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Next show July 18th!!!
News - 1/19/03

HuH Played an exellent set at peobody's, though we dropped out of the competition(we felt that all the bands deserved to win the competition more then we did) and left after our set. Thanks to all the true fans who came out to see us saterday, look foward to a demo CD in the near future. There will be pics of the show soon.

News - 1/08/03

FINALS! Peabody's Jan. 18th, starts at 1:00pm, tickets $7 - Contact us for ticket purchases, or other information about this show.

Contact us at:
News - 12/07/02

We won! We wouldnt and couldnt of done it without the Support of Everyone who came out to see us! Now that we will be in the Finals! You all have to help us out again With Our next show, I know you will all be there. So hook us up, and we'll have more free merch for you all, and our next show will be even more bomb than the last...

News - 11/13/02

We just booked our first show for Saturday December 7th. Tickets are $7.00 and we need your support. Please. It is a Peabody's battle of the bands show.If we win the quallifyng round then we go onto the finals which the Grand Prize is $500.00 and 20 hours in the recording studio. Who ever sells the most tickets gets the last time slot. So hook us up.

+NEXT SHOW+ July 18th, 2003 @ Peabody's Headliner Bridge and Cyde. Both Bands rock so if not to see us definately go to see them.

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