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  IUBAT GOLDHit Counter


In 1994 some very enthusiasts both from the freshmen and seniors organized a football match at Azimpur colony field. After that match several matches were played in 1994 forming the teams called the SENIORS and JUNIORS. This tradition continued until some very enthusiastic freshmen joined IUBAT in 1995; they proposed to play a football match with the seniors (with their joining the former juniors also became seniors). After a long discussion finally it was decided to establish two clubs: the IUBAT GOLD and IUBAT BLUES. It was decided that students from 6th semester and onwards will be members of GOLD and the students up to 5th semester will be the members of BLUES. This is how IUBAT GOLD, one of the pioneers of the clubs and societies, was established in 1994 with the mission of organizing sports and other related events among the student body of IUBAT. Since its birth IUBAT GOLD has organized several table tennis tournaments, football and cricket matches in collaboration with other sports clubs such as the IUBAT BLUES, RANGERS and JAGUARS. From 1995 to 1997 IUBAT GOLD was the unbeaten champion of football, cricket and table tennis. The table tennis team is still holding the championship.


Now a days GOLD is performing different activities other than just playing. GOLD has a structural frame to form an executive committee and every year members of the committee select new members so as to have new ideas and views. GOLD also has a well-developed constitution, which is followed by every member. The number of general members is increasing.


At present almost all the members of this club have graduated and therefore, the number of active members are very few. Almost every one of the graduates of the first convocation were the members of IUBAT GOLD. Thus the first convocation was also the farewell meeting of the GOLDS as well. IUBAT GOLD will be enriched in the coming days through the entry of new members from the junior and senior level students.


Publication & Administration Manager of IUBAT GOLD

Procedure & completed by-

Md. Fazle Rabby Azim Kuasha

Student of IUBAT. Program BCSE

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