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            Leading his band mate by the hand Tadashi stepped into the mahogany decked office, ducking his head in respect to the man in the white coat behind the elaborate desk.  Carefully he convinced Akira to stand in front of one of the large chaired and pushed him gently to sit in it before seating himself. 

            “Now what seems to be the problem?” The doctor skipped the formalities as he leaned forward in his desk sizing up the more unresponsive of the two. 

            Tadashi licked his lips nervously.  “Akira hasn’t spoken for nearly three years.” He admitted, glancing sideways at his silent companion.  “At first he just stopped talking, but gradually it’s gotten worse.  He barely moves anymore.  He’ll eat or drink if I put something in front of him, but not before.  I just don’t know what to do anymore and I’m running out of money.  I’m afraid to leave him home alone while I go out and work.”   Tadashi kept glancing at his band mate as though attempting to explain to him as well why he was doing this. 

            Akira stared forwards, not acknowledging that anyone else was in the room, let alone talking about him.  The doctor attempted to draw him into the conversation, to even draw his eyes upwards to see that there were others in the room but there was no response.  The talk gradually wound its way around to what sorts of treatments the hospital might try, what sort of programs Akira could be put into.  Tadashi was hesitant to authorize any medication to be forced upon his band mate but he eventually acquiesced since the doctor obviously knew better than himself. 

            Finally both men stood up and shook hands before Tadashi turned again to his band mate.  Using one hand he lifted Akira’s chin, hoping the other would look at him.  Akira stared straight through him, his face perfectly blank and Tadashi took a deep breath as if gathering strength.  “I have to go Akira.” He whispered gently.  “The doctors and nurses here will take good care of you.  Just do as your told and I’ll visit as often as I can, okay?” 

            The doctor resisted the urge to sigh.  This is what they all said, all the families of patients who had gone insane during Emperor Hiroshi’s reign.  Gradually the visits would become short and more far between, until the patient was left with no one, although often they hardly noticed.  Offering encouraging words and phrases that he had memorized the doctor escorted the blond-haired man into the hall and towards the front desk leaving his nearly-comatose companion in his office, hardly afraid that anything would happen. 

            Once the doctor had said goodbye to the poofy-haired man he murmured to a nurse to go to his office and collect their newest acquisition as he quietly followed.  He would fill in the paperwork and then promptly forget their new patient. As long as his bills were paid it didn’t matter to him whether the young man ever spoke again or not. 


            The young nurse peeked into the office and found the young man just as he had been left, seated in the chair closest to the door, staring off into the air, head tilted a touch upwards as though looking up at someone no longer there.  She stepped up beside him and called his name but got no reaction.  Quickly she waved a hand in front of his eyesight, still nothing.  Finally she gently touched the top of his head to lower his face to a more comfortable angle before taking both of his hands and drawing him gently out of the chair.  He followed obediently enough and she muttered encouragingly to him as she led him down the hall and deep into the hospital. 


            Tadashi practically dropped into the driver’s seat of his car, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. 

            “How did it go?” Sasabutchi asked quietly when he’d felt he’d given his friend the time to compose himself.

            Tadashi glanced over at the other, a brief grin flashing on his lips before offering one hand, palm up. 

            Giving Tadashi the high five Sasabutchi handed over the keys and the two headed off. 


            “Good morning!” the nurse called cheerfully as she stepped into Akira’s room and turned on the light.  He was apparently awake, lying on his back staring up at the roof.  She put down the breakfast tray on the desk at the foot of the bed and set about getting the patient out of bed and to his meal.  He didn’t exactly resist her ministrations, but he didn’t help either so it took her a little while. 

            Finally she got him seated at the desk and opened up the plastic cover to reveal the hospital food.  Fully expecting to have to feed him herself she was surprised when he slowly picked up the fork and began to eat.  Praising him as much as she could she left him in order to aid similar patients. 

