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NBHS Golden Hurricanes Marching Band

Saver's Website

Dare you click me?

Listen up, I'm actually going to update my site within this week O_o!!! Look forward to it!


Updated April 9, 2004


Updates on the site
December 30, 2003 Round #3 has begun in the message board.
December 11, 2003 I have added a message board finally to this site. Please don't use the guestbook for conversation but just for signing. If you want to say something, use the message board but please follow the rulz given or it can be shut off.
November 19, 2003 I had to delete a couple of things here due to the problem of bandwidth. Gonna work some more for a while.
November 14, 2003 Added November 14, 2003 Game and Drummer set. Senior Night!!! This game has the most pictures thus far.
November 12, 2003 Added Veterans Day Page
November 10, 2003 Added sophomore meeting for pride wall link and Canette bus songs
October 25, 2003 Added Bonfire pictures
October 25, 2003 Added Yesterday's Game

Welcome to the NBHS Golden Hurricanes Website. This is dedicated to the New Britain High School Marching Band and all who enjoy them. This spectacular band is the biggest sound in New England and of course the largest band in New England. I am currently a sophomore of the Golden Hurricanes.
What do we do that's so special and different from other bands?

We perform for EVERY one of our teams football games. That includes home games at our staduim (Veterans Stadium) as well as away games at our opponent's staduims. Before the game we set up for pregame We also play and dance at every halftime show (even at away games.)

Along with preparing for football game performances, we strive to prepare for many parades within the area of Connecticut. Somethings we take it to different states as well. (ex. Florida every other year)

I am currently updating the site. I will be including pictures from parades and football games as they come along. Remember I'm IN the band so I can't take the pictures. If I find any from my resorces, I'll try to put them on.

This message goes to all who visit this site. This is not the offical NBHS band site. This site was created by me, a single person, and doesn't have any help from the school or the band. It is my site of the NBHS Golden Hurricanes Marching Band, therefore, it is not an offical site . . .yet. Hope that clears some problems up. If there are any problems with this site, including pictures (take off or don't display people),something about text, or any errors that have or are going to occur, contact me. Feel free to send ideas and suggestions to me so I can update this site even more. (

Please register on the message board if you wanna say something. It's located below the guestbook. Eventually only registered board members will have access to updates and maybe even old stuff as well as new stuff like videos and mp3's. It all depends.

I have included the Band Schedule for 2003-2004. I might have cut off the beginning of the schedule because since those days have gone by, I don't see any reason for them to continue being up. I shall update this page every now and then so other members could be up-to-date about performances and practices. I hope this helps out.

Band Schedule
Day Date Time Group Event Updates/Extra
Tues. Apr.7 6:00-7:00pm Marching Band
Thurs. Apr.15 2:20-4:00pm Marching Band
Ehh... Apr.Vac. Ehh... Whoever April Trip. I'm not going >_> so someone take pitures.
Sat. Apr.24 9:30am-??? Marching Band Meriden Daffodil Festival Parade
Tues. Apr.27 6:00-8:00pm Concert Band
Wed. Apr.28 2:20-4:30pm Concert Band
Tues. May.4 6:00-7:00pm Concert Band
Wed. May.5 2:20-4:30pm Concert Band
Tues. May.11 6:00-7:00pm Concert Band
Wed. May.12 2:20-3:30pm Concert Band
Thurs. May.13 ????? Concert Band Spring Concert. Starts at 6:30pm
Tues. May.18 6:00-7:00pm Marching Band
Thurs. May.20 2:20-4:30pm Marching Band
Tues. May.25 6:00-7:00pm Marching Band
Wed. May.26 2:20-3:30pm Marching Band
Sun. May.30 ????? Marching Band Memorial Day Parade
Tues. Jun.1 6:00-7:00pm Concert Band
Wed. Jun.2 2:20-3:00pm Concert Band
Tues. Jun.8 6:00-7:00pm Concert Band
Wed. Jun.9 2:20-3:30pm Concert Band
Tues. Jun.15 12:15-1:15pm Concert Band Is that time correct?
Wed. Jun.16 12:15-1:15pm Concert Band Same thing with this time?
Fri. Jun.18 9:00am Concert Band Graduation at 2:00pm. Plan for a LOOONG sit down.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Message Board

I will be having a senior face-off on my site. By this I mean a popularity contest with the seniors on my site. I plan that anyone who enters will vote once per day. Eventually, I will switch the names until most of the seniors are picked. At first I'll try to choose seniors in the same section but eventually leading to a face-off. Depending on how many votes come in will depend if I keep this contest up. Who's your favorite senior?

Once each poll has at least 30 votes (or best out of 30), it will be closed. The person with the highest votes moves toward the next round.

Senior Competition
Seniors Round #1 Round #2 Round #3 Final Winner
Vicki Vicki Vicky
Sola Sola
Dorothy Dorothy
Angela Angela Angela
Matt Matt C. Matt C.
Jeremy B.
Eliza Eliza
Katherine D.
Scott E.
Jeremy M. Jeremy M.
Garret Garret Garret
Matt L.
Dale S.
Paul L. Paul L. Paul L.
Missy C.
Olivia M. Olivia M.
Mallory H. Mallory H.
Ursula K.
Mary-Kate N.
Shirley R. Shirley R.
Lisandra V.
Stephane W. Stephane W. Stephane W.
Jessica L. Jessica L.
Carlos P. Carlos P. Carlos P.
Joey R. Joey R.
Raelynn M. Raelynn M. Raelynn M.
Dan R. Dan R.