The door slammed within a few seconds. Zac and I stared at Isaac, waiting for him to say something. He didn't, so we walked into the room, and sat on our beds. ,p>"What happened, man?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"We broke up," Isaac said. His voice cracked as he said it, which was something rare for him. I got down off of my bed and sat next to him. I put an arm around his shoulder and looked at him.

"I'm sorry."

Chapter Seven

Story Index
