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Welcome to the Attack on America 2001 Survivors' Site.

This site has been created by Westbridge Enterprizes, a business near Boston, to aid survivors, their loved ones, the professionals and the rescue workers involved in the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center & Pentagon attacks.

Every American is a survivor of this tradgedy. Even those of us who were not near to the attack sites geographically have been affected deeply by the events over the past few days. Our senses of safety and security have been compromised. We've witnessed friends, loved ones, and fellow human beings lose their lives in such devestating ways. We now must question the safety of all our actions and travels - we could have in no way predicted these past events, and fear additional attacks in our areas.

Even while in our states of mourning and fear, Americans must band together now more than ever, and help ourselves and our neighbors. We can donate blood in area centers. We can donate cash to charities such as the Red Cross right over the phone. Professionals can contact local hospitals and rescue agencies in NY and DC to see if their services can be put to use. We can all display flags on our homes, in our cars, and places of business. Even more important than retaliation at this point, is for the terrorists to know that however devestating their attacks, they cannot destroy America's core of strength and unity.

Westbridge Enterprizes wanted to do our part by creating this site for all who have been affected. We've provided large amounts of resources for people to stay informed, seek information, and get advice, support, and assistance, 24 hours a day.

We've also provided links where YOU can help the victims of this tragedy, as well as emotional support for survivors of the attacks, their families, and children.

Please follow the links below to go to the appropriate pages or websites. If you have any additional information or links to share, please email us,

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of Sept 2002, the URL of this site will change. The new URL will be Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Thank you.

Go To:

Our Chat Rooms & Support Services
Other Support, Crisis, & Therapy Services
News and Information Sources
Governmental, Military, etc Websites
Transportation & Airline Websites
Help for Kids & Adolescents
What You Can DO To Help
Where to GO for Help (disaster organizations)
Help for the Helpers (medical personnel, police, etc)
Attack on America 2001 Memorial Page
Join In the Paper Chain Project!
