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Chapter 10

Back slammed against the wall, wrists pinned on either side of his head. "Whose fault is it?"

"It's my fault." Whispered.

"Whose fault is it?" Snarled.

"It's my fault." Louder.

A satisfied smile followed by a rough kiss.


Gackt simply wandered the streets, purple eyes taking in everything, traces of a smile on his lips. He'd missed just walking. Being away from Yoshiki every once and a while. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was perfect for once. His black dashound was in a small doggy backpack on his back watching the passing crowds intently. Feeling all together happier then he had in a while he stopped and waited for the walk sign to light up.

The light turned and he moved off the sidewalk into the middle of the street. The crowd coming his way didn't give him a second glance until his dashound began barking wildly. Turning to see what had his dog's attention his eyes met a familiar face that sent pain to his heart. Mana's look-alike. He'd dyed his hair brown and straightened it but Gackt remembered his face.

"You!" Izam seemed scared and overjoyed at the same time as he took a hold of Gackt's wrist and dragged him to the sidewalk he'd recently left. "Please, I must speak with you."

"Of course." Gackt replied, slightly bewildered. "Where?"

"There's a coffee shop not far from here."

Nodding Gackt followed the human to the shop and onto it's patio. Izam had a seat while Gackt let his dashound down to sniff at the chairs and Izam's shoes. "Now what's bothering you?" Gackt had a seat.

"I want to speak to Toshiya."

Gackt picked up his familiar and glanced at Izam skeptically. "I would have thought you'd want to forget everything."

"I tried," Izam sighed. "But I have too many questions. He saved my life, I want to know why."

"Toshiya didn't want anyone else hurt." Izam slumped in his seat looking defeated and Gackt raised a brow. "I'll tell you how to get a hold of him. I never said I wouldn't. I just want what's best for Toshiya, he's my grandChild."

Izam gave a big smile and opened his mouth to speak when Gackt's cell phone rang to the tune of the death march. Gackt grew more serious (If that's possible now a days! ^^;) as he quickly answered it. "Gackt."

"Give him Hakuei's number. He's planning a shopping trip for Toshiya with Shinya."

"Yes, I'll do so." Gackt nodded.

"Good, enjoying your walk?"

Gackt cracked a smile. "Absolutely."

"Good, have a good one."

"Thank you." And he hung up. "Apparently you're getting invited on a shopping trip for Toshiya." Gackt explained to the baffled looking Izam. "I'll give you Hakuei's number, he'll get you in touch with Toshiya." Nodding Izam pulled out paper and a pen.


"Toshiya! Wake up and open the door!" Hakuei called to Kaoru's quiet house. It was still early morning so he'd expected Toshiya to be asleep but he hadn't expected all the doors to be locked. "Damn Kaoru and his hatred of electricity!" Hakuei pouted, unable to even flicker a light bulb to alert Toshiya to his presence. "And damn Chisato for not coming! Shinya's going to kill me if I'm late."

A squeaking turned the vampire to the front window. Toshiya's familiar had climbed onto the window sill and fought to push the window open. Grinning Hakuei went to the window to assist the rabbit, managing to pull it open wide enough for him to awkwardly climb through. "Arigato." Hakuei picked up the ball of black fur and pet it. "Geez, you got skinny and you're shedding like mad." Putting down the rabbit and dusting off his hands he watched it's ears perk and it scrambled away to hide under the couch. From the kitchen Kaoru's bobcat appeared and bared it's teeth before disappearing again. Hakuei frowned. "And an ohayo to you too." He muttered crossly before moving to the basement stairway. "Toshiya you lazy man!" he yelled.

"Hakuei?" the quiet call came instead from upstairs.

Hakuei took the stairs two at a time and went into Kaoru's room. "Did he finally let you move out of the basement?" he asked the mass of sheets on the bed.

"Not really." The sheets admitted.

"Up! Up! Busy day ahead of us!" Hakuei climbed onto the bed to dig Toshiya out. Toshiya lay on his side so Hakuei straddled his waist to trap him.

"What busy day?" Toshiya opened on eye to glare and tried to pull the sheets up over his head unsuccessfully.

"Shopping spree!" Hakuei just grinned. "If you don't get up Shinya will kill us. He hates it when I'm not on time."

Toshiya's eyes lit up for a moment then he looked away. "I don’t know if Kaoru will let me."

