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The Band

Photo Gallery





This is homepage of Miramichi-based band Clinically Insufficient, with Justin Mullin on Bass/Vocals, Alex MacDonald on Drums and Brad McCann on Guitar. The band was formed on July 31st, 2003. We'll be updating constantly, so we hope you check back often. Enjoy your stay.

Sign the guestbook and let us know you what you think of the music and the page.
Site News:

02.19.05, 3:30 pm

We haven't had much to update about lately with Bradley in Fredericton and quite busy with his studies, so here is the cover and back side to Some Assembly Required. The cover doesn't really fit into any of the picture galleries since it isn't "From the Mind of Justin", yet rather from the mind of Bradley. He designed this work of art. I did the back side, but it seems to make more sense to post it next to the cover than elsewhere:

Click for larger image

Also, since I've brought up the topic of From The Mind Of Justin, there are a couple of new pics I played with. Just try and tell me the Insufficient Bradley picture wouldn't make a cool t-shirt. Tah.

11.04.04, 3:45 pm

A local paper, Miramichi Monthly, has printed an article about the band. Written by Stephen MacKnight, it is a review of our album and tells a bit about our band. I took the time to type it up since I have the day off and nothing better to do. You can read it here. This is a new paper published by Fareasterner and this is only their third issue. They're mailed out to homes in certain areas around the city so if you get one, check it out. Tah

09.15.04, 8:00 pm

The band's first album Some Assembly Required is now available at ROW in the Northumberland Square Mall for $7.99. As I said in the previous post, this cd is made up of the 6 songs that we played throughout the year in school shows. This includes the songs:
1.Throw You Away (aka document.txt)
2.Dismal Castaway
3.Forgive and Forget
4.Dead End
5.Keep it to Yourself
We appreciate having ROW to sell our album for us and I hope that we get a chance to record some more material in the future to possibly release a followup album. Tah.

09.12.04, 3:30 pm

The band finally re-recorded all of our songs and we're finished creating a short, 6 track cd. They're merely awaiting to be plastic wrapped and ready for sale. We chose to release it now since Bradley has moved to Fredericton for university and we won't be able to record anything else for some time. All of the tracks on the cd are songs that we've played in the MVHS variety shows. Although we have some new songs in the works, we weren't able to finish or record any because of everyone's busy schedule over the summer. There are arrangements made for the cd to be sold at ROW in the Northumberland Square Mall. I will add another update the moment the cd's are ready and they are for sale. Also, I added demos from the cd version of Dismal Castaway and Dead End to the mp3 page. Tah.
- Justin

07.11.04, 6:05 pm

17 limited edition Clinically Insufficient posters have been created. Most of those are gone now but there's a couple left. I created the design in a short amount of time but I think it turned out pretty good. The design can be seen in the From The Mind Of Justin gallery. Hope you guys like them. Also, the band is currently trying to escape these months of inactivity and make some new recordings. New info will be provided if success is achieved. Tah.

03.16.04, 9:00 pm

The Band Played at the MVHS Winter Carnival Variety Show that was held on March 10th. The band played "Revealed" and new song "Dead End"; MP3's of the show are available on the MP3 page so go check them out. Enjoy.
- Brad

02.13.04, 11:50 pm

The band played at a benefit for "Doctors Without Borders". Those pictures can now be seen on the Live pics page. Enjoy.

01.19.04, 7:30 pm

The Band travelled to Nova Scotia on December 29th/03 to visit Steve Wilson. They returned January 2nd/04. Pictures from the trip have been added to the various picture pages. Hope you enjoy!

01.10.04, 4:50 pm

The Miscellaneous Pictures page has been modified slightly as a showcase for art created by Justin in his spare time. Some pictures remain from before and some new ones have been added. Be sure to keep checking up on it to see if anything has been added or if other band members follow the trend

12.04.03, 9:04 pm

Pictures from the Battle of the Bands held at the MVHS theatre on Dec.3rd have been put on the live pictures page. Enjoy!

12.01.03, 9:35 pm

New Pictures from the MVHS variety show that was held on the 26th of November were added to the live pictures page. They are poor quality but it's the best we could do. And stay tuned for pictures from the battle of the bands that will be held on the 3rd. Hope to see you there.

11.14.03, 7:45 pm

Made a new page for live performances. You can now see pictures of us from the MVHS variety show that was held on October 8th. Enjoy. And thanks to Matt Allen for updating the site.
11.06.03, 8:13 pm

Updated lyrics page, mp3 download page, individual photo pages, misc photo page. Most of the hard stuff is done, now it's just maintaining it. Email me or sign the guestbook with comments or problems with the page, and enjoy the site.

11.06.03, 4:14 pm

Updated bio pages, the main photo page. Individual photo pages soon, and a new misc one for all the wacky pics justin makes or finds.

11.03.03, 6:58 pm

New layout and design for the site. Once it's finished it'll probably be the final layout, that is until Angelfire decides to shut it down, we'll see how long it takes... Updated most of the main pages, the photo galleries are yet to be updated. The MP3 and Lyrics pages are currently hosted on a different angelfire site, which might prevent this low-bandwidth page from being shut down, but it also means those pages aren't updated yet either. More to come.
All lyrics by Justin Mullin © 2004 and all songs by Clinically Insufficient © 2004, unless otherwise stated.
Site design by Mat Allen © 2004.