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requirements|popups|no copying|no stealing-all stuff is ©|iframes|R-E-S-P-E-C-T


ok. when you enter the site, there will be a popup window that opens automatically. DO NOT close it. its the iframe where all the pages will load after you click them. so if you close it, you will just get a new BIG window each time u click something, and then hafta close em all when ug et off the site. so just dont close the navigation window! thanks. have a nice day. ;) lol

but if the nav. window does not popup, let me know. please email me to tell me so that i may try to fix it. so to veiw the site when the popup dont work, just make sure u click BACK after you click a link, and you dont close it because then youll hafta type in the URL again, and click enter, and you dont want to strain yourself with all that mouse-clicking!!!!!!