Hakuei narrowed his eyes slightly but shook it away. "Kaoru said he couldn’t come but that you could go. I phoned him earlier 'cause I wanted it to be a surprise for you!"

"Really?" Toshiya perked up again.

"Of course!" Hakuei ruffled his corn braids. "Now get dressed. We'll never get there on time!"

"I have to have a shower." Toshiya climbed out of bed, sheets still wrapped around himself.

"I'll pick out some thing for you to wear." Hakuei followed the younger vampire to the basement.

"No, don't worry about it, I can dress myself." Toshiya said quickly.

Hakuei raised a brow and changed the subject. "Do you have a wallet somewhere?"

Toshiya paused at the bottom of the stairs. "Kaoru's got it, and I don't have any money either."

Now Hakuei's eyes narrowed but he wrapped his arms around the lumpy blanket and therefore Toshiya. "You don't need money, I was just thinking you might need ID to buy a drink at lunch."

Toshiya half smiled at the gentle tease. "Why don't I need money? We're going shopping aren't we?"

"Of course but since you don't have an income yet you get to use Yoshiki's credit card." And he whipped the golden piece of plastic out for Toshiya to see. "Fifty percent of what every vampire makes in excess of their own life needs ends up right in there. Considering our food expenses are nil I'll bet you can only imagine how much is in there."

"But that's everyone's money! I can't spend it on clothes!" Toshiya's eyes went wide.

"The point of this card is to put young vampires on their feet. Kaoru bought this house using that card."

"But I'm not buying a house!." Hakuei put one finger over Toshiya's lips to silence him.

"We are going to have fun today, Yoshiki's orders. Now go have your shower." And he pushed the younger man towards the bathroom.

Toshiya followed his orders and Hakuei went to the door between him and Toshiya's room. When he stepped inside he realized why it was closed in the first place. The room smelled thickly of dried blood To a human it would have smelled dirty but Hakuei recognized the scent as blood. The room itself was in shambles as well. The bed had been half taken apart and then abandoned, the mattress nearly falling off. Posters hung half ripped from the walls. The LCD on Toshiya's stereo was smashed and one of the speakers kicked in. Picture frames and figurines lay smashed among the dirty clothing. Hakuei's lip curled in disgust and anger as he moved to the closet to see what remained of Toshiya's colossal wardrobe.

Hakuei dropped an outfit on the floor of the bathroom and had a seat on the stairs. Templing his hands in front of his chin he thought until Toshiya emerged fully dressed.

Toshiya's nose crinkled and he moved to close his door, not looking at Hakuei. Eyes on the ground he turned and leaned back against the door. "You're mad at me." He announced.

Hakuei's head jolted up. "No. No I'm not mad at you." He stood and offered a hand to Toshiya. "But today we're not going to think about it. We're going shopping." Warily Toshiya took Hakuei's hand and was dragged out of the house, away from the stench of his own blood.


"You're late." Shinya told Hakuei as he moved up the walk.

"I'll tell you why later." Hakuei replied with an uncharacteristically serious expression. Shinya's eyes questioned but Hakuei shook his head, he meant later.

Shinya peeked over his shoulder. "Come on Izam! You can play with Puppy later."

Toshiya looked up. "Izam?"

The dark haired human appeared in the doorway and smiled shyly. Moving past Hakuei he whispered to Toshiya. "I had to see you again."

"Surprise!" Hakuei crowed. "Let's go shopping."

Shinya paused to kiss Die goodbye before following them all to Hakuei's car.


Izam had been afraid at first, still harboring fears taken out of old vampire movies. Hakuei had been ecstatic when they got in touch, demanding Izam come on his surprise shopping trip. He was then told to meet up with Shinya whose seemingly quiet and shy demeanor hid a dark sense of humor and almost playful attitude. Die had been the ice-breaker, walking downstairs for breakfast in his birthday suit. Izam had hastily turned his attention back to Shinya's black Chihuahua, cheeks burning. Shinya had smiled and announced, "Die, meet Izam." Whereby Die had let out a curse and scrambled back up the stairs.

