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Welcome to Melancholy's Band Page

Well here you are, at our site. Um, here's a little bit about the band- Melancholy started as "havoc" but later was changed to "Melancholy" because havoc, we decided, was not the most suitable name for our punk band in the making. Anyhoo, Melancholy started around the summer. But let's go back before the summer. Before anyone got their instruments. Back when all we would do was sit around in Matt and Nick's basement.

"This is dumb" Luke would comment. Everyone nodded and readily agreeded. "We need to form a band" Matt mused. Nick, that cupcake, just sat there and nodded, unaware of what might happen. Luke has played guitar for about 2 years. Matt has been playing relatively the same time. It was not until November when Matt got his bass, and Christmas of 01 when Luke got an electic guitar and Nick got a drum set. And then, realizing we needed to start a band, we did just that. We did just that. And here we are now. We hope you have enjoyed our story. Then, on December 22, Cody was added to Melancholy. Sign the guestbook won't you? peace out!

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