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about the band.

december, 2002. my dyzplaced uteruz is a four-piece rock band from san jose, california. they like to describe their music as a blend of different types, a style all their own. they're great. if you ever see them in person, make a big deal about it and scream like a little girl. ask them for their autographs...etc, etc [i don't remember much else of what used to be here.]....

april, 2003 Spanking new itself, mdu hails from the pre-fab california suburb of san jose. The group formed in 2000 when neighborhood pals christine manley[vocals], dianne sison (drums) and michelle tran (bass) joined forces after spending their teens knocking around in less fortunate musical outfits. The finishing touch came soon after with the addition of micaela go (guitar).

Every corner the foursome turns reveals unfamiliar territory -- from learning to write songs together to sloshing through the political morass that is the music industry to the breakneck tour pace (which can also be credited with the invention of a cost-effective delicacy known as the Froot Loops sandwich). Through it all mdu thrives, and manley admits, “(Our goal) has kinda been reached already. We’ve far exceeded anything we ever really thought was going to happen.”

Remaining unbothered by the downpour of critics’ labels that so often washes away the true nature of a band is another refreshing spin that mdu offers. With its inspired drive, smarting wit (“And even if her plane crashes tonight she'll find some way to disappoint me, by not burning in the wreckage, or drowning at the bottom of the sea”), three-part harmonies and eyebrow-raising dynamism, mdu has been called many things. Punk? Emo? Pop? As far as manley’s concerned, call it gangsta rap or jazz if you want, but just give it a chance. sHe laughs, “We’re just a rock band I guess, or a hard rock band, or a not-so-hard rock band. Whatever. For the most part, it’s about four kids trying to make music -- trying is the key word.”

Catching mdu in concert sets the record straight. The band more than just tries, it rocks. Playing with the same riotous confidence and rambunctious aplomb that its basement rehearsal space witnesses on a regular basis, manley and company take stage bouncing like amped-up SuperBalls. There’s so much sweat and splendor that not only has it impressed crowds, it’s also impressed touring companions such as Dashboard Confessional, Face to Face, Hot Rod Circuit and A New Found Glory.

So there it is. Isn’t it all appealing? Music that balances catchy melodies with smirking dark lyrics ("Have another drink and drive yourself home/I hope there’s ice on all the roads/And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt/and again when your head goes through the windshield/Is that what you call tact/You're about as subtle as a brick in the small of my back.”). A live show that’s actually worth seeing. Isn’t it all mdu?


bday: 01-31-47

favorite color: white

favorite food: asian chicken, rice, soy sauce, crackers 'corned beef'

favorite place: ireland

favorite bands: avril, britney, christina, korn, all american rejects, flashlight brown, pepsi blue, green day

favorite shoes: micaela's

favorite band member: she lies.

likes: pirates, eyepatches, irish water, jigs, jugs, boron

hates: summer, sunlight, cowboys, asia

equipment: microphone [rented or stolen]

Christine was raised by a pack of wild dogs in Australia. I guess they’d be called dingoes, since that’s what wild dogs in Australia are. After her 18th birthday, her dog friends [minions] sent her to live in the human world. She was not accepted by civilization, however, and became a pirate. A singing pirate. We all know that pirates can’t sing, but hey, they do now. She now plays the microphone in the band my dyzplaced uteruz.


bday: 07-06-85

favorite color: shiny

favorite food: gelato

favorite place: over there.

favorite bands: mad caddies, finch, fenix tx, yellowcard, rx bandits, reggie and the full effect, green day, queen

favorite shoes: checkered

favorite band member: micaela.

likes: permanent markers, exacto knives, shampoo, analog

hates: oranges, people

equipment: broken cheap-o electric guitar with no B-string, crappy amp, flying robot dunlop picks

Micaela grew up in the mean streets of San Jose. She always dreamed of becoming an Olympic curler [because they got to push big hockey-puck things to a target with a really cool broomstick]. She, however, realized that curling was for losers at the age of nine and developed a severe addiction to computer solitaire. Days were spent rocking in a corner picturing those digitized flying cards. After eight months of rehab, she overcame that whorrible addiction and took up origami. She then got bored of that and learned to play guitar.


bday: a sad and gloomy day.

favorite color: teardrop blue

favorite food: her own tears

favorite place: a quiet corner.

favorite bands: dashboard confessional, jimmy eat world, saves the day

favorite shoes: skater, NOT micaela's checkered vans

favorite band member: bass guitar

likes: crying, driving, driving while crying at the same time, showing off her middle finger

hates: everyone, knowing how to drive but not knowing which direction to go, running people over, checkered shoes

equipment: christine's squier bass and amp, green guitar strap [her own]

Michelle likes long walks on the beach and crying herself to sleep at night. She likes Asian emo-boys with glasses and bowl haircuts. She sounds pretty pathetic and wussy, but don’t mess with her, otherwise you’ll get the brunt of her middle finger. “F- you, I hate you”, says Michelle.


bday: robot.

favorite color: stainless steel

favorite food: robots don't eat

favorite place: scrapyard [it's like a thrift shop]

favorite bands: techno

favorite shoes: wheels

favorite band member: no ability to feel emotions.

likes: metal [not the music], debating

hates: rust.

equipment: micaela's drumset [zildjian cymbals and sticks, old dusty wooden drums]

Dianne is not human. End of story.

Haha just kidding. Dianne aka the master debater, was manufactured in a factory in Berlin. Originally a blender, she was shipped off to the states, but when she reached the fed ex offices in Maryland, her little box went astray in the sorting process and somehow ended up in the hands of Michael Jackson. Not many people know this, but Michael is actually a kickass cybernetics engineer. After years of painstaking research, he finally brought that little blender to life [not human life, but fake robot life] and named her D.I.A.N.N.E. [Delinquent Intelligence Nanobot Neuron Electromagnetizer]. Although Dianne never really had emotions, she knew that she was not doomed for a life of toasting bread and making fruit and vegetable smoothies for Michael Jackson. Escaping her adopted father’s mansion, she took up debating. She entered a number of debating competitions and won them all, becoming a master debater. Unfortunately, when judges learned that she was a robot, she was stripped of her titles and forced out of the fast-paced excitement of pro debating [it’s all staged anyways]. She now plays the drums for my dyzplaced uterus.


bday: none

favorite color: red, green, white, eagle

favorite food: chow mein, tacos, toilet paper

favorite place: mexico

favorite bands: bsb, s club 7

favorite shoes: barefoot

favorite band member: none

likes: us


equipment: scary black guitar, big old amp

Jared plays the guitar for mdu sometimes. His parents were born and raised on a sailboat. Actually, it wasn’t really a sailboat, it was a pirate ship – Christine’s pirate ship. Anyway, seventeen years ago, his parents decided to go on a cruise on a pirate ship [even though I just said that they were born and raised on one – eh who’s paying attention to technicalities?] from their Alaskan homeland [they’re Eskimos] to Mexico. They birthed Jared in the Guadalajara town square, and that’s how Jared became Mexican. He met mdu when they kidnapped him and threatened to cover his truck with taco shells if he didn’t play guitar for the band. He complied, but they taco shelled his truck anyway. And boy, did they taco shell it good.