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            “Kaoru!” the squeaky voice bellowed up the stairs and the target of the shout rolled his eyes.  The young man pushed away from his desk, grabbing his new blazer off the back of his chair as he headed out into the hall. 

            “Yes, mother?” he asked in a cold, slightly bored, tone as he peered down the curling staircase to where she stood next to the front door in her best sun dress. 

            “Your father and I are ready to go.” He could already see the frown forming on her thin little lips, the crease eroding away the skin between her eyes.  “I thought I told you to dye your hair before we started meeting the neighbors?” 

            Kaoru closed his eyes and counted to five.  “I’m sorry mother.  I will go to the stylists tomorrow.  Perhaps I should remain at home then.” 

            “You are going to meet the neighbors.” His father stepped into view in his grey suit, glaring up at the youth on the stairs.  “And you will be a civilized, Japanese citizen.  None of your foreign nonsense.” 

            “Yes sir.” Kaoru pulled on his blazer as he stepped down the stairs. 

            “Do you have the gifts, dear?” his father fussed over his tie while his mother collected the gift baskets off the stair case. 

            “Here they are, honey.  We should be going.” 

            The pair bustled out the door followed by the purple tinged storm cloud that was their son. 

            Kaoru mused silently about the particular reason for his accompanying his parents on their escapades to introduce themselves to their new neighbors.  His family had moved in a few days before and had waited for a Sunday, the day most likely for said neighbors to be at home, before arranging elaborate baskets of fruit and crackers to present to the households on either side.  He had recently returned to his parents after having spent his first two years of high school with relatives in the U.S.  His parents had been horrified when their son emerged from customs with a guitar case, trench coat and purple hair.  His mother been telling him to dye his hair three times a day since, and he still couldn’t find where his father had hidden his guitar case. 

            They stepped under the elaborate porch of their first target.  The large white pillars were drowned in clinging ivy, the gardens elaborate and well tended.  A beautiful red convertible was shining in the sun next to the garage, something no young boy could ignore, even when mired in family-driven angst.  Arranging themselves so that his father was in the middle, wife on the right and son one step back to the left, his father reached out and rang the bell.  Kaoru was surprised by the haunting melody the doorbell sounded, instead of the common ‘bing-bong’ of so many other houses. 

            A loud, deep bark startled the family into jumping a pace away from the door as footsteps became clearer.  The door opened and a young man with wavy blond hair stood before them with sunglasses on.  He was thin, dressed in simple black slacks and a partially open white dress shirt.  There was a long silence where Kaoru decided his parents were entirely too shocked.  This was obviously not the type of neighbor they were expecting in this high class neighborhood.  “Can I help you?” the blond asked quietly in a husky, deep voice. 

            “We’re your new neighbors, the Nikkura’s.  We’ve brought you a trifling gift.” His father finally found his voice and moved to hand the basket to the stranger with a deep bow that was quickly repeated by the family behind him.  . 

            “Wow.” The stranger accepted the gift with a pleased smile and a small nod of his head at their politeness.  “Quite the trifle, thank you very much.”  He set down the basket just inside the door and Kaoru got a look at the large…husky…that began sniffing its contents.  “Yoshiki Hayashi, pleased to meet you.” And he put out his hand for a shake. 

            There was another uncomfortable pause where Kaoru rolled his eyes at his father’s hesitation.  Finally the elder Nikkura briefly shook hands with Mr. Hayashi and stepped back again.  “This is my wife, Kayoko.” Kaoru’s father tried to act like he wasn’t completely uncomfortable as he presented his wife with one hand.  “And my son, Kaoru.” 

            “Kaoru.” Yoshiki’s smile took on a new lilt that Kaoru translated as extreme amusement as his parents’ behavior as Kaoru took a step forward to shake the older man’s hand.  Yoshiki paused, gripping Kaoru’s hand so he couldn’t get away.  “What instrument do you play?” Yoshiki asked abruptly. 

            Kaoru’s father gave an angry sputter, stepping forward and elbowing his son away from the stranger.  “My son is studying to get into Todai, for economics.” He practically growled. 

            “Oh, congratulations.” Yoshiki nodded to the elder Nikkura.  “You must be very proud.  I asked because he has calluses on his fingers indicating he plays some sort of stringed instrument.  Math is, after all, one of the primary building blocks of music.” 

