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A band for the ages, spawned/conceived in the suburban Wheat Ridge area of Colorado, Litany formed to become a band fused with a powerful message and a sleek original sound. Originally (2001-2002), the band consisted of four members: Andrew, Matthew, Josh, and a drummer named Lucas. However, the members within hardly got any production done and the band never really got together for practice or even for social gathering.

It wasn't until much later (and even then not much happened), that the band again changed hands. Lucas decided he wasn't quite serious about it, which gave way to a drummer named Jaymes, *aka Snarf* (are you picking up a theme here?). However, having no prior drumming experience and little time to practice, the band again, found it hard to get together. Thus Jaymes was taken out of the band much to his dismay, but hey he still loves us. Then like an ungodly machine, Andrew turned around deciding that he no longer wanted to be in the band. Devastated, the band agreed with his wishes and began the search for a new second guitarist.

Brad, a longtime best friend of Matthew, decided that he would like to attempt to play guitar. He had no prior experience, but learned quickly. With help from Josh and a guitar teacher, Brad progressed faster than anyone the band had worked with before. The band went on with just the three of them for months until the end of April 2004, when through word of mouth and friendship, Brad had heard about a drummer in school named Zach. It was only days later when the band got together with Zach and started a relationship which not only brought great times but kick-ass music. Zach was the last piece of the puzzle.

With Josh, Matthew, Brad, and Zach as the band, fame and fan base was imminent. Devoted and talented the band began to face the world of music. From comical songs such as V-Day to heartfelt rage in Zero Confidence, the band fuels the flame in music lovers everywhere. Love them or hate them, they're here to stay.

10/17/04 Litany is now working to get into the studio as soon as possible. Their debut album Former Glory is due out in January 2005. The date is subject to change. More information will be given as progression is made.

Live pictures from the band's performance at the Golden Rec Center (10/16/04) are up. Visit the Pictures section to view them.

Also, the Picture section has been revamped, as it now consists of four parts (live, fans, studio, misc). Each page has a link to the other three for easy browsing. Enjoy!


Litany will be playing their first "official" show Saturday Oct. 16th at The Golden Recreation Center.

For more information, visit our Tour Dates section.
(UPDATED: 10/09/04)

Contact Litany at:
