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Chaos Trapped somewhere in the hellish void between Pink Floyd, Tool, and puberty comes Harbinger, a splicing of prog rock. art metal, post grunge, and raging hormones. Our band centers on introspective lyrics instead of today's norm of odes to one's infatuation with girlfriends. With sufficient understanding of music theory to bring pop-punk mainstays to their bass-banging knees, a hope of salvation comes out of the hell known as popular music...maybe...

I must admit, we are not virtuosoes at our given instruments. However, nor are most of the morons who venture into the music industry. We have no heart to bleed, a pleasant change, we're sure...yet we are no strangers to meaning.

Order Although, we are lacking in experience, our dedicated fans will not hesitate to explain that we are wise beyond our years. We feel it is an admirable venture to attempt to inject soul into the teenage wasteland of today.

We may not succeed. We may not win. We may fail. Yet whatever the outcome, the story of Harbinger is just starting. Join us for the journey ahead...

...or we'll slap you...

-Mike Anderson 5/02
