Sex The Government

Band's Schedule

My Favorite Web Sites

Vintage Clothing for us skanks

Ok, more will come as Leah gets the really good site done. As for me I can't do html that friggin well, sorry folks. This just gives you a little insight on our new band "Sex The Government" Come see us...please - MoE (aka heather).--- Face the music. Moe sucks on website’s. I am making the final site and it will be up in a few odd days so be patient. Hope you like it and we will try to keep you all up to date. Until then you can get yourself on AIM and talk to Moe because I am to busy kids. Her AIM name is: Moethedrummer contact her. Over and out - Leah--- Sour Skittles make my tongue hurt a little. New band that will blow you away this year "Sex The Government". Hope you like us. Of course if you live outside N.C you will have to wait until we get big. Thanks to Leah and Moe for working so hard to get the act together and hope you like it all. God Bless - Katie.---