Chapter 14

Three Hours Later

My bunk curtain slid slowly open. I had been awake for about an hour now, trying to go back to sleep. The clock read two' o'clock, but I wasn't surprised to find my faithful bed partner slip in. I was assuming this would go on for as long as Taylor and I could let it go unnoticed. We both knew one night a parent or blabbermouth sibling would be awake and Taylor and I would get busted, to be perfectly honest.

"Hi," Taylor whispered as quietly as possible, settling himself. He wrapped his arms around me. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah. I can't sleep. I've been awake for about an hour now."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm sorry about what happened at the Hard Rock Café."

"Oh, it's not your fault. Zac crossed a line. He's been doing that more and more often. I hate to say this, but Zac is starting to hate the fans, in the sense that he doesn't get any privacy."

"Poor guy. Maybe he'll grow out of it."

"I hope so."

"Taylor, do you think we'll ever get caught?"

"Doing what?"

"This, Taylor."

Taylor didn't respond for a minute, and then sighed. "Maybe. I don't see why it would be such a big deal. It's not like we're going to have sex or anything."

"Yeah. I mean that would be so disgusting!" I giggled.

"Having sex with me?"

"No! No, having sex on the bus while everybody's on the bus. That would be disgusting."

"I know!" Taylor grinned.

I laughed and settled back into his arms. Taylor sighed and rested his chin on my head.



"Well, Anna's brother has always been my best guy friend. I have also had the biggest crush on him for a long time. I don't like him anymore, of course, but I called him before you guys came back home to talk, and he said that he loved me." I had no idea why I was telling this to Taylor, but I ended up telling him. As soon as I had said the word, "love", Taylor sat up quickly.


"But don't worry, Tay, I told him no. I just thought I should let you know."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm glad you told him no," Taylor sighed, laying back down. He situated himself once again, but I could feel his uneasiness. I turned over so we were face to face.

"You don't have worry, Tay. I'm serious. There's nothing between him and me, and never will be. Please don't be like this, Taylor. I only told you because if I didn't I would feel dishonest, and I thought you would want to know. Shawn won't try anything unless I tell him it's okay."

"Well, I know, it's just that that's some pretty big competition. I mean not to sound possessive of you or whatever. You've had a crush on him for a long time, and were really close with him. And you've only known me for, I don't know. Three weeks? Come on, Corrine. Can't you see my point of view?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Taylor, I-"

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault," Taylor sighed.

"Let's just go to sleep."

And so we did, after a few minutes. Once again, when I awoke the next morning, Taylor was long gone. The next day was pretty much playtime. Anna, Serena, and I went out shopping for a few hours in Chicago and collected some great clothes. After our shopping spree, however, everybody gathered back together at the tour bus and were on our way once more to New York, where the guys would do some promoting. And then after New York, we would go back to Tulsa where the boys would actually start playing shows.

"Wow, I can't believe it's only three in the afternoon," Diana commented, staring through the window. The guys, Walker, and her were checking out the rough draft of the set list for the kick-off show in Tulsa in four days. "I got so much done today."

I passed through the area in which the five were talking and made my way back down to the couch area to play Monopoly with Avie and Jessie. Anna was in charge of Mackie and Zoë, and Serena was asleep.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled, sitting down on the floor. The game had been set up on the floor, and the three of us were in a circle around it.

"Hi," smiled Avie. "I already claimed the dog."

"And I already claimed the top hat, so you can have any of the other ones," Jessie explained.

"Okie dokie." I picked the horse out of the selection and set him on the "Go" space.

We started playing, Jessie first, Avie second, and me third, when Zac comes bounding down the bus only to manage to run around me and skid onto our board.

"Zac!" whined Avie and Jessie. I covered my mouth and tried to keep from laughing.

"Zac, get off the board," I mumbled, trying my hardest not to crack up.

"Okay," Zac grinned, stepping off of the Monopoly board. "I just wanted to ask you if we could use one of your songs? Taylor found it in your bunk, I'm not even going to ask, and showed it to us. It's really good, so can we use it?"

