Lead Guitar-Matt
Rythm Guitar-Mike
Bass- Andrew
Contact Info


Name-Mike Slot
He was born in California. 

Mikes favorite 3 bands are Molly, Sugar Cult, and Led Zeppelin.  

He likes all kinds of food. 

He likes A and W Root beer, 

His Favorite color is pink.  

His favorite restaurant is Jody's.  

He listens to EZ 105.7 

Favorite songs, hit me baby one more time and my heart will go on.  

Favorite movies are Titanic and Zoolander. 

 When asked which came first the chicken or the egg, he said the chicken.  

His infamous nickname is Crotchy, but he is also known by butch, shorty, stupid, and dumb ass.

He has no friends sadly enough so there is no one in the band he likes.  

After High School he wants to go to to California and not college.  Hence the nickname stupid.  

He always says "I'm Hungry"  

his inspiration is Nicci Sixx, and life.
On stage you can look forward to him "jumping" at our shows.