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In SeArCh Of BAND!!!!

Looking for

Name: Paulina

Nick name: Pauly, Paupau, Paul, Pao, Lina, Pauly-paupau, any other you can think of...


Talents: I can sing... i range from Alto to 1st Soprano.. in look for being vocalist... dont mind being back up singer... it all depends on what the band needs. Experience: Well i was in my high schools show choir... thats singing and dancing onstage... in 2002 was recomended to attend a camp for arts where i spent a week improving my vocals... i had several solos in that camp including the star spangled banner... year 2003 i recieved an award of outstanding first soprano of the year. In college i have been taking solo singing classes. Also i have experience with bands...

Previous Bands

Washed in White

Shield (currently in this band)

By the way i know these audios arent the shit... i mean i recorded this all at home with the simple audio recorder that windows has... and well i am missing drums and bass... so you be the judge of my limitations.. and if you like e-mail me @

hey you guys i have a new project idea for a band

ok here it goes.. the other day it came up to me that a cool band name could be "chemical inbalance" or something like that... well then this is the idea... it will be a rock band... almost like linkin park.. and stuff like that... of course.. the guy must have a good voice and be able to hold out notes... then at times hell kinda scream... just to add a little spice to the songs... well the inbalance then comes in... a female voice as back up or also duo/lead... get the inbalance there.. its something original... 2 main singers... etc... interresting huh.. well if you are interrested e-mail me. (2004)

if you like my songs... i have many others but if you want to see them youll have to contact me

Watch IntroductionVIDEO .. ghaa its not working very well i am so sorry (2004).. hahaha omg my hair is no longer like that... but thats my first promo video... soon a new video will be up.. (2005)


Love Spell Spree (Acoustic) ok well this song is me singing over a recording of my singing and i changed some parts... steven is playing the guitar... so yeah at some parts you'll hear the old part... i am not pro so enjoy haha (2004).
Forgoten Friend (Unknown Genre) In this song its 3 separate recording over each other.. 1st its the guitar.. then its me .. and then its me singing back up.. hahah it was fun stuff... i repeat i am no pro i am a newbie (2004).
Death Project (Soft Rock) ok on this song towards the end its a diff recording.. so yeah you arent hearing stuff its different (2004).
Self UNtitled (Unknown Genre) i was playing guitar too fast so it rushed my singing... ouch i really need someone to play for me hahaha vocals didnt show off so much with the rushing.. but this is one of my favorite songs... i wrote it with my bestfriend...soon ill add a better version of it (2004)
.... a>...

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