"Which one is it?"

"I believe it is called Those City Days."

"Um, I'm sorry, but, that one is kind of personal, so I have to say no. That song has to have a certain tone, a certain feeling. If anyone sings that song it's going to be me."

"You're going to sing it at our concert? Really?"

"N-" I started, confused.


"WHAT?" Taylor and Isaac exclaimed, coming running. Jessie and Avie threw up their hands in exasperation and got up muttering.

"You're going to sing?" Taylor grinned. He ran over to me and hugged me.

"What? No I never said I would sing. I just said that if anyone sings Those City Days it's gotta be me. You know when you write a song and you just can't stand it if somebody else sings it because they haven't been through exactly what you have? And they just don't know what's the right feeling to sing it with? That's how it is with Those City Days."

Isaac, Taylor, and Zac nodded with disappointment hovering on their faces. I sighed, trying to resist the urge to agree to sing.

"Would you at least sing it for us?" Isaac asked, looking hopeful. "I still have never heard your voice."

I looked down at my feet and shrugged. "Can't hurt. But I need an acoustic guitar. Any of you guys have one handy?"

Isaac ran down to his bunk and pulled one out, bringing it back to me.

I played the intro carefully, my eyes closed. The song was old, and I hadn't played it for a while, but my fingers knew exactly where to go, as did my voice.

"I sit at my window, watching for some sort of hope. My patience has run low; I'm at the end of my rope. The tornado came and ruined my life, so I'm stuck here in this place. I'm waiting for someone who might, just take me into their grace. Because those city days have torn me. Because those city days have worn me. Because those city days are gone, and I'm getting tired of being wrong. Because those city days are gone, those city days are gone…" I sung, my voice bringing tears into my eyes. "You don't know why, and you don't know how, you've gone awry, but it's killing you anyhow. If only you'd hold me just once more, I know I'd be safe in those arms. But you've closed that door, and you won't keep me from any harms…" I traveled off and looked at Taylor, Isaac, and Zac. Their mouths were as big as tea saucers and I grinned. Finally they smiled back at me and started to clap. Taylor ran over to me and kneeled in front of me.

"You absolutely have to sing for an audience, please, please, please, please, PLEASE? For me?" Taylor asked hopefully.

"I just did sing for an audience," I smirked.

"No! You know what I mean!" Taylor beckoned to his brothers and the three chanted together. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, plea-"

"FINE! Just shut UP for heaven sakes! If it means that much to you," I mumbled, shaking my head and standing. "Ridiculous, just ridiculous what I do for other people," I muttered, walking down the hallway. Diana and Walker still sat at the table but were grinning as I passed.

"We heard you sing," Diana smiled. "You're going to need your own tour if you ask us," she winked.

"Aw, thanks. I'm not that good," I laughed. "I don't know, this should be fun. As long as nobody in the audience knows I'm a girlfriend, I'll be fine."

Diana and Walker laughed, shaking their head. "You'll be fine," commented Diana. "They couldn't hate you, your voice is too good. I'm serious, honey. It's wonderful."

"Thank you," I smiled. I turned around and walked to the back of the bus. Avie and Jessie were gone, so I sat back in the couch and waited for dinnertime.

Serena's P.O.V.

Dinner Time

"So where are we going, again?" Cory asked as she stepped off of the bus. She could be SUCH a ditz sometimes it wasn't even FUNNY! Zac and I stood side-by-side next to the tour bus, our arms linked.

"Some fancy restaurant called IHOP!" Zac laughed with his pillowy lips, his wonderful lips curving into a smile. Zac and his lips. They were just… wonderful, beautiful, amazing lips. I wondered how a person, not only a person but also a GUY, could have such great lips! He has better lips than I do, and my lips are pretty wonderful if you ask mwa!

Ah, the joys of being a Hanson's girlfriend. Well, not officially, but pr-etty close, according to everybody and their uncle. Zac got THIS close- just this close- to asking me out a few nights back. But nooo! Boys and their stupid nerves! Jeez! And Taylor and his PMS! He got so pissed when I asked him if I could use his mascara (tee-hee-hee!). I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. The boy is way too damned good looking for his own good. The guy looks like a girl! It's hopeless! Even I'M jealous of his frickin' good looks.

