Chapter 20

A few weeks later in Portland, Oregon

I sat in the bus on the couch in the back with Corrine and Anna, checking myself over for any stubborn bruises. Most of my owies had faded fairly quickly with the help of Diana and her miracle creams. I don't know what that stuff is but it helps. A lot.

So there the three of us were, in the bus, which was parked beside the Crystal Ballroom. The Hanson children were all with us in the bus, doing their own thing. Zoë was wandering around the driver seat having some how figured out the lock on the partition between the driver cabin and the heart of the bus. Jessie and Avie were at the table in the kitchenette munching on peanut butter and bananas on graham crackers, giggling over a joke book they had purchased in Seattle. Mackie was in his bunk doing schoolwork.

"Do you want to get Zoë?" Corrine asked me.


"Fine," Corrine sighed, getting up. She picked up Zoë, who had been staring at the group of girls gathered outside the bus. Corrine waved and smiled at the people, and as I peeked through the window, I saw one girl hold up a sign that read, "Death to All Girlfriends". I sighed and shut the blinds again. How annoying. These so-called fans didn't know anything. They didn't know about Zac's secret hankering for Three Musketeers bars at 2 am or his need for Colgate. They didn't know about Taylor's black coffee addiction, they didn't know about his Know-It-All Syndrome. They didn't know about Isaac's slut addiction or the different tones in his voice. But I did. Corrine did and so did Anna. And they didn't.

Corrine carried Zoë back to Jessie and Avie, and then walked back to our portion of the bus. "You guys are so lazy," she sighed.

"Hey," I warned. "When you get shot in the arm or attacked in the middle of a public park THEN you can talk about being lazy."

At this, my sister grew quiet and I sighed, satisfied. I peeked out the window again and saw Diana making a run for the bus. Immediately, I got up and walked to the front of the bus to meet her. She stepped in, quickly opening and shutting the door. "Those fans are nuts!" she exclaimed. "I thought they were going to shoot me with their water guns!"

I laughed. "That would explain the little spurts of 'rain' on the windows.

"Yes. Well, I just thought I should let you know that the boys have to do an emergency meet'n'greet with a fan. Her dad was stabbed while they were waiting in line and so for compensation we're letting her meet the boys. Although if I were her, I wouldn't want to meet them!"

Diana and I laughed. "That's awful," I sighed. "What have Hanson fans come to?"

"Oh, no, it was a bum who was asking for money or something similar to that. The dad refused and the bum stabbed him."

I gasped. "That's horrible!"

"Yes, it truly is. Money is the root of all evil," Diana commiserated.


"So when exactly will your aunt be here?" Diana asked. Corrine had called our family here so that we could visit them during the concert. Cory and I were both really excited because we hadn't been able to see our family for a while.

"Probably at about…" I paused, looking at my watch. "Probably at seven. We're going to go eat dinner, so…"

Diana smiled, nodding. "Okay. That sounds good. Well the boys are going to call you or Corrine when they're done with the meet and greet and you can go see them."

"Okie dokie! Sounds good to me."

I walked back down to where Cory and Anna sat. They were talking about Jolene, our cousin, who Cory and Anna were good friends with. (Anna had met Jolene when she had visited us last summer and the two had become good friends.)

"Yeah, did she tell you about her new boyfriend? Oh, hi Sari," Corrine said, nodding at me. She turned back to Anna. "Apparently he is completely GORGEOUS! And he's sweet and nice and romantic."

"Really?" Anna grinned. "How cute! What does he look like?"

"Well I haven't seen his picture yet, but I think he's from the Philippines or something. You know, really tan skin, dark hair… He's supposed to be really tall and buff, too."

"Ooo, so he's perfect for Jolene then!"

Jolene was the complete opposite of Corrine and I because she was adopted. She has strawberry blonde hair, a fair complexion, blue eyes, and was about 5'8 and very thin.

"Very. And he likes the same kind of music and loves ballet. Isn't that amazing?"

It was important for Jolene's boyfriend to like and appreciate the art of dance. Jolene has been a dancer from the day she was born. Next summer she's planning on going to dance companies and trying out, even though Aunt Lana and Uncle Brian want Jolene to go to college.

"I wish I could find a guy like that," Anna sighed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "You have Isaac. He's perfect for you, Ann."

"I know, but…"

"You don't like Isaac anymore?" I insisted, greedy for info.

"No, it's not that I don't like him, but let's face it, he is no Romeo."

A goofy grin interrupted Corrine's serious face. "Taylor is."

I groaned. "Don't even get her started…" I warned Anna.

"I know! She's awful, isn't she?" Anna laughed.

"Completely. She's worse than… than… Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind". Rose in "Titanic"! Um… Oo! Julia Roberts in "My Best Friends' Wedding"."

"Umm… right Sari. But anyways…"

"I can't wait till we meet Jolene's new boyfriend," Cory sighed.

"Yeah me too," Anna agreed.

