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Here are some of my links and they will probably be updated often. You should note that many of the games and some of the movies require some sort of shock wave player.


  • Sticky Wicket Save the Cricket trophy!! Reminds me of Donkey Kong...

  • Lego Builder Wack-ass game where you build shit out of legos

  • Go Go Badger Racing! Pretty good

  • Snotball fun shooter game

  • Make your own music video with cows! choose from disco, rap or rock and role

  • Helicopter Navigate through a 2D cave, try to beat the high score

  • OK Skateboarding game it's ok

  • 3D Pong Game very hard at first, dont look at the wallls

  • Shoot the penguin game I hate this game with a passion

  • Burn the City with a Magnifying Lense Pretty fun time waster

  • race the parrot first you must build the track

  • Slime Volleyball Number 1 most hated game by teachers, don't get caught playing this

  • Ghetto Jet Slalom Game Just use the left and right mouse keys to navigate

  • Crazy robot game with really good graphics This isn't good for the slower computers

  • The original pacman! Great game, the classic version

  • Cool spider game (just login as a guest)

  • massive space-based online strategy game Not good for just a few minutes

  • Cow catapult game stupid time waster

  • Shoot the bum, watch out fo the poo!! Gross butt fun... no pun intended

  • Weird feed the fish game addictive and extremely time consuming

  • Annoying but addictive soccer game Another time waster

  • Dance Bush, Dance! Use the control panel to make things funky


  • Rappin' Kitty This is how I picture John Wright's cat.
  • Which BSB is Gay? This is by far the most hysterical song ever.
  • Seizure Robots!!!!
  • Incompetent Terrorists Too bad this didn't happen.
  • Most Annoying Web Page Not for the faint of heart.

  • It's Time To Bomb Saddam

  • We Are Robots I like Sad Robot.

  • Really funny, go to humor, good for Justins

  • Leon's Random Generator VERY helpful

  • Human for sale How much would you be worth???

  • Make your own bush speech Fairly accurate, fair with much strategery

  • Welcome to Burger King Would you like an apple pie with that?

  • False Alarm? Behind the music.

  • Evil Cats of Doom Site explaining why cats are evil.

  • Mike Galib!! I don't know what the hell this is.

  • I like to...TV...Boobs Build a song with random lyrics

  • Strong Bad interview Not bad... has its moments

  • Star wars gangsta rap This is one of my favorites, parody of 'Gangsta Paradise'

  • Sketchy Mario Rap Movie Excellent quality, accurate and true to the game

  • Dancing Nintendo guy is back pixled character dancing to European techno music

  • Acronym For a Cyborg Any name can be an acronym, pretty funny

  • Strange Card Trick It takes on average five times for someone to figure it out

  • Poke the Bunny keep doing it, this scared the crap out of me!

  • Mark Llama's helium gerbil farm One of the stranger movies

  • Tribute to Yatta The all time favorite movie, My personal 'must see'

  • ALL YOU BASE ARE BELONG TO US Badly dubbed Japanese video game

  • The Rabbit it will chase your mouse around the screen

  • Sqirrel Movie, (weeeee) This is better viewd with sound

  • Collen Powell on vocals and Bush on the bongos The semi famous 'bin laden song'

  • Stupid Fart Movie New version of the wassup thing

  • Screw Driver's ed. Information about driving in Italy

  • French Movie Very catchy song

  • planet ghetto industries Cheap shots at people

  • Bunny destroys london Fat deer dancing and exploding fish

  • THE INSANITY TEST I failed it the first time

  • Really scary movie about killer crabs that dance? also pretty good Russian music

    For Your Education

  • The Periodic Table of Funk All the biggest names are there

  • "The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people" One of my personal favorites

  • Deep Thoughts Funny quotes from SNL's Jack Handy

  • Trumpet Player The resource for trumpet player's emotional needs

  • The Weirdness test! a lengthy check-the-box quiz

  • Portsmouth Music Yup...

  • Active Musician buy musical shit here

  • All the world's greatest minds summed up in one question Why did the CHICKEN cross the road?

  • Didjeridus! I love these things

  • I Have an Aquarium If you do too this is the place to go

  • Laws that unbelievably still exist

  • What does your phone number spell? Mildly amusing