Anyway, back to the joys of being a Hanson girlfriend. First of all, I'm just that. A frickin' Hanson's girlfriend! Second of all, I get to piss off a lot of girly teenyboppers. The death-threats just kill me! Third of all, I know the inside scoop. I know all of the new lyrics, the schedule, etc. etc. etc. It's fan-tabulous!

I know you readers are pretty getting damn sick of me by now. Heck, I would be sick of me too! Wait… yeah… okay. Anyway, just put up with me. Zac and his pillow lips do! And whatever Zac and his pillow lips put up with, you can too! Zac and his lips… Oops, I'm getting off of the subject.

So, anyway, there the entire Hanson clan, Anna, and I were standing, and here Corrine comes, asking for the freaking millionth time where we're going to eat. It's called FOOD! Jeez! That should be information enough! Corrine came over and stood beside me, with boy wonder Taylor trailing behind her along with his drool. Really, the way they act is sickening. Just disgusting. Like we don't know what Taylor's been doing. He really needs to oil his curtain, because in the middle of the night, when he abandons his bunk for Corrine's, squeak, squeak!

"IHOP. Hmm… okay," Corrine smiled. Might I say again, DITZ!

Zac, Taylor, Isaac, Corrine, and I decided to walk to the restaurant. The rest of the group was taking the two cars. Anna would've gone with us, but it was her turn to take care of the kids. The five of us started off down the sidewalk after saying farewell to the band of Hanson's and the Robins girl. Mr. Hanson had forced us to take along the bodyguard. Personally I think Zac and his pillow lips could pretty much scare off any psychos or crazed teenyboppers. All he would have to do is pucker up and bye!

It wasn't until we were half way to the restaurant when the bodyguard, Louis, and his stiffness started to get to me. So I turned around and walked with him.

"So, Louis."

"Yes?" Louis didn't even glance at me. Although I could hear Zac up in front of me snickering, which made it all the more fun.

"How come you're so stiff? Why don't you loosen up a bit? Come on! Have some fun for once!"

"It's my job to be serious and stiff."

"Uh huh, and my name is Frank. Come on, Lou! Have some fun!"

"I'm sorry, but no."

"Can't you even swing your arms when you walk?" I bargained.


"So, may I ask you something?"


"Okay. Who exactly put the giant stick up your ass? Was it your boss, or were you just born like that?" As soon as the words escaped my lips I took off in a run. The group was laughing hysterically, but the bodyguard didn't even flinch. I was surprised, but I slowed back down and started walking with Louis again.

"So, Louis."

The bodyguard made no attempt to respond.

"I think the guys might like you better if you'd loosen up."


"Wouldn't you guys?" I persisted. Taylor and Isaac shrugged indifferently, continuing their conversation with Corrine, and Zac just laughed.

"See? I knew they would! Come on, Louie, baby, have some fun!"

"You really like saying come on, don't you?" Louis said, still looking straight in front of him.

"Louis. Look at me. I'm a human!" I reached up and grabbed Louis's cheeks and tried to move his head so it would face me, but no such luck. "Whatever!" I sighed, as we reached the restaurant. "I give up!"

Isaac opened the door to IHOP, and the group of us filed inside, Louis, of course, behind us. The rest of the clan greeted us inside and the waitress took us to a banquet room. (I laughed so hard when I heard the only way we could all sit together was in a banquet room.)

"What are you going to have, Zaccy-Zac?" I asked, as I stared at my menu.

"I don't know. What about you?"

"A cheeseburger."

"A cheeseburger? I'm going to see if they have something better than this crap on the menu."

"Zachary Hanson, what is with you? Knock it off right now!"

Zac rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. "Whatever."

"Do not whatever your mother Zac! What has gotten into you?" Walker frowned. The entire table was dead silent. "First it was the Hard Rock, and now IHOP? I think you need a reality check, Zachary Walker. You are not better than everybody else and can have a simple cheeseburger, for heaven's sake, Zachary!"