"Does this guy have a name or is he simply Jolene's new boyfriend?"

"His name is Heath, for your information."

"As in Heath Ledger?" I gasped.

"Yes, as in Heath Ledger."

"Holy moly, now I really want to meet this guy!" I exclaimed.

My cell phone started singing the tune of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" (which I renamed "Take Me Out to the Hanson Concert"), and I blinked at it.

"Are you going to pick it up?" Corrine asked, insisting in her own special way.

"What? I like the song, okay?" I picked up my cell phone and read the caller ID. It said "Pillow Lips", my name for Zac in my address book, so I turned it on immediately.

"Hey Zac-Zac," I smiled.

"Don't call me that," Zac complained.

"Fine, then don't call me baby."

"Okay, you can call me Zac-Zac."

I groaned.

"So what's up? How did the meet'n'greet go?"

"Well… the girl was pretty upset, so she was kind of distracted. But I think she felt a lot better after I hugged her."

I knew Zac was grinning, hoping I would be jealous.

"You're so sweet," was all I said.

I heard Zac sigh. "Anyway, if you three want to come over, that'd be great. Isn't mom there to watch the kids?"

"Yeah, she's laughing at a joke with Avie and Jessie," I said, looking over at Diana and the girls.

"Cool. That's a good book, I stole it from Jess yesterday and read it."

"I know," I replied drolly. "Avie and Jessie came looking for it right after you guys left to warm-up. I found it on your bed. Right next to the Playboy."

"Playboy? What Playboy?"

"The Playboy with Britney Spears on the cover."

"Ohh… well see, I figure one day I could make a lot of money off of that thing," Zac stuttered.

"Yeah. Sure. I believe you Zac. I really do."

"No you don't."

"Okay, so I don't," I shrugged, laughing. My boyfriend's lust for Britney didn't bug me that much, except for the fact that he was in a love with a plastic wannabe Barbie. (A.N. No offence to any Britney fans. It's nothing against her, just part of Serena's character.)

"Um, yeah, so onto a lighter topic. Are you guys going to be coming over soon?"

"Yeah, I just have to grab my raincoat," I laughed. It wasn't raining, but the fans were armed with water guns and probably water balloons, as the fans at the previous concert had.

Zac laughed. "That would probably be a good idea."


"Well we'll see you in a few minutes, then?"


"Hey, Serena?"


"You aren't mad at me because of the Playboy, are you?"

"No. Why should I be? I understand male's sexual urges. Not that I have any, but anyways. Just next time hide it better, because what if Mackie or worse, Zoe, had ventured into your bunk? They would have grabbed that and flaunted it in front of your whole family. So…"

"Yeah, you're right. Did you hide it for me?"

I grinned. Boy had I hid it from him. "Yup."

"Okay thanks."

"No problem-o."

"Okay, well bye."


I hung up my cell phone and immediately was cornered by Anna and Cory. They had hungry looks on their faces and I was truly scared. And surprised there wasn't any drool running down their chins.

"Whoa, guys, what's the problem?" I held my hands up to back them off.

"Playboy?" Cory asked.

"Never mind, it's a long story," I said, brushing them off. I didn't want to further embarrass Zac, as much as I loved humiliating him. That was just going too far.

"We have time," Anna said sweetly.

"No, we don't. We have to go meet them. But if you breathe a word of this to Zac, Taylor, Isaac, or anybody else, I will personally hunt you down and choke you. Got it?"

Anna and Cory looked down at their shoes. "Yeah."


I led the way to the makeshift coat rack, grabbed my coat, and barreled out of the bus. I was immediately met by screaming and squirts of water. Cory and Anna ran into me in a mad rush to the door, and it swung open just as we got to it. Running inside, we were met by Walker and our boyfriends, who swept us into tight hugs.

"Hey," Zac breathed.

"Hi. Oh, I brought you a candy bar," I smiled, pulling the secret candy out of my coat pocket. I had bought it at the 7-11 when no one was watching and slid it into my pocket for Zac.

Zac's face lit up. "Thank you!"

"Oh yeah, sure, it was no biggie."

"When did you buy this?"

"At the 7-11."

"But I was with you the whole time!" he exclaimed.

"Remember when I rushed inside to use the bathroom at the last second?"

"Oh… I see. Well thank you. I had a craving."

"How did I know?" I laughed.

"We have a psychic connection," Zac winked. We linked arms and strolled to the boys' dressing room with the others. By the time we reached the dressing room, the other four had sat, one couple per couch, and Cory and Anna were gushing about Jolene and Heath. Zac and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Zac whispered.

"Don't you have to stay with the others just in case something happens?"

"Yeah," Zac blinked. "So?"

I laughed, and agreed to his plan. Without the others noticing, we stepped outside the room hand-in-hand and bumped face first into Walker and Christopher Sabec.

"Damn," Zac muttered.

Walker and Chris looked down at us with a little bit of surprise on their faces.

