Chapter 25

Zac's P.O.V.

Well, Taylor and Corrine were back to their usual lovey-dovey state. Nobody knows what went on in that dressing room after our concert in New Orleans, but something happened. Either Taylor had apologized for being stupid and had not told her his, ahem, secret, or he had apologized for being stupid, admitted his little fling and apologized, and Corrine had been in an incredibly forgiving mood and waved away his cheating problems. But, the latter was not likely. I figured, knowing Corrine, if he had told her about the "other woman", Cory would have gone ballistic and left the tour faster than the blink of an eye. And no matter how much I craved to tell Corrine that she was being played- even though Taylor was my brother-, I refused to let myself burst. Serena was in the same predicament, but together we held strong.

The six of us, Isaac, Anna, Cory, Taylor, Serena, and I were all hanging in the back of the bus trying to talk Cory into continuing on being our opening act. It was three days after the New Orleans concert and a day after our Six Flags concert in Arlington (which had gone splendid if you ask me). Although Serena and I both thought that Corrine was itching to do another concert, she was refusing.

"Come on, Cory," Serena whined. "Please? I want to hear some of your other songs!"

"Then I'll go get my guitar," she shrugged. Everyone exchanged frustrated glances.

"Why won't you do another concert? What has changed?" I asked her.

"Nothing, really, I just don't feel like it."

"You know you want to," Taylor growled (with sexual intensions woven through, I'm sure).

"I know that I really don't want to. As much as I enjoyed it, I just can't bring myself to muster up any more courage."

"Corrine!" Anna moaned. "You were meant to be a singer! God does not give a person a voice like that if he doesn't have intentions for them to use it!"

"Well, then, I've used it now."

There was a chorus of groans and a group rolling-of-the-eyes. Taylor shifted nervously in his seat and glanced at his watch for about the millionth time in five minutes. Serena and I exchanged glances. We had a feeling that even though Taylor and Corrine were fine again, Taylor was going to keep on cheating.

Taylor stood up, smiling down at Corrine and looked at the rest of us. "I'm going to go get a soda from the machines. Anyone want one?"

We were parked at a rest stop for the night. The driver needed more sleep, so we had pulled over to let him rest. Sodas were something we needed to restock on, so the only way to get a soda was to go to the machines outside. And Taylor was going to them. I smelt Cassandra.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I stepped out into the cool evening air. The crickets were already chirping, even though it was only 7'o'clock. My mission was to go tell Cassandra that it was over; I wasn't cheating on Corrine anymore because I couldn't take it and it wasn't fair to Corrine. My destination was the soda machines. I had full intentions of buying soda's, (one for me, one for Cory, one for Zac, and one for Jessie), but I also had full intentions of pushing Cassandra away once and for all.

I ran my fingers through my hair nervously and walked around to the machines. Cassandra was already there and immediately flung her arms around me. This was what made it so hard. I gently pushed her off of me and held her at arms length.

"Sandy, we can't do this anymore. It isn't going to work. I'm sorry."

Cassandra's face went to a confused frown. "What do you mean? Did Corrine find out?"

"No, no she didn't and I'm going to keep it that way."

A glare slid coolly onto her face. "We are going to keep doing this!" Cassandra yelled frustrated, stomping her foot.

"No," I said softly. "We aren't."

"If you actually break up with me, then I'm going to go straight to Corrine."

I had known she would use this tactic. "Fine," I shrugged. "It's my word against yours."

Corrine's P.O.V.

"You know," I started, looking around at the bunch that was gathered in the back of the bus. "That really is a lot of soda's for Taylor to carry," Zac snorted, "so I'm going to go help him."

I stood up and started walking out of the bus when Serena called to me.

"What?" I asked as I marched back to lounge area.

"Um, uh," my sister stuttered. Zac nudged her. "I want a soda, too."

I smiled and laughed at her. "Okay."

I turned around and walked out of the bus towards the soda machines.

Serena's P.O.V.

"What was that all about?" Isaac asked me. I glanced at Zac who was nodding.

"We think Taylor is cheating on Corrine."

"What?!" Isaac and Anna yelled.

"Well," Zac swallowed. "I saw that Cassandra girl that Taylor met walking away from the bus a few days ago with his hat. And he's been pretty distant, so we were thinking that he was just feeling guilty."

Isaac held his head in his hands. "You guys! I don't think Taylor would do something like that! Do you, Anna?"

Anna shrugged with a blank stare on her face.

Zac and I looked at each other miserably. "Let's just hope Ike's right."

Taylor's P.O.V.

Cassandra had finally relented! I could hear the angels singing from heaven. I was free! I WAS FREE! Thank the heavenly lord above.

"Well," Cassandra said, sniffling. "Could I just have one more kiss goodbye?"

I shrugged and sighed. What harm could be done?

Corrine's P.O.V.

I walked, smiling and humming, towards the soda machines. Life was perfect. Taylor was perfect, I was perfect, my friends were perfect, my family was perfect, and the night was perfect. Life was just perfect.

As I neared the machines I heard sniffing. Hm. I guess Taylor has a cold.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I leaned in and Cassandra's lips met mine. I tried to savor that last kiss. Because the only lips I would hopefully ever kiss again would belong to one person. Corrine.

Corrine's P.O.V.

I peered around the soda machines and nothing in my entire life could have prepared me for what I saw. Taylor was standing there, looking at the machines with money in hand, but the way the last few streaks of light hit his face was amazing, and I fell in love with him all over again.

"Hey Taylor, " I smiled, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist from the side. He jumped back in surprise and I giggled. "Gotcha."

Taylor took in a deep breath and his eyes blinked quickly a few times. "H-hey, Corrine."

Taylor's P.O.V.

Wow. That was a close one. If Corrine had come but a second earlier, she would have been face to face with Cassandra and me. Scary.

Corrine's P.O.V.

"Oh, Taylor, um, Serena decided she wanted a soda, do you have enough money, or should I go back to get some?" I asked him.

I watched as he counted his money. "Um, I think I need like, a quarter more."

"Never fear!" I laughed. "Corrine is here!" Taylor rolled his eyes at me. "I'll go get one."

I took a running start for the bus laughing.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I sighed in contentment and once again repeated in my mind, I'm free. It was right then that somebody popped out at me again. I jumped, startled, and put a hand to my heart, breathing heavily. These girls are going to have to stop doing that to me!

I felt Cassandra's arms on my neck again. "Just one more kiss?" she begged. "Please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. One more. But then go, okay?"

She nodded and leant in towards me.

Corrine's P.O.V.

I skipped back to the machines, quarter in hand. Ah, glorious day. I am too happy for my good, I thought, rolling my eyes and smiling. And right I was. As I rounded the corner for my machines, I felt my whole world come crashing down. Taylor was kissing another girl.

Chapter 26

Story Index
