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The Held In Scorn site is up and running.

~Ray~ H.I.S Guitar


The split 6 song demo w/ Setrip is now available. Email your home addresse to: and you will be sent one ASAP.

~Ray~ H.I.S Guitar


Held In Scorn is in the process of writing more material for a complete set. Also, a professionally done site is soon to replace this one. More on this later. Demos are still available.

~Ray~ H.I.S Guitar


Sorry for the lack of updates. HELD IN SCORN are playing their 1st show in Ceres on the 7th of October. If you want more information call RAY @ 209.430.8494 Also, a show is in the works for the Blackwater Cafe the following weekend after the Ceres show. More on this later. Any information about the band please call.

~Ray~ H.I.S Guitar

DECEMBER 19th 2003 Okay, This Site is on its way down... New site coming soon! HELD IN SCORN played their first show on the 22nd of November with Platinum artists such as SETRIP - DEAD EYED STARE.The event being named " fight til the death " The ladies that attended put in more work than the gentlemans. Show was amazing with beer,bitches,bitch brawls and of course..metal. check back for updates. later fags. love phil. oh yeah... we still have demos available. Email me at ASIANXPERSUASION@AOL.COM with your info and you shall receive one if your worthy, bitch.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


Held In Scorn is playing its first OFFICIAL show today in Murphys, California with Scattered Fall, Tronn, Nigel, and Dead @ 27. Being the only METAL band in the line-up, we intend to fuck shite up. The site is probably going to be killed by the end off this month. I'll update more later.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


YO! The show in Murphys California went well, better than we expected it to. Thanks to all the kids that came out and the bands we played with...good times. More shows coming up next weekend (Dec. 27th & 28th) 27th show, we MIGHT be playing the Blackwater Cafe in Stockton Ca. 28th show, Playing Sacramento Ca. @ Moods.Check back for more details.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


Well Well.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! anyways... The Show @ the BlackWater Cafe has been cancelled due to the Stupidity of the so called owner. Looks like we're never playing a damn show there at all. but, we are playing in Sacramento California @ Moods on the 28th of Decmember. Line up is HELD IN SCORN,Peltier Road Massacre,SETRIP,N.A.M.E., and Corsica.So come out and have some fun and get drunk and fuck some emo bitches. hahahahahahhhahah \m/ now thats what i'm talkin bout'. oh yeah! and we've been added to the NCMU.COM band profiles,sweet! so check it out!!!! WWW.NCMU.COM \m/ later

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


whats up fags. Tonight we are playing at MOODS in Sacto Cali. so come out and have some fucking fun. I think it's going like 5 bucks or something...anyways...come out and drink and mosh and fuck and shit and have fun. We"Held in scorn" are going on first. sooooooooooo, that means we start around 9:15pm. be there or be homo. later bitches.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


FUCK THIS SHIT. The show in Sacto Cali we were suppose to play tonight had gotten cancelled. Once again, due the STUPIDITY of owners and bartenders. The Bartender DID NOT want to open the bar and thats the reason we got for the show to be cancelled. MOODS SUCKS. The line up for tonight's show was suppose to be :HELD IN SCORN,Peltier Road Massacre,SETRIP,N.A.M.E., and Corsica. Well, all apologies to the people who did not know and showed up and the doors are closed...and the place is dark as fuck.::cricket noises:: Once again, fuck moods. thanks bye.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


HAPPY MUDDAFUCKAN NEW YEAR!! Time to start over on things, and time to start writing new material. It was confirmed the other day that HELD IN SCORN will be returning into the studio, In March of 2004.And not just any studio, It will be CASTLE ULTIMATE STUDIOS in Oakland Callifornia. With the Infamous producer, Zack Ohren, who did our last recordings... The split demo cd with the most dangerous band out here in the valley, SETRIP. other than music is being formed...and thats about it for now... later.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


What is up MotherFuckers. Starting off 2004 with alcohol and violence,yes..that is HELD IN SCORN. Speeding tickets and fix it tickets. Fist fights with bloody knuckles. yeah. Anyways, No shows booked lately, Just working on new material and thats about it. oh yeah, and Happy 19th birthday to our guitarist Ray. Check back soon for more stupid shit.later.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


Hi. Lately, we have been screwing around and being lazy... Sooooooo, Nothing has been done lately, only practice. A new website will be up soon, and it will be a .com, instead of a crap. The new website will have more features than this sorry ass one. more pics,more mp3's,more links,and oh yeah, there will be naked chicks! oh yeah! and by the way we are auditioning for helmet buffers and sluts. If you're a young lady from the age of 18 to 25, give us a call... thank you and have a nice life.

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass


Hey whats up yo! Nothing has been going on for us... just the usual, practice,practice, and practice. WE NEED SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!! At the moment...we have no fucking shows coming up at all. But, we have been looking for venues to do shows and shiet, but the owners/management wants to be fucking gay and not keep their promises. so thats why I say FUCK STOCKTON. later

~Phil~ H.I.S Bass

February 2004 A 2 song demo has been recorded over the last two days at I.O.U Studios in Stockton. The songs recorded are: Rusted Gates and the "infamous" 80s Song. The demos are going to be in limited numbers and only a few will be given away. We will be re-recording these songs along with three others with Zack Ohren at Sandcastle Ultimate Studios in Oakland in May.

~Ray~ H.I.S Guitar


Hey whats goin' on!? Ain't shiet goin' on here. We have a show coming up on the 21st ( Saturday ) w/ Dead @ 27 and a few other bands... ummm when I get more info,I'll let you know. Oh yeah, its gonna be in Valley Springs Ca. and its a BYOB party type thing... so yeah. later.

Phil H.I.S Bass