            “Do you live alone, Mr….?” Kaoru’s mother stepped in to cover up the “Humph” noise her husband made at their neighbor’s pronouncement. 

            “Hayashi.” Yoshiki made a polite cough into his hand before smiling at Kaoru’s mother.  “I have no wife, unfortunately, and most of my children have homes of their own to look after, so I live alone.” 

            The Nikkura family blinked in unison at the idea of such a young looking man having a child, let alone several children grown and moved away.  Maybe the blond hair dye was to hide his age? 

            “Well, I’m afraid we must be going.” Mr. Nikkura bowed stiffly to Mr. Hayashi, a much smaller bow than the one he’d introduced his family with, and led the way back down the driveway. 

            Kaoru paused before turning quickly back to find Mr. Hayashi with that same amused smile watching his parents walk away.  “Forgive their rudeness.” Kaoru gave a short bow and a grin of his own. 

            He nearly yelped when the older man grabbed his wrist and stuffed a business card in his hand.  “Call me and we’ll compose something.” The older man’s sunglasses slid down his nose enough for him to wink at the younger man before he returned into his house. 

            “Kaoru!” his mother squeaked unhappily from the end of the driveway. 

            Sliding the card into his pocket Kaoru quickly hurried to catch up.


            “From the top.” Yoshiki began tapping out the rhythm on his drum set when his phone began to ring, starling them all.  With a quick apology he hurried to the phone.  “Yoshiki here.”  Pause.  “Kaoru!  Yeah, I’m great, how are you?”  Nod of the head.  Nod of the head.  “Absolutely.  I have some friends over right now and we’re just doing a little jam session.  What do you play?”  Pause.  “By the time you get here Pata’ll be so plastered you can take his spot then.”  Light chuckle.  “Yeah, the front door’s open, come on in.”  Another nod and Yoshiki hung up the phone looking very pleased with himself. 

            “Will not.” Pata gave his friend a wink, taking another swig of beer. 

            “Was that the little purple haired piece of ass you were telling us about?” Hakuei draped himself over his Father’s shoulders with a grin. 

            “You will not refer to him as a piece of ass while he’s in the house, young man.” Yoshiki tried to sound authoritative, but the grin on his face made that a failure.  “Seems like a sweet kid, parents complete tight asses though.” 

            “Sounds like most parents these days.” Chisato nodded. 

            “Fucking jumping the numbers downstairs.” Chirolyn frowned at the bass in his hands.  “Pisses off the Maker to no end.” 

            Yoshiki frowned at the demon’s unhappy statement, but quickly hid it as the basement door opened and his neighbor stepped quietly in.  “Come in Kaoru, I’ll introduce you.”  He drew the young man to the center of the room to begin introductions. 


            Thursday night, study group night, or so Kaoru’s parents believed.  As long as his grades kept going up it didn’t matter what actually happened on such nights.  He kept coming over; same night, same time, and Yoshiki never seemed to turn him away.  Yes, they were on a first name basis now, a fact that for some reason made Kaoru very proud.  He’d arrive on the door step, let himself in, and find the older man in the music room with one instrument or another.  Sometimes members of Yoshiki’s extended ‘family’ were there to jam with; sometimes it was just the two of them. 

            Kaoru didn’t mind in the slightest when it was just the two of them.  During his stay in America he’d figured out exactly what it was he was looking for in a lover, and although Yoshiki was obviously older than himself, it didn’t make a lick of a difference.  His parents would be absolutely horrified, probably to the point of disowning him if they knew, but they didn’t, so he carefully schemed and planned how best to make the moves on his new friend. 

            Kaoru stepped into the music room to find Yoshiki by himself at the piano.  Yoshiki looked up with a gentle smile and then moved over so Kaoru could join him.  “How is school?” Yoshiki asked as he led Kaoru through a basic warm up. 

            “Its all right…I’m a little concerned though, my parents haven’t been bothering me about Todai lately.  My mother keeps going next door though, and demanding I go with her.” 

            “Who lives next door?”  Yoshiki glanced at his student. 

            “The Yamada’s.  They have a daughter a few years younger than me, angry cattish little thing.  Mom’s having me tutor her in math.” 

            Yoshiki was silent for a moment.  “So they haven’t been pushing you to get into University, but they have been making you spend time with a girl around your age?” 

            Kaoru’s mouth dropped open.  “They wouldn’t.” 