So far they seemed to be your almost normal set of guys. Hakuei was having a ball, Shinya a touch more conservative, Toshiya getting more into the trip with every passing moment. Normal save for the immortal beauty thing, of course. Izam half wondered why they weren't in France on a catwalk wearing the latest style of space suit or see-through upholstery. Instead they tried on everything from business suits to street punk gear. Hakuei kept trying to get Shinya into something revealing, Shinya tried to get Hakuei into a polo shirt with a sweater wrapped around his neck. Close to lunch-time Toshiya stopped mentioning what Kaoru would and would not like, oblivious to the sour face Hakuei got when he was mentioned. After such a mention he'd immediately double his efforts to please the younger vampire.

Izam slightly mourned the fact he couldn't talk to Toshiya alone but somehow knew today was for Toshiya alone and he'd have to wait. There was something going on that he didn't know about but that was to be expected. He was mortal and their affairs weren't his.

"Almost lunch-time." Hakuei announced as Toshiya spun around for everyone to see what he'd tried on. "I want to see you two in those plaid things before we leave." He pointed to Izam and Toshiya.

"Hai!" the two said in unison and went back into their change rooms leaving Hakuei and Shinya alone.

"What's going on?" Shinya asked seriously.

"Do you remember Toshiya's old room?" Hakuei kept a wary eye on the change room doors.

"Of course. I've never seen anything so tidy in my whole life."

"His room in Kaoru's basement is a disaster. Smashed, ripped and dismantled. And above all that it smells of blood."

"Blood?" Shinya prompted.

"Toshiyas'." Hakuei glanced sideways before standing to admire the two in matching plaid outfits of purple and blue.


The four sat in Hakuei's car headed for Kaoru's house singing some mushy love song at the top of their lungs. The trunk was full of shopping bags and the cab smelled of left-over Chinese that Izam would probably never eat.

Candles burned in the front window and a figure inside stood up as Hakuei parked. "I'll walk you to your door." Hakuei announced as the front door opened and Kaoru stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hakuei? Why does he look so mad?" Toshiya asked warily.

"Probably because I never told him I was taking you out today." Hakuei replied easily getting out of the car.

"But you said you did!" Toshiya protested and followed.

Shinya watched them walk towards the front door with a frown. "Izam, stay in the car. No matter what happens okay?" Izam nodded, eyes fearful and Shinya followed the other vampires.

"Nice evening Kaoru." Hakuei called in a happy tone.

Kaoru ignored the greeting looking instead at Toshiya. Toshiya looked frightened as he tried to explain himself. "Kaoru, I didn't…Hakuei said he…"

"Inside." Kaoru growled and Toshiya hung his head and moved in the door.

"Come on Totchi-chan!" Shinya called, curling an arm around Toshiya's. "Let's pack your overnight bag!" And he pulled him inside before Kaoru could protest.

"Kaoru." Hakuei's voice was suddenly dead serious. "Have you seen Toshiya's room?"

"I keep telling him to clean it but he doesn't listen." Kaoru's eyes narrowed.

"If I smell his blood on him again Ryutaro will be making you a welcoming party."

"Is that a threat?"

"Absolutely." Hakuei met his eyes without flinching, something most couldn't do.

Shinya lead Toshiya to the front door and passed Kaoru but Kaoru grabbed Toshiya by the wrist. "What do you say Toshiya?" he growled as Toshiya fell back beside him.

"Thank you but I want to stay here." Toshiya announced monotonely.

Shinya's eyes darted to the bag over Toshiya's arm that wriggled frantically then to Kaoru. "Let him go or I swear I'll burn your house down before you have time to scream." Shinya snarled. When Kaoru only sneered Shinya opened his left hand, it held a ball of deep blue flames. Kaoru's eyes narrowed at the fire as Shinya's right fist connected with his cheek. Hakuei caught Kaoru and laid him on the floor inside as Toshiya clutched his forehead.

"What happened?" the youngest vampire asked as Shinya lead him to the car and Hakuei shut the front door.

"Kaoru's gift is mind control." Shinya replied grimly. "He used to practice on Die. Die would hang his head and go monotone but his familiar always displayed his true feelings, often by tackling Kaoru."

"Are you guys all right?" Izam asked as they all got in the car.

"Who's up for a sleepover at my house?" Shinya ignored Izam.

"Only if we stop for video's first." Hakuei replied with a half smile as he pulled away from the curb.

Izam glanced into Toshiya's overnight bag and found a pure black baby rabbit staring back at him.


"I'll be there in a minute. I want to call Chisato." Hakuei announced as they moved to the front door of the video store.

