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=-*Welcome To Lesley's Bio*-=

*Name: Lesley Catherine Moore* -=-Birthday: October 15, 1986-=- *Eyes: Brown* -=-Hair: Blonde-=- :Height: 5'4": *Favorite Color: Orange* -=-Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough-=- ~Favorite Flowers: Daisies and Tulips~ :.Favorite Fast Food: McDonalds.: -Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew- *Favorite Subject: Break (Study Hall) -=-Favorite Movie: Zoolander-=- *Favorite Vacation Destination: The Beach* ~Favorite Tv Show: Full House and Friends~ =Favorite Days: Friday and Saturday= *Hidden Talent: Can make herself burp* -=-Bad Habits: Slouching over."My dance teacher makes me wear a hanger over my shoulders to hold them back." Lesley says.-=- *Music Role Models: Destiny's Child* -=-Training: vocals, cheerleading,plays basketball, gymnastics,and dances jazz,tap, ballet, and hip hop-=- -To remind her of home she wears a gold necklace her dad gave her before he died and brings a stuffed chick named Puff with her on tour,that she got on her first Easter.- Her dad died when she was 3 from cancer and was raised by her mother. Started singing when she was 4. *When she was little she was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter in her knee, a condition in which the ligament attaching to knee becomes partially detached.She just shrugged it off and continued competing(wore a knee brace).Later, doctors found an extra bone in her foot-and she wouldn't let them remove it because it would take a long time to recover.* =Movies or TV: Tv= ~Singing or Dancing: Dancing~ -=-Warm or Cold Weather: Warm-=- :Regular or Home School: Regular: *Dogs or Cats: Dogs* -Morning or Night Person: Night- ~If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be?:The cast of Friends~ =What do you look for in a guy?"Hot guys with a personality"= *Strongest song on first album: God Bless the USA* -------
