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Kit: This came to me after watching the Mars concert DVD opening describing what a hard time Gackt-sama has had trying to get his album released. This is a fictional story popped out of my own head and I am no way saying this is how the real Gackt-sama or You-sama act. Just trying to entertain! Enjoy.


Gackt sat on the hotel’s double bed with sheets of music scattered around him. Notes and lyrics flying through his head he ignored the knock at the door until its third repeat. Getting carefully off the bed he peeked through the peephole and quietly opened the door. "You." He announced, gazing at his band mate.

"You’ve been up all night haven’t you." You replied, putting his hands on his hips. "It’s four in the morning and I know you haven’t been sleeping."

"I have so." Gackt lied, turning back into his room, leaving the door open.

"Hello! Think about whom you’re talking to here. I know what you’ve been doing since I came. I’m You remember?"

"Yes I know." Gackt sat ungracefully in one of the chairs next to the dresser.

"You asked for a guitarist who could play the violin and here I am. Now you’ve got a band and several damn good songs but if you keep this up you’re going to ruin it all."

"I have to do this properly." Gackt defended himself.

"By putting yourself in the hospital?" You rolled his eyes. "Just so you know, I happen to like it here, and if you start popping pills and shit like that I’m going to be really pissed off." He turned away from the singer and began gathering up all the papers and music from the bed. "You do realize if you go, I go." He glanced over his shoulder as he put the papers on the bedside stand.

"No, I didn’t know that." Gackt replied.

"Well, it’s true." You disappeared into the bathroom. "Like I said. I’m You. Without you here I can’t exist. So if you do something dumb you aren’t just hurting the three F’s."

"Three F’s?" Gackt looked up.

"Friends, family, and fans." He explained as Gackt heard things dropping into the garbage can. "You aren’t just hurting the three F’s, you’re hurting me." You stepped back into the room with the garbage can in his hand.

"What’s that?" Gackt tried to look into the can.

"The usual. Painkillers, sleeping pills. That sort of thing." You replied casually as he searched the bedside tables for anything he missed.

"You do realize, that if I wanted to I could use anything in here to kill myself."

"True." You tossed a bottle of Advil into his trashcan.

"I could choke myself on a toothbrush for all you know."

You chuckled. "Oh there’s a fitting end for the great Gackt! I can see the headlines now." He turned to regard his friend. "I know you, vampy-boy. You’re too romantic to choke on a toothbrush. You’d want to look pretty went you died. And the only way you could manage that would be to go to sleep." Tucking the garbage can under his arm he pulled back the sheets on the bed. "Now go to sleep. Think about your cityscapes or something."

"You…"Gackt tried to object.

"No buts! Don’t make me get the others. They’re just as worried as I am and Masa’s sick of you yelling at him. Get some sleep or I’m going to go with Ren and tattle on you."

Gackt got slowly to his feet. "Tattle on me?"

"Tell the people at the top you’re burning out. They’ll stick you in a hospital and you’ll miss your release date."

"They wouldn’t. They want this album as much as I do."

"Not enough to kill you." You pushed him easily down onto the bed. "Now sleep." He ordered and headed for the door, flicking the lights off. "Not one more sound." Watching Gackt find his way under the covers You shook his head. Turning to regard the five other band members that waited for him he nodded before they each returned to their rooms.