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GreenDay.Net - Picture Archive

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  GreenDay.Net - Picture Archive
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a place for funky weird stuff that doesn't belong anywhere else in particular.

"Since Mendeley has only existed for roughly 4 years he doesnt have a long story. Sadly someday he will vanish again and adam will be the only one who can see him. Or he will explode im not sure just how this whole system works... If you see him dont hit him too hard, he could go at any time..."

michelle sent this to me:

"hhaha it sounds like dianne... 'Vicki Lawson (V.I.C.I.) Victoria "Vicki" Ann-Smith Lawson appears a very lovely, quiet, and straight-faced ten-year-old girl, but in reality she is a Voice Input Child Identicant (V.I.C.I.); a gynoid (robot female) in the identical form of a human girl-child who was her model. Built as a general domestic robotic aide by cybernetics genius Ted Lawson at United Robotronics near Silicon Valley, she was secretly brought to Ted's home and family to beta-test her responses and performance in a real-world setting (her alpha-testing at the lab must've been fun!). In order to secretly accomplish this without arousing local questions, the Lawsons legally adopt the pretty prototype, Because of this, the Lawsons are forced to bring Vicki out of her home element to pose as a real girl in the outside human world where she's like a fish out of water.'"

"there's your asian guy!"

"If you ever get into a fight with an emo kid--you're going to win. Unless you're an emo kid, in which case you'll probably just slap each other until one of you loses your glasses."

"i have some glasses like that myself. i like to take them off really fast and stare someone in the eye while pointing my finger in their face and yelling about how they don't know what's really going on."

"why don't you go find your leg?"

"You'll be walking out of here in a wheelchair."

"Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?"

"i first met homer in a bar in 1927, little did i know that he would soon become mrs. joe dimaggio."

"i told you, birds is magic!"

"who authorized this?"

"lisa: who wants to wear a leotard and get yelled at, anyway? - homer: well...hookers...and spiderman..."

"yamakah! yamakah!...sexay!"

"i'm kinda like jesus...but not in a sacreligious way..."

"ah spraint mah el-bee-bow."

"...and then i saw this girl and she was like, 'eeehhh', and i was like, 'yea, whateva'"...


"lisa: wow maggie's innocence has touched the aliens and may save us all! - alien #1: you fool! these aren't tears, we're vomiting from our eyes!"

"...i don't mess with you asians. you guys are craaazy. i seen that crouching tiger hidden dragon movie - you guys can fly now?!"

"lisa: look what i found! [holding up apples] - homer: ooooh... buffalo testicles!"

"stop putting $40,000 into $5,000 cars!!!"

you know that show on telemundo, that's kind of like the real world - or any other reality show, for that matter - but thay sing like that 'who wants to be a pop star?' show - or something to that extent - ? well they all wear cool black shirts with their names printed on them in white right across the chest. everyone should walk around like that.

"On Thursday night I was at the Starting Line show in Philly, and before they played 'Saddest Girl Story' Kenny said 'This song used to be called 'Saddest Girl Story' but we changed the name of it to 'Avril Lavigne's Life is Worth Less Than a Canadian Penny.'"

"who here pays for sex?"

"One hundred tigers and 2,000 alligators have been flown from Thailand to China to grace an animal park where visitors will be able to admire and eat some of the creatures displayed... The Bengal tigers and Siam alligators will be moving to the 'Sanya Love World' theme park in China where visitors will be able to have their photos taken alongside the big cats and feed them. The'll also be able to get a taste of alligator, and likely to eat tiger meat, at the park."

"i have shallow, unrealistic dreams."

"Those derringers are weak...powerful weak.

"Freedom is sexy."

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