"We have to pick out a comedy for Die." Shinya announced. "What kind of movie do you want Izam?"

"I don’t know. After that punch of yours who needs an action flick?" Izam teased and even Toshiya cracked a smile. The three spread out through the video store joined shortly by Hakuei.

"Hey Toshiya! Want to watch a comedy?" Shinya tossed a cover box at him.

Toshiya glanced at the title and raised a brow. "Shinya, this is a vampire movie!"

"Exactly!" Shinya grinned. "Comedy!"

"Toshiya?" a new voice interrupted the laughter and Toshiya turned to find a short man about his age with black hair and blond bangs framing his face.

The two looked at each other in shock for a moment till Toshiya broke into an excited smile. "Jun!" he yelled and nearly tackled him.

"I've been worried sick!" Jun exclaimed. "You stopped coming to work and when I went by your apartment you'd moved!"

"Well, I had a bunch of things come up." Toshiya scratched the back of his neck nervously. "It's hard to explain." Abruptly he felt the gazes of the others in his party. "Guys, this is Jun. He's a … bartender, like me."

Jun raised a brow then grinned. "Oh yeah. You should see me 'mix my drink'." And he swiveled his hips suggestively until Toshiya grabbed him.

"Be right back." Toshiya dragged Jun away from the others. "Jun they think I'm a bartender, please help me with this." He whispered.

Jun frowned. "You were never ashamed before. Why should they care?"

"Because I want them to like me for me." Toshiya admitted pleadingly.

"We liked you for you." Jun squeezed the taller man's arm. "If they don't accept you, even with your past, then they aren't worth it. What's wrong Toshiya, you feel different."

Toshiya closed his eyes. "It's very hard to explain and now isn't the place or time. Please Jun."

Jun squeezed his arm again to open his eyes. "I won't pry Toshiya but we all miss you and you're always welcome to return, no matter what." Toshiya nodded and hugged Jun one more time before returning to Izam's side.

Jun turned to Shinya who'd been hovering close the whole time, out of Toshiya's sight. "Why is he ashamed of his past? What makes you all so high and mighty?" he demanded quietly.

"This is the first I've heard of him lying about his past to us." Shinya admitted. "He has no reason to do so. Maybe he got the impression that we wouldn’t approve."

"Well I want you to tell him that it doesn't matter. He never hid what he was before this."

Shinya nodded. "I promise you we're trying to do what's best for him."

"Try harder." Jun met his gaze and Shinya was forced to look away.

As Jun left Shinya wondered at himself. He could punch Kaoru out without a second thought but he couldn’t meet the gaze of a man he'd never met.

"Come one Shinya, we're ready." Izam walked up and brought the vampire out of his musings. Nodding he followed the human to the checkout counter.


Shinya's Chihuahua and Die's black mastiff puppy met them at the door excitedly, sniffing at Toshiya's bag where the rabbit lay. "Hey Die, we're having a sleepover!" Shinya called into the house, putting the bags down on the couch.

"That's what Chisato said." Die announced, appearing with a nacho plate.

"Thought Izam might be hungry." Chisato explained as he followed Die out of the kitchen.

"I am, thank you." Izam accepted the plate.

"I received an interesting call from Kaoru." Die looked pointedly at Shinya.

Shinya silenced Die with a look and took Toshiya's overnight bag. "Mind if I borrow your bunny?" he asked Toshiya and pulled Die upstairs with him.

"Kaoru says you punched him out and stole Toshiya." Die announced as he followed Shinya into their bedroom.

"I did." Shinya replied easily. "Kaoru's been beating him."

Die's jaw nearly dropped open but he stopped himself. "You're kidding! How do you know? We heal too fast for there to be bruises."

"His room is littered with blood stained clothing."

"Blood stains…"Die seemed to be in shock. "But this is Kaoru we're talking about."

"This is a Kaoru with out Ryutaro." Shinya corrected him. "Look at this." He handed Die Toshiya's familiar.

"What the…" He moved it up and down in his hand as if testing it's weight. "It was never this thin with Mana."

"Exactly. And it's shedding like mad." Shinya took the rabbit and put it on the floor with the dogs as Die dusted off his hands.

"Why doesn't Toshiya leave?"

"I don't think he could. Kaoru used his ability on him tonight, trying to make him stay. If Kaoru's been keeping him with him all this time the bonds are only reinforced each time Kaoru takes control."

