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We’ve been practicing for weeks and we are finally ready. Our lines are memorized and our scenery is finished. The audience is waiting for us to begin. The lights come on to mark the start of our first scene. The first lines are spoken and before we know it, we have finished our final scene and the audience is clapping. My group and I had many strengths as well as several weaknesses involving the play that we created. Also, it was very interesting to see how the audience’s opinion of our play was different than my own opinion. I think that I did fairly well in our play. There were some aspects of our play with which I did well, while there were others that I could have greatly improved upon. I was very good at memorizing my lines and I always knew what I was supposed to be doing during each scene of the play, whether I was onstage or off. I was also good at creating scenery. I felt that I was able to work well with my group, as well. Although there were a number of things that I did well, there were a few parts that I could have improved. I could have shown more emotion in my voice while speaking my lines. In order to enhance the lines even more, I could have made more hand movements and gestures. I also should have improved my costume. Having a costume would have made my role more believable. On our peer evaluation sheets, most people gave us a five in every category except for use of voice, where we scored mostly fours. I agree with this. Certain members of our group, including myself, could have better used our voices to show emotion and feelings in our lines. I also could have spoken louder so that the audience could better hear what I was saying. I disagree with the fives that we scored on costumes and props. While we had several props, we had hardly any costumes and did not deserve the scores that we received in that category. Although our play had several weaknesses, I think we worked well as a group. We worked together well and contributed equally. This cooperation caused the play to run smoothly. Also, the quick scenery changes helped the play flow better. I think our group could have definitely improved on our costumes. Also, we could have worked on using different tones of voice. Just after we finished performing our play, I did not think we did very well. Afterwards, looking at the evaluation sheets, I see that we performed better than I had thought. It seems from the sheets that the audience liked our play and thought that we did a nice job. If I could have done one thing differently involving the preparation of our play, it would be to practice the entire play, from start to finish, even more. I feel that our group could have benefited from more complete practices including props and scene changes so that we could have better seen how the play would run on the performance day. From this project, I learned that performers and the audience may see a performance completely differently. After a performance, the performer might think of all the mistakes he made and all of the performance’s tiny imperfections. The audience, however, is not likely to notice these things and will still enjoy the performance. I feel that this play taught me many things and will help to improve any future performances that I may give. I believe it is important to have experiences like this because projects of this nature help to teach skills needed for the future. Things like teamwork, performing in front of an audience, and equal contribution of work will all be helpful throughout high school and beyond. Every portion of this project has been a learning experience and I would not change any part of our play, strength or weakness, because each aspect has taught me something new about myself.
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go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go

go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go away*go