            Yoshiki’s hands paused and he glanced at his new friend.  “Wouldn’t they?” 

            The piano gave an angry bang as Kaoru’s forehead landed on the keys.  “They would.” 

            Yoshiki put an arm around the younger man.  “Hey, it’ll be okay.  If you need a place to run away to, I’m here for you.” 

            Kaoru looked up at him.  Yoshiki was smiling at him gently, talented fingers kneading his shoulder in a comforting manner.  Screw the plan. 

            Although surprised by the move Yoshiki certainly didn’t object when he found Kaoru’s lips over his own.  Kaoru really was a great guy, a little cold and aloof at first, but with parents like that, who could blame him.  They certainly wouldn’t be doing it on the piano bench though.  With a grin he pushed the younger man away and then took his hand, leading him to somewhere a little more comfortable. 


            Yoshiki stood outside watching the moving men as his furniture made its way from inside his house to inside their truck.  The first truck had already gone on ahead with the boxes of his belongings.  All that was left was the big stuff. 

            “What’s going on?” 

            Yoshiki gave a jump at the unexpected voice and turned to look at Kaoru who had appeared behind him.  He was in full school wardrobe with his backpack over one shoulder.  Yoshiki couldn’t help smiling, he rarely saw the younger man in his school uniform, and it looked…great…on him.  “My new home is finally ready!”  Yoshiki purred.  “I can’t wait to show it to you; it’s built right into the hill side.  Huge spacious building, great for family reunions.” 

            “You didn’t tell me you were leaving!”  Kaoru looked both shocked and crushed all in one instant. 

            “Don’t act like that.” Yoshiki patted him gently on one shoulder.  “I’m still in the city, you still have my number, and it hasn’t changed.  When you need me, you call me, even if it’s to pick you up for our study sessions, you call me.” 

            That cold mask returned to Kaoru’s face and Yoshiki frowned. Shrugging off the other’s hand the high school student gave an awkward bow and turned to walk away.  Yoshiki opened his mouth to call the boy back when one of the movers dropped a lamp which smashed into little bits all over the pavement. 


            “Sugizo…” Yoshiki walked into the family room to find the pink-haired man seated on his couch reading the newspaper.  “When I invited you to my house-warming party, I didn’t think you’d stay for a whole week.” 

            Sugizo looked up from the paper.  “Some one had to make sure all the beds work.” 

            Yoshiki rolled his eyes and went to start the coffee machine. 

            “Hey, Yoshiki, isn’t this that kid you liked so much?” 

            Yoshiki hurried over and read over the tiny announcement Sugizo pointed out.  “The Nikkura and the Yamada family are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Kaoru Nikkura and Yumiko Yamada.  The wedding is to take place one month from today at the …” Yoshiki growled.  “Those…”

            “Poor kid must be furious.”  Sugizo nodded as Yoshiki sputtered angrily and nonsensically. 

            “He hasn’t called me since I moved out...” Yoshiki frowned.  Both men went eerily still as Yoshiki’s phone began to ring the familiar tones of the death march.  Yoshiki dove for the phone.  “Yoshiki here.” 

            “Your old house.  Now.” 


            When Yoshiki burst into his old music room and hurried to the young man’s side he was horrified by the size of the puddle of red surrounding him.  He slapped Kaoru’s cheeks gently to wake him up, putting his other arm around the other’s shoulders.  “Kaoru!  Wake up!” 

            The high school graduate’s eyes opened, clouded and blurry.  A sad smile.  “Yoshiki.” He whispered.  “You’ve come to watch me escape?”

            “No, you moron, this is not an escape!” Yoshiki was furious.  “You face your problems like a man!” 

            A frown graced Kaoru’s pale lips.  “You’re mad at me.”

            “Of course I’m mad at you!  You’re trying to kill yourself!” 

            Kaoru opened and closed his mouth a few times before managing to sputter.  “But it’s too late…”

            Yoshiki’s eyes narrowed. “No…not for you.”  Kaoru was too weak to resist when the older man grabbed his wrist and licked at the deep wound he’d inflicted.  Biting deeply into his own wrist Yoshiki pressed it to Kaoru’s lips. “Now drink!” 


            He was warm, wrapped in soft blankets, arms around a furry little creature, someone else’s hand playing with his hair.  Opening his eyes Kaoru could only see to the edge of the bed, the darkness engulfing everything beyond.  Glancing down he found a beautiful black lynx kitten curled up against him, looking at him through half opened eyes.  “What did you do to me?” he whispered, somehow knowing who lay just behind him. 