"Are we too late?" Die asked quietly.

"Not if I can help it." Shinya squeezed his lover's hand and lead him back downstairs.

The group had claimed spots all over the living room waiting for the two to return. "What should we watch first?" Hakeui asked.

"Die's comedy!" Chisato crowed.

"Chisato has spoken!" Die laughed and went to the DVD player. Turning it on he opened the case and moved to put the DVD in. The player had turned itself off. Raising a brow he pushed power, the screen flickered on then off again. "What the hell." He muttered and repeated the process for the same result. It wasn't until Hakuei burst into laughter that he figured it out. "Damn it Hakuei, piss off!" he snarled, smiling at his own stupidity. "Chisato, I'm going to light your boyfriend on fire, is that okay?"

"No you're not!" Chisato chuckled and whacked Hakuei with a pillow. "Cut it out gremlin."

Shinya took pity on Izam's confused expression. "Hakuei's power is electronics." Izam nodded in partial understanding and leaned back against the couch to watch the comedy.

Two hours of laughter later they paused so Die and Shinya could fix drinks for everyone and make Izam another snack. "How's your business going?" Shinya called into the living room.

"Wonderful." Chisato called back. "We think Hakuei's stock market play is going to put us into early retirement though."

Die snorted. "Early my ass."

"Hey! Being a vampire has it's advantages and disadvantages!" Hakuei pouted.

"What kind of business?" Izam asked.

"Electronics and lock-smithing." Chisato replied. "Hakeui can get anything working and I can unlock any door you put in front of me. It pays pretty well but we have to keep changing the name and moving so no one notices that we don't age."

"Last hundred years or so I've gotten into the stock market." Hakuei nodded. "Took me that long to figure the stupid thing out!"

"What's really funny is Hakeui was powerless for most of the first part of his life." Die entered with drinks. "Yoshiki thought he was a dud!"

"Late bloomer!" Hakuei defended himself haughtily. "Life really got interesting when electricity was found!" he winked at Izam.

"What did you do before you were a vampire?" Izam asked with a grin. In the kitchen Shinya pumped his arm in victory, the conversation was proceeding just as he wanted it too.

"I was an actor." Hakuei said with obvious pride.

"He was a gambler." Chisato gave a wry grin.

"Actor." Hakuei glared.

"Gambler." Chisato persisted. "He'd cheat rich men out of every cent they brought the table and run off. If anyone caught him he'd fake a heart attack and disappear when they ran to call a doctor." Hakuei pouted till Chisato pulled him close to play with his hair. "Then one day he cheated a certain rich business man. When he faked a heart attack the business man just laughed."

"Yoshiki!" Toshiya figured it out.

"Well you aren't much better Mr. Prostitute." Hakeui elbowed Chiasto.

"Was not! I was a gang member!" Chisato's turn to be offended.

"The only one in the group with the guts to pretend to be a prostitute so they could rob the Johns." Hakeui told Chisato's story. "Chisato was to lead them into an alley way where the gang would corner them. Money taken they'd let them go. Now one day Chisato picked up an under cover cop."

"Lying sack of…" Chisato quickly found a hand over his mouth.

"When the cop called for back up the gang ran off leaving Chisato to take the heat." Hakuei continued the story until Chisato grabbed his crotch to scare and silence him.

"When the 'cop' called for back up on his compact mirror the gang ran off leaving me to take the heat. I was in shock, they were my family, all I'd ever known and they abandoned me. Hakuei took me home." Chisato corrected the story and then kissed Hakuei to apologize for the grab.

"What about you?" Izam asked Die who had taken his seat.

"I was, am, a cab driver." Die smiled. "Great tips, tonnes of interesting people. I switch companies every ten years or so. Nobody ever thinks anything of it, just another guy with a license. Late one night I stopped to pick up a guy running from some dude with a wooden stake."

"Seriously?" Toshiya was getting into the stories as well, attentive and child-like like Izam.

Die nodded. "A vampire hunter had tracked down Yoshiki. I thought he was getting mugged. I drove him home, got him settled, calmed him down. He told me I could have a portion of his fortune or eternal life."

"And Shinya?" Izam asked.

"Now Shinya's your prostitute." Die announced and received a smack on the back of the head.

