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JT Love Bunny's Official Web Page

Welcome to the first Love Bunny web-page. I just started this so bare with me on the crappiness. If you don't know what or who we are, we are the Best band in the Tri-State area. We formed in early 2002 after we quit our other band. When i say we i mean Tommy Osborne & Justin Newberry. We are trying to make a fan club. If you would liek to be in the fan club then just IM(instant message) Tommy Osborne. If you dont know his s/n name then how did you get to this website? LoL TommyLee429. The purpose of the fan club will be to keep track of our fans and stuff. We will try to get a newsletter started and whatnot. The Journal is where we will update you on the progress of our band. So you will know when we have a new Cd coming out and when you can pick it up and what not.

