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Updated 6/14/04

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Warning the chapters are gonna get more and more violent as time goes by.

I’m going to try my best to update this every weekend.  The plan for it is to be 5 episodes for the movie and if I get a magic number of reviews I will continue it with a T.V. show type thing.

With that being said, this is supposed to occur after MSI toured with System of a Down.  If you are offended by this story you really shouldn’t read it because my goal is just to entertain at least myself.  If I can entertain others though, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Also, I created all of the character’s personalities on what I think would be the funniest things, I wish I could meet all of the people in this story so I could do this as accurately as possible but I haven’t so I’ll just make do.  If I offend anyone I apologize from the bottom of my heart.  If you find anything hilarious please tell me so.

Thanks for your time.

Vanessa will take to to the archives while Lyn-Z will take you to the latest.

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