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5/16/04 - We're working on our new song, Chances Lost and trying to set up this website.
6/28/04-As you can see there are new songs. There are still some songs being worked on. The guitar parts are being worked on for some songs too. The guitar parts are done for: Galaxy Girl, Short Bus, Peices of You, and there are some that KC wrote that dont go to any songs currentely. Tyler HAD a job. He made about $100 in one day. Hes still working hard to get his Bass that he deserves so much. Send all donations to Tai. Thats about all the current news for ya. Tune in later.
7/16/04-OK the guitar for the songs all almost done. Tai should be getting his bass next week, DEFINITLEY! Anyways Misplaced Values will have a new practice space. Yes the official Misplaced Values practice space will be in KCs basement. We will have comftorable furniture to sit on if u wanna stop by and hangout and hear some Blazing Punk Rock, Sad EMO, And everything else u love about Misplaced Values! But it is not open for business yet so to speak. Well tune in soon!