Shinya set down a basket of snacks for Izam and had a seat next to Die. "My father was a rich business man. When I got old enough he'd have me show his clients around town when he was busy. One client in particular kept asking to spend time with me. I never thought anything of it since he claimed he wanted me to teach him Japanese."

"He wanted more then words from Shinya." Die announced and Shinya elbowed him.

"My story." Shinya growled playfully. "Any ways. One day he had a meeting with my father at our house. He found out my father wasn't going to be home till their meeting so he came early. Playing the good host I put him on the couch and got him a drink. I sit down next to him trying to figure out what I would teach him that day when he was suddenly on top of me. Now I'm stronger then I look and was able to keep him from stripping me but my father came home and found us looking particularly rumpled and in a vary bad position." Shinya paused as if to think about how to tell the rest of his story and Die pulled him close. "Next thing I know the client is raving about how I'd been trying to seduce him. Funny thing was my father believed him. Officially kicked out of my house I packed two suitcases and started walking."

Die gave a half grin. "This is where I come in."

"So I'm walking along, so upset I can barely see, when the client drives up beside me and offers me a 'position' at his house. Well I started cursing and yelling at him and turned to walk the other way so he'd have to drive backwards to follow me when a cab pulled up. Thanking God I got inside."

"All I knew was he was standing at the side of the road screaming and crying at this car. I'm like, 'Boy does he ever need a ride.'" Die explained, Shinya allowing him to take over the story. "So he throws his bags in the back, gets in me beside me, declares 'Take me anywhere but here!' and bursts into full blown tears. Now I'm thinking 'train station' so I head off. Not long after he fell asleep. I'd never seen anything so beautiful in my life." Die purred and hugged Shinya. "So I took him home."

Die opened his mouth as if to continue the story but Shinya put a finger on his lips. "So you took me home, the end." Die smiled and nodded, kissing Shinya's forehead. All Izam could think was everyone had their secrets.

"Let's watch Izam's movie." Hakuei announced.

Toshiya stood up to put in the DVD since Die looked a little trapped next to Shinya. Sitting down next to Izam they smiled at each other and the movie started.

The credits began to roll and Izam got up to turn it off. Turning back he found Hakuei had fallen asleep next to Chisato who was lovingly playing with his hair.

Die gave a big yawn and Shinya smiled. "Looks like bed time." He said quietly.

"We'll take the basement." Chisato nudged Hakuei awake and helped him to his feet.

"This couch folds out." Shinya told Izam and Toshiya has he stood. "If you two don't mind sharing I'll grab some sheets."

"I don't mind." Izam announced and Toshiya simply nodded in agreement.

Shinya went upstairs while Die showed them how to unfold the couch. With everything arranged to Shinya's liking they disappeared upstairs.

"Did you bring anything to wear to bed?" Toshiya asked as he dug through the bag Shinya had packed for him.

"I thought I'd wear that pair of cream pants I bought today." Izam replied as he dug through the shopping bags.

"How did you find us again?"

"I ran into Gackt in the street."

"And you had to see me again?" Toshiya watched the mortal questioningly.

Slowly Izam nodded and disappeared into the bathroom to change. When he returned Toshiya was in a wife-beater and long plaid pajama pants. Izam flicked the light off and climbed in next to Toshiya nervously. "Toshiya, why did you save me?"

"I didn't want anyone else to die. Mana had hurt so many already."

"Is that all?"

"I stood there watching you struggle with the door and all I could think was that you were alive and I wanted to keep you that way. You could continue on, have a career, a family. I and my Brothers were trapped in the life Mana had give us." Toshiya paused. "I sometimes wonder if that's what Mana wanted. A family, real children. We can make Children but we can't have children. I always kind of wanted a family."

"Really?" Izam looked at Toshiya's outline in the dark. "But you're…"

"I know, but she wouldn't have to know. I'm sure she would, eventually, but for a little person that's half mine to love and worry over…" he trailed off. "I wanted you to have that chance."

"Is eternal life that bad?"

"I suppose not." Toshiya admitted. "There are many things I can do now that I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise, and all eternity to do them. But mortality has its advantages too."

"What will you do now?"

"Well, I have to take care of Kaoru till his love gets his wings and becomes a demon. Then I can begin my search."


"For a love of my own."

Izam nodded, though Toshiya couldn't see it and found the vampire's hand under the sheets. "You'll find love Toshiya." He said quietly and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you Izam." Toshiya squeezed back and the two feel asleep.