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            The Christmas tree gave a blink and came to life.  Tiny lights sparkling it lit up the room and the face of its only occupant.  Smiling he moved back and disappeared into the kitchen to collect a cup of peppermint tea.  Sitting on the couch he curled up and watched the tree twinkle.  “Merry Christmas Miyabi.” He whispered to himself and sipped at his tea contentedly. 

            The door burst open and the two figures rushed inside kicking Miyabi’s packed suitcases out of the way in their haste.  Miyabi let out a shout and stood, angered until two gun barrels leveled with his face.  Dropping his teacup it smashed to the floor as his hands went into the air. 

            They were about the same height, both in black slacks and sweaters.  One was wearing a screaming witch’s mask with a black messy wig and the other was a grinning devil. 

            “Shut the door.” The devil told the witch without looking away from their hostage.  “As for you, into the bedroom, now.” 

            Miyabi nodded and backed away towards the bedroom.  “I have money, you can have my jewelry, and anything else you want…”

            “Shut up!” the devil snarled, pushing the guitarist into the room causing him to fall backwards to the floor.

            “Put this on.” The witch ordered, tossing a bag at Miyabi who managed to catch it.

            Miyabi got shaking to his feet, using the bed to balance.  “I don’t understand, what do you want?”

            “I said, put it on.” The witch put his revolver to Miyabi’s temple and he let out a whimper, nodding and pulling the clothes out of the bag.  The clothes were exactly opposite of what he was expecting given his attackers and the current circumstances.  The shirt was pure white with white faux fur cuffs and a hood also lined with white fur.  The pants were soft and black and his hands shook as he quickly changed, frightened out of his mind that they were either going to rape him, kill him, or both. 

            “Good boy.” Purred the devil as Miyabi turned to face them once again, still shaking.  “Now put your hands behind your back and close your eyes.”  The gun was once again level with his head. 

            “Please…”Miyabi whimpered and slowly did as he was told.  “Please don’t hurt me.”

            “Poor little kitty.” The witch’s voice was gloating as a blindfold slipped over his eyes and a cold barrel touched his forehead, forcing out another whimper.  “You’re doing well kitty, just keep doing what you’re told.”  Leather padded handcuffs locked his wrists behind his back. 

            “Open your mouth.” The devil ordered and Miyabi did as he was told, breath ragged.  They slid a gag into place and tied it tightly in the back before pulling his hair out of the way. 

            “Anything louder then a whimper and you loose your brain, got that?” the devil growled in his ear and Miyabi nodded frantically.  “Good boy, come.”

            They lead him out of his apartment and he heard the door close.  They went down the elevator, and outside the back way to the tenant parking lot.  They made sure he didn’t hit his head as they shoved him into the back of a car but he ended up falling across the seat and pushed farther in as one of them climbed into the back with him. 

            “Stay down.” The witch pushed him back against the seat with the revolver as Miyabi attempted to sit up.  Lying as still as he could he remained on his side breathing heavily, the witch keeping one hand on his hip to remind him he was there.

            They drove for what felt like hours to Miyabi.  At first he tried to remember the movements of the car but after a while it was just too much and he gave up.  Clenching his eyes shut against the blind fold he tried to push away the wave of tears he felt coming, he knew they would do him no good.

            The car finally pulled to a stop and the witch dragged him awkwardly out of the car.  Up a small set of stairs and into a building they quickly walked, down a hall and into an elevator. 

            A gun barrel touched his forehead and Miyabi held his breath.

            “Not so much as a whimper.” The devil growled into his ear.  “You must be perfectly silent from now on.” 

            Miyabi gave a quick nod and felt a kiss on his cheek.  He turned his face away and fought a sob as he was dragged out of the elevator and down a hall.  Keys jangled, a door opened and he was pulled inside.  They moved awkwardly into a room and pushed Miyabi down onto what he assumed was a couch.  A gun was against his temple once more and he froze.  Someone tied his ankles together and moved him till he was on his side.  Bending his knees they hogtied his wrists to his ankles loosely. 

            “Not a sound, not one movement,” the devil growled in his ear.  “Understand?”  Miyabi jerked his head in a nod.  “Good boy.” The devil purred and pulled up the hood of Miyabi’s shirt.  “Now stay.”  Miyabi heard them both move away and somewhere a door closed.  Trembling, he lay there, feeling the tears finally come and soak his blindfold. 