Zac looked down at his menu with his jaw set, and his dad continued staring at him.

"I think I'm going to go the restroom," Corrine said slowly, getting up from her place.

"Me too," I nodded, getting up.

"Me too," Anna echoed.

"Me three," said Taylor. Soon, the entire family excepting Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Zac left, after receiving pleading looks from Zac.

"Whoa," I sighed, looking at Corrine.

"I hope he's okay," Taylor stated, with a worried look on his face.

"You pansy!" I laughed. "He's practically bigger than Walker! And he knows how to connect his brain and mouth, ya' know."

Taylor rolled his eyes. "You have not ever dealt with our parents, Serena. It is one tough tango if you ask me."

I rolled my eyes right back at Taylor and started walking toward the bathroom. Anna and Corrine joined up with me, holding onto the kids' hands. Isaac and Taylor hung back to talk, though, along with Mack, so it was just us girls.

"Well, Sari, looks like your boyfriend is into a big load of… um… yeah," Corrine mumbled, looking down at Zoë, who was on her hip.

"I know you were going to say crap, Cory," Jessie said, rolling her eyes. "After all, I am twelve."

"Oh. Well, anyway, I agree with Taylor. Zac is sure in for it."

Three Hours Later

"Oh, and Auntie Em, there really is, no place like home," Dorothy cried, hugging her aunt. Jessie and I finished off the bowl of popcorn. It was nine, three hours after IHOP, and Jessie and I were settled in one of the other "rooms" on the bus. We had just finished watching the Wizard of Oz and were soon wondering what to watch next.

"How about…" Jessie shifted through their collection of movies. "How about Titanic? That way I can stay up a lot longer than mom would normally let me!"

"I heard that," Diana smiled, entering the area. "We just reached New York City, so I'm afraid we'll actually be moving into the Plaza in a half hour."

"What? Why? I hate moving into hotels! How long are we even going to be in that one?"

"Three days, honey. I'm really sorry, but you know the only way we can keep your brother's career fueled is if we do this stuff. And it's very important for us to go along. They need a solid family base."

"I know, I know," Jessie sighed, settling back down into the couch.

"So gather everything you're going to need in the hotel because I'm not letting anybody go down to the bus without Louis. There was a picture of us all in The National Enquirer and I don't want any creeps or petifiles to attack my babies," Diana explained.

"Yeah, and we all know Taylor is every petifiles dream," Jessie snorted. I stifled a laugh and nudged her. Diana rolled her eyes and kept on going down the bus to let other people know.

"Jessie, you don't like doing this much, do you?" I asked. I was in one of my calmer moods, so I could be sympathetic.

"Not really. I'd rather be home with my friends. They all get to do normal stuff. I can't even go out into my own yard without being bombarded by the stupid fans. I hate this. I can't even do ballet class because I'm gone most of the time. What about me? Why is it always about them and their stupid band? I hate living in their shadows," Jessie frowned, picking at the hem of her shorts. I pulled her to me and hugged her. Playing big sister was an interesting sport.

"I'm sorry. Maybe you should talk to your parents so you could arrange to stay with someone. Hey, maybe you could stay with my mom! It's right close to your house and a lot of times she's home during the day. And she's really laid back so you could do pretty much whatever you wanted," I smiled, trying to cheer Jessie up.

A smile lit up her face. "Hey, yeah, that's a great idea! I'll ask my mom. But right now we should probably pack," Jessie sighed. "Mom will have a cow if we don't."

"Um, I believe you're mistaken. She already had Taylor, so you need to switch to a different thing that your mom will have."

Jessie laughed and shook her head, standing up. "I suppose we should start packing. We're rooming together, right?"

"Yup. It's you, Avie, Anna, Cory, and me. So two to a bed and one to a couch or a cot. Whichever happens."

"Okay. Well, let's hop to it," Jessie smiled, extending her hands out to me. I took them and she pulled me up.

Chapter 15

Story Index