            When she returned the plate was finished off completely, the fork placed neatly beside the plates.  He was seated at the desk staring at the bare wall before him as she collected the tray and took it away.  She returned shortly and pulled him out of the chair and into the hall.  “Time for a little recreation.” She explained encouragingly as she led him down the hall to the open room where the less violent patients would spend their day.  Scanning the already quite full room she pulled him gently towards one of the heavily barred windows and situated him so he could stare out into the exercise yard. 

            Late in the morning the nurse looked up in surprise as she watched Akira slowly walk away from the window, his eyes still downwards and looking away.  Leaving the patient she was speaking to quietly she matched his speed, curious as to where he was going.  He stopped in the middle of the room suddenly and she watched as his eyes slowly scanned the various exits.  She tried to catch his eye.  “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” she asked him quietly.  He gave a barely perceptible nod.  “Come with me then.” She smiled offering her elbow to him.  He didn’t move a muscle.  “Okay.” She put her elbow back down and led the way down one of the halls, almost surprised when he silently followed after her. 


            Over the next few weeks the nurse curiously watched Akira as he silently existed within the setting of the institution.  He caused no fuss, did as he was directed, and continued to be silent.  He had been entered into a few group sessions but added about as much input as a potted plant.  There was one incident involving the silent man, but it was because another patient had attempted to bully a response out of him.  It had taken two aides to subdue the angered man but Akira acted as though nothing was going on.  He stared straight ahead as he usually did, silent, face blank. 

            Eventually he passed from being an oddity into just another patient.  She was glad that he was so easy to deal with and let any thought of him slip from her mind. 


            “Come, come Moro-san.” The new nurse practically dragged the long-haired man into the recreational room.  His long haired acted as a screen from the rest of the world and he whimpered pitifully as he was pulled inside. 

            “What are you doing?  He doesn’t like being out here.” One of the other nurses scolded as Moro pulled away and escaped into the corner under a table. 

            “He needs the exercise, he’s getting bed sores.” The newer nurse hissed back and the two proceeded to get into an argument. 

            Akira secretly watched the two nurses from between his bangs. He’d been left at the window again but it was no great feat to turn and face where ‘Moro’ had gone.  The skinny dark-haired man was under the table, curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth.  Knowing both nurses were currently occupied he edged away from the window towards the table. 

            Then he heard it, gentle humming, such a familiar tune he bit his lip in suspense.  Glancing again at the now outright yelling nurses he knelt next to the table and reached out.  Parting the thick black bangs he gave a smile that could melt an ice berg. “Ryutaro.” He purred as the big brown eyes looked up at him in shock.  “I found you.”

            “Akira?” The other man breathed the name, eyes flashing over the face in shock.  “Akira!” and he was up, throwing his arms around Akira’s neck pushing them both out from under the table and onto the floor.  Akira held his shaking form, the rest of the rooms inhabitants completely unaware of the reunion in their midst. 

            The nurses’ aide was reading a novel behind the desk protected by the safety glass and a thick, locked door.  Akira slammed his hand down on the outer counter, startling the man enough to nearly topple out of his chair.  The aide looked up at him in surprise.  There was no silent, barely-aware mental patient standing before him now.  With Ryutaro firmly clinging to his arm Akira smiled darkly at the man.  “I’d like my phone call now.” He announced clearly. 


            “Are we going home now?” Ryutaro asked quietly from the back seat of Tadashi’s car, still firmly wrapped around Akira’s arm, not that the once-guitarist minded.  Taro’s sentences were becoming longer and more coherent as the drive continued, he was slowly become more aware of his surroundings and Akira attributed this to the drugs now wearing out in his system. 

            “Yes Taro, we are.” Tadashi smiled a tired but happy smile over his shoulder before returning his eyes to the road.

            “Is it safe now?” Taro whispered to Akira. 

            Akira used his free hand to cup the side of Ryutaro’s face and turn him to look at him.  “It is safe now.” He assured him before brushing his lips against the other man’s forehead.  “You’re safe now.”