            Kaoru let awareness come upon his slowly and smiled as white morning light poured in his bedroom window.  “Merry Christmas.” He announced quietly and stretched, pulling the warm blankets tighter around himself. 

            After a while he forced himself out of bed and moved into the kitchen, starting a pot of water and digging the tea down from a cupboard.  Grabbing a banana he waited for the water to boil before collecting a cup and moving further down the hall and into his living room.  He smiled at the Christmas tree he had up in one corner, near his television and nearly dropped his teacup as a quiet sob reached his ears.  Carefully he moved to the couch he’d been standing behind and looked over it. 

Letting out a curse he quickly put down his tea and banana and raced to the front of the couch.  “What the…” he muttered as the person on his couch began to tremble.  He quickly kneeled and started undoing the ropes that tied his ankles to his wrists.  “It’s okay, I’m going to untie you.”  He tried to sound comforting and the bound and gagged man gave the smallest nod.  He helped the unknown person into a sitting position and frowned angrily at the red Christmas ribbon that had been used to gag him.  Pulling down the hood he began untying the knots buried in purple-white hair.  Tossing the red ribbon over his shoulder the man didn’t speak and Kaoru moved to the blindfold. 

Big brown eyes ringed in red from crying looked up at him, first fearfully, then in shock.  “Kaoru-san?” he whispered, not quite believing. 

            “Miyabi.” Kaoru was just as shocked but quickly got over it and began untying the younger guitarist’s ankles.  “What the hell happened?  How did you get here?” 

            “That’s what I’d like to know.” The younger man replied bitterly.  “Why the hell would someone kidnap me and leave me in your living room?  Some kind of sick joke?”

            “Someone kidnapped you?” Kaoru tossed the rope over his shoulder.

            “Two people, they were wearing masks…I didn’t recognize their voices.” Miyabi shook his head.  “How many people have access to your apartment?”

            “Not that many.” Kaoru said grimly before turning Miyabi slightly to look at the handcuffs.  “Do you know what they did with the keys?”

            Miyabi tried desperately not to break down at the thought that neither of them could undo the handcuffs.  “They blindfolded me first, I have no idea.” 

            Kaoru heard the catch in his voice and moved so they could see face to face.  “No one would tie you up and leave you in my apartment without leaving the key somehow, not even one of my psychotic friends.  We just have to find it.” 

            Miyabi nodded.  “But I don’t understand, why would one of your friends do this?”

            “I have no idea.” Kaoru admitted, scanning the living room for any sign of keys.  “But when I find out who it was they’re going to be sorry.” 

            Kaoru frantically tore the family room apart searching for the key hoping to calm the younger guitarist down once the handcuffs had been removed.  Miyabi remained where he was, following the others progress with his eyes, trying not to blubber and make Kaoru think less of him. 

            "Kaoru?" his voice was quiet but the older guitarist paused.  "If I was supposed to be some sort of christmas present do you think they might have wrapped the key?" he pointed to the presents arranged under the small tree with his nose. 

            Kaoru's brow furrowed.  "That makes just enough sense to make me even angrier." he admitted.  He covered his eyes and took deep breaths before turning to look at the younger guitarist.  "You have no idea how sorry I am about this.  Can I get you anything while I tear apart my presents looking for the key?  I was making tea and i can get some breakfast together or something." 

            "Could I have some tea?"

            Kaoru nodded  and dashed off to the kitchen to start the pot to boil again and get out another cup.  He returned quickly with a platter with two steaming cups and a teapot, setting it on the small coffee table between his two couches.  Carefully he picked up one of the cups and blew on it to cool it before offering it to the younger mans lips, letting him take however much he needed.  "It's going to be okay." he found himself purring gently to the younger man, watching his lips and the pink tongue that slipped out to catch a drop of tea gathered on the edge.  Miyabi met his eyes and nodded slowly, trying to offer a shy smile.  "And when I figure out who did this you can help me kick thier ass, okay?"  That earned a somewhat broken chuckle from Miyabi who nodded. 

