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Drums & More

My Favortive Bands

Well well my first site thanks for some of the help you gave me sam, I wanted to talk about drumming and some other fun things hopefully. drumming always interests me you can alway can improve so it takes great skill to be the best. one of the best drummers is buddy rich he is dead but his skills were beyond the likes of heaven and then there is hometown favortives like Rob Bourdin (Linkin park), Travis Barker (Blind 182), and Lars Ulrich (Metallica). The drummers of today will contiune to grow and become better as for me i got to pratice. But anyways then there is soccer yes soccer the best sport in the world even if some won't say it can't wait for soccer season to start so i can kick some ass. Then i got drawing and computer graphics i can make some really good pictures and i think some will agree with me on that if you want one just ask make whatever you like (Hopefully) but yeah life is good lots of things i love to do. Like to thanks my friend for being there for me. Sam-Thanks for always being a friend to me, your a good drummer, i'll try not to be a punk so much and i won't kill you with the stapler(hehehe). Kyle-Don't want to go there. Alesta-Always nice to talk to you, your a good friend. Lila-You a cool person maybe someday i'll meet you. last but not least there is Kara-Your the best (sam shut up before you start) Well most of the site is just about me well hope you liked it, sign the guest book if you want. See you around....
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