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For my birthday I was given

A guilded golden cage

And in it sat a rocker

With wings like paper page.

His hair was pink and fluffy,

His wings yellow and green,

He'd sit upon his golden perch

And peek out window screen.

Summer fell upon the land

I opened window wide,

He sang his song to land beyond

Sorrow for outside.

I'd listen to him singing

His song so sad in tone,

I wondered how he sang outside

When he was not alone.

It' wasn't till much later

I looked to where he sang

At my rocker's audience

At who his calls had rang.

The tree was fit to falling

With every shape and size

Filled with rainbow rockers bright

With pleading in their eyes.

They never moved a muscle

They never made a sound

They watched my rocker in his cage

As the day went round.

Smilingly I set him free

My rocker green and pink.

His songs of joy flow through my house.

Doesn't that make you think?

For Hide, With Love
