Chapter 28

Corrine's P.O.V.
2 months later

I woke up to the sounds of my sister laughing. Sitting up and stretching, I glanced at the newly developed and framed picture of Shawn and I. Throughout the last two months, Shawn and I had become extremely close and my crush on him had returned. We were not official, even though we acted like it. We went everywhere together and did everything together whenever I was free. He had transferred to the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa for their medical program, and never failed to pick me up from school. It was a Saturday and I was happy. Shawn and I were going downtown to shop, and then back to his house to hang with Anna. Anna, although feeling a little ditched by me, was still supportive of our blossoming relationship and continued to be my best friend.

I threw back the cover and slipped on my light purple Steve Madden slippers. After visiting my bathroom, I trudged downstairs in search of toast, and to my big surprise, found Serena and Zac making out in the kitchen. We had not expected them to be back for at least another week, and I couldn't help but feel my anger and pain come rushing back.

I cleared my throat and Zac and Serena pulled away from each other quickly, blushing.

"Hello there, Mr. Zac Hanson. Long time no see!" I grabbed him in a hug and continued my search for toast.

"Off my man, woman!" Serena growled.

I laughed and popped my piece of bread in the toaster. "Call me when it's done, okay?"

I headed back for my room and passed my dad in the hallway. While Serena and I had been on tour, apparently our parents had had some vicious fights that always led to them making up in a not-so appropriate way. So, my parents were back together, although not married, but together.

I flung myself down on my bed again and looked up at the ceiling. Taylor was back in Tulsa and I just wasn't sure if I was ready to face him yet. He had hurt me so badly, and whenever I thought of him I always got mad.

Suddenly someone plopped down next to me and I screamed in surprise, my eyes flying open. I came face to face with a laughing Shawn and whacked his shoulder. He lifted me up into a giant hug and kissed me on the lips. I giggled and grabbed him in a hug again. We stood up together, holding hands.

"You, my friend, need some real clothes," he said, tangling one hand in my hair and the other pulling at my shirt.

"Yes, I guess I do, don't I?"


Shawn kissed my nose and walked to my closet. He pulled out a sweater and grabbed a pair of my khakis.


I blinked at him. "I need underwear."

An evil grin appeared on his face and he backed up to my dressed, opening a drawer, his back still to it. I felt my mouth drop. He knew where my underwear drawer was?

"Been doing a little snooping, have we?"

"Hey, it's my right."

I snorted. "What right? Are you my boyfriend? Noo…"

"But I'm planning on being your boyfriend, so I figured a little pre-relationship snooping couldn't hurt anything."

"Planning on it, eh?" I grinned. Was he asking me out?


I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the end of his hair. "When?"

Shawn grinned. "When?"

"Yeah, when?"

He kissed me. "How about now?"

"Sounds good to me."

We both grinned at each other and kissed again. Finally he broke away and pushed me towards the door, putting a bright red thong on top of my pile of clothing.

I looked at him in disbelief. "A thong? This isn't mine! Where did you g-"

"Just go!"

After I had dressed and fixed myself up, Shawn and I, hand in hand, walked outside to his car. And who did we see unloading suitcases but none other then Taylor Hanson. When he saw us walking to Shawn's beamer, Taylor put down the suitcase he was holding and stared with a look of disgust and pain at our hands. He then proceeded to have a realization come across him, when he looked up at our faces and waved, smiling nervously. Shawn and I blinked at him.

Shawn opened the car door for me, and fully aware of Taylor's glare, crushed his lips against mine. I knew it was mean, but I didn't care. Taylor deserved every ounce of pain he had.

We pulled away and Shawn closed the car door. I looked out the window at Taylor. A blank stare masked his usual alertness and I felt a jolt of guilt run through me. Taylor still had his gaze locked on me when we pulled away from the driveway. I sucked in a deep breath and smiled at Shawn. I wasn't going to let Taylor ruin my life- again.

Chapter 29
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