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Welcome to the website of Men To Be (MTB). We are honored by your visit with us. Our group was formed in the Fall of 2000 when 5 men came to a rehearsal to form a quartet. The 5 men had a wonderful, full sound. The Group continued to meet but needed a piano player desperately. As an answer to prayer, we received a fantastic keyboard player Steve Reichl. He also had an awesome software setup for songwriting and arranging. Thru the years the mission has evolved from a group that sings at worship to a group that helps with worship at other churches and events. MTB sings on special occasions a love song or two. All 6 members have an intense passion for music, a love for Christ and a desire to sing praises to Him. They all have families, which are just as excited about the group as the men. The families have been very understanding and supportive of their mission. The name Men To Be is used because of the multiple meaning, partly because the group was just meant to be. God preordained a purpose for the group and also for the potential of men to glorify God, men to be in the will of God, men to be an example, men to be Godly husbands and fathers, men to be…….. Included is some information about the members of our group. We are not together for our glory, but we are together to glorify and praise God.