            Setting down the cup Kaoru knelt in front of the tree and began seperating his presents into "not guilty" and "possible suspects".  That done he started ripping into the presents turning his small living room into a brightly colored disaster zone as gifts were opened and discarded.  Under more pleasent circumstances Kaoru would have enjoyed savoring the mystery of the presents and then admiring the thoughtfullness, or lack there of, that came from his closest friends and industry aquaintances.  Instead things were quickly examined and then discarded. 

            "I feel horrible..." Miyabi admitted quietly as a beautiful purple silk shirt was tossed over Kaoru's shoulder and disapeared behind the stereo system.  Kaoru looked up at him in shock.  "This is supposed to be your christmas and you feel that you shouldn't even be enjoying it." 

            Kaoru got up and came back to Miyabi's side.  "Not a chance." he scolded the other gently.  "Whoever did this ruined your christmas just as much as they did mine.  I don't know what they were thinking, but this is disgusting.  I will fix this, Miyabi."

            Miyabi blinked at Kaoru's serious expression and angry tone.  "Now I know why everyone's so afraid of you." he admitted quietly.  "You are seriously scary when you're mad." 

            "But not at you." Kaoru assured him seriously before returning to the tree.  "There aren't too many left." 

            "Don't worry too much.  I probably already missed my flight."  Miyabi tried to smile weakly as Kaoru cast him another 'you're kidding...shit' glance.  "As long as I can phone my family before eleven I should be okay." 

            Kaoru glanced at his watch and started tearing into another present. 

            Finally there was only one left, the largest one, tucked just behind the tree in cheerful red and green paper.  "From the guys" said the tag and Kaoru's eyes narrowed dangerously as he ripped off the paper and savagely pulled open the box.  Laying amongst crumped up newspapers was a beautiful black leather collar with a fuzzy white pompom dangling from the thick silver ring and a smaller box.  Leaving the collar in the box he drew out the one wrapped in blue and white and ripped it open.  Two similar leather wrist bands rested among the thin white tissue paper along with a smaller box.  Pulling off the white santa paper Kaoru pulled open the box to find the small silver key nestled in the box with a black silk scarf.  "They are so dead." he growled as he stood up and motioned for Miyabi to offer his wrists to him.  Once Miyabi was free he stormed into the kitchen to grab the phone and punch savagely at the buttons. 




            Click. "Hello?" 

            "'re a dead man." Kaoru said quietly into the receiver. 

            Miyabi watched Karou break out into yelling almost incoherently into the reciever before carefully approaching the three boxes.  He withdrew the collar and gently touched the white pompom, and then the fluffy collar of the hood he wore.  Then the two wrist bands, smiliarily adorned in white fluffs. 

            "From the guys?!" Kaoru yelled.  "I am going to kill all of you! Starting with YOU because YOU'RE supposed to have enough of a BRAIN to stop the other IDIOTS from pulling shit like THIS!"  Kaoru was yelling when a pair of arms carefully wrapped themselves around his middle.  Kaoru lost track of Shinya's terrified reply as he glanced down at the leather adorned wrists at his navel as manicured black finger nails scratched gently at his belly.  Kaoru glanced over his shoulder at the shy questioning brown eyes behind him.  The black leather collar fit the younger guitarist's neck perfectly, the shy, worried expression on his face heart melting. 

            "Kaoru?....Kaoru?" Was the last Miyabi heard of Shinya as Kaoru hung up the phone almost in a daze. 

            "Miyabi? What are you doing?" Kaoru asked as he turned in the other mans arms, not pulling away, but not embracing back either. 

            "I once told an industry much I admired you..."Miyabi admitted quietly.  "And as the night went on he coaxed more..descriptive...terms for my feelings out of me..." He looked up into Kaoru's eyes.  "People aren't supposed to talk about the things we say while we're pissed out of our trees...but that doesn't stop them from acting on those annoucements..." 

            "Miyabi...there are easier ways to get us together than kidnapping and scaring the crap out of you." Kaoru's tone was incredulous, but he still didn't push the other away. 

            "I'm not saying we aren't going to kill the four of them...just maybe later." and a mischevious glint came into the younger man's eyes.  "If you're interested...?" 

            Kaoru let a smile slide across his lips.  "Very..." he purred and pulled the younger guitarist close for a gentle kiss.