"Hey guys, what are you up to?" Walker asked, smiling.

"We were just going for a walk," Zac said, giving his dad and manager and tight-lipped smile. We turned quickly on our heels and started speed walking in the other direction.

"Now wait just a minute there," Chris called after us. "Where do you think you two are going?"

"On a walk," Zac tossed over his shoulder. We made it to the corner and broke into a run as we turned it, dropping hands. Running around two more corners, dodging several people and sound equipment, food carts, and all-around clutter, we ducked into a little cupboard-like hole in the wall that was completely dark.

"That was fun," I sputtered, breathing hard. My ribs hurt from breathing, and my stomach muscles ached, still sore from the attack.

"Yeah," Zac agreed.

"What now?" I whispered when I began breathing more normally.

"I dunno."

I shivered a little, and Zac scooted closer, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and I knew exactly where he was taking this and what he had in mind.

"Where could they have gone?" Two sets of feet stopped in front of the little cubby and we immediately pulled away from each other, trying to hold our breath.

"I have no idea." Walker paused. "Can I get some personnel?" Walker spoke into his walky-talky as he and Chris strode off.

Zac and I heaved sighs of relieve and once again, his lips found their way to mine.

Corrine's P.O.V.

Two Hours Later

"Jolene!" I squealed, running for my cousin. Serena, Anna, and I had left the boys to their own devices about a half hour ago and changed and got ready for our family outing. And now our family had arrived.

"Cory!" Jolene shrieked back. We embraced and sighed. Once again, I was with my other half. I went through the circle of family, exchanging hugs, greetings, jokes, etc. with Serena right behind me. Anna stood to the side and talked with Jolene. As I neared the end of the line, I realized I had never met Jolene's new boyfriend Heath. After I had hugged my Uncle Brian, I stormed over to Jolene.

"Where is Heath?" I exclaimed.

Jolene's happy smile was replaced with a smug one. "He's meeting us at the restaurant."

"Oh I see."

"Where are the famous Hanson brothers I've been so eager to meet?"

"Oh, do you want to go meet them? I didn't think you would…"

"Do I want to meet the man who will probably marry my favorite cousin?" Serena pouted. "No offence Serena, I love you too." Serena's face brightened again. "Yes I want to meet him!" Jolene laughed.

"Okay, you'll have to come inside with me if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Do you guys want to start walking to the restaurant and we'll follow?" Jolene asked her mom.

"Sure, honey. We'll see you soon."

The horde started walking down the sidewalk, and Jolene, Anna, and I stayed behind. For a second, Jolene, Anna, and I huddled together and talked for a second.

"I've missed you guys so much!" Jolene exclaimed. We had a little group hug, and laughed at ourselves.

"I missed you, too!" I said.

"Me three!" Anna grinned.

"So, can I meet Prince Charming?"

"Yeah." I took in a deep breath and slid my key into the back door.

We entered and Jolene giggled. "I've never been backstage before at a concert. I feel so… important!"

Anna and I giggled along.

Upon approaching the guys' dressing room, Jolene stopped.

"What?" I asked her.

Her eyes went big and her face turned red. "I'm nervous! Okay, okay, so I'm a closet fan. I can't help it!"

Anna and I looked at each other and tried not to laugh.

"Oh. Well they're just regular guys, nothing special, believe me!" Anna laughed.

"And what is that about us just being regular guys?" Zac appeared in the doorframe of their dressing room with his arms crossed and feet crossed, one eyebrow up, and leaning on the frame.

"Um, no, we were talking about some other guys we know from Tulsa. Don't worry, Zac, you are definitely the least normal person I know!" I laughed.

Zac scowled. "Shut up."

We followed Zac into the dressing room and found Taylor half naked (without a shirt). I grinned and he grinned and everybody laughed.

"Hey sexy," I grinned, walking up to him.

"Hey delicious," he said, his voice incredibly husky.

"Delicious?" I frowned.

He shrugged. "I couldn't think of anything else to say."

Everybody laughed, and Taylor pulled on a wife beater.

"Tay, this is my cousin Jolene," I smiled, gesturing toward my nervous cousin.

"Oh, the infamous Jolene, whom I've heard so much about," Taylor beamed warmly.

"Hi," Jolene said shyly. Taylor held out his hand and she shook it, along with Isaac's and Zac's hands.

I leaned over to Taylor. "You need to go to the bathroom?" I whispered.

"No, why?" Taylor whispered back with a confused look.

I slid my arm behind his back when no one could see and pinched his cute little bum.

Taylor sucked in a deep breath, his eyes became wide, and he grinned. "Actually, now that you mention it…"

We grabbed hands and as we were about to slip in the bathroom unnoticed, Anna looked at her watch. "Well, looks like it's time to go!" she exclaimed.

"God dammit," Taylor murmured.

I laughed.

"You're such a tease," Taylor scowled.

I grinned. "I know."

Chapter 21

Story Index