            “Gave you a new life.” Yoshiki confirmed his guess.  “You’re safe here, with me.” 

            “Promise?” he glanced over his shoulder with a sleepy grin. 

            The candle just on the bedside table made the older vampire’s hair glow as he looked down at his Son.  “Promise.” He purred, and kissed those full lips. 



            Sheena made her way up the front driveway to the huge house set deep into the hill.  A modest little blue sedan was parked next to Yoshiki’s convertible in front of the garage door.  A few of the windows on the house were open and the loud squealing of a guitar reached her ears as she let herself in. 

            “Yoshiki?” she called over the instrument, taking off her shoes and arranging them neatly away from the door next to the others. 

            Eventually she found him locked away in his office.  The moment she let herself in he jumped to his feet with a weary smile.  “Thank you for coming.” 

            “No problem.” She grinned.  “What can I do for you?”

            “Please…PLEASE, take Kaoru to the hospital with you.  He hasn’t left the house in weeks.  The Maker knows I love him, but I’m going to strangle him.”  Yoshiki looked exceptionally desperate and Sheena resisted the urge to laugh in his pretty face. 

            “Sure, Yoshiki.  If he’ll come.” 

            “I’ll make him go.” Yoshiki’s face suddenly grew serious as he exited his office and went to the bottom of the stairs.  “Kaoru!”  The purple-haired young vampire in question appeared at the top of the stairs with bored curiosity written across his expression.  “Kaoru, come downstairs and meet Sheena.”  When the other had complied Yoshiki smiled.  “Kaoru, this is Sheena, she’s a demon.  She volunteers at the Children’s Hospital; I want you to go with her.” 

            Kaoru blinked owlishly at the older vampire.  “Why?” he finally managed to ask. 

            “I think it would be good for you.” Yoshiki put an arm around the younger man’s shoulders.  “I think it will help you understand death a little better.  Now that you’re going to be alive for a long time, maybe you should spend some time helping those that won’t.” 

            Kaoru looked suspiciously between Sheena and his Sire.  “And how do I do that?”

            “You play guitar, right?” Sheena stepped in gently.  “Why don’t you bring along an acoustic and you can play for the kids?  I’m sure they’ll enjoy it.” 

            Still suspicious Kaoru nodded and stepped back upstairs to collect his guitar case. 

            ‘Thank you.’ Yoshiki mouthed silently to the she-demon as she followed Kaoru out the door. 


            “All right, kids!  Kaoru has to go home now, so say goodbye.” The nurse smiled at the chorus of disappointed “Awwwww!”’s that erupted from the crowd around the guitarist.  Pouting, most of the children got to their feet and headed back to their respective rooms, others latched onto the young man and started to cry.  He’d been coming almost daily for weeks and a lot of the children had become quite attached.  Not to mention the nurses, who tended to hover around the hallway while he played hoping to catch his eye while he left.  The head nurse didn’t mind; anything that kept the children happy and entertained was a welcome change to the flurry of hospital life. 

            “Would you like me to put them back to bed?” Kaoru grinned up at her, trying to figure out how to put down his guitar without dislodging his various cling-ons. 

            “No, that’s all right Kaoru; they can’t do this every time you come to visit.”  Putting on her stern face the head nurse started shooing the children back to their own beds. 

            Chuckling at the pouting faces and plaintive looks he received while his biggest fans left Kaoru replaced his guitar into its case and was about to close it when someone called his name.  Turning he found one of the younger nurses standing just inside the doorway.  She was one of the shyer nurses that would smile and be on her way, but the children adored her and were often telling him how he should ask her out.  “Can I help you?” he stood up, turning to face her. 

            “I was wondering if you’d do me a favor.” She announced quietly, stepping forwards.  “There’s an older boy here, at the hospital, and he often sneaks out of his bed so he can come and listen to you play.  Do you think you might sit with him for a little bit?  Play a little?” 

            Kaoru’s expression grew concerned.  “Why doesn’t he come in?” 

            “He’s very very shy.” She explained.  “He hardly speaks to anyone, truthfully.” 

            “I’ll play for him, if he’d like.” 

            The nurse frowned slightly.  “He hasn’t asked, actually, its something I’d like you to try, to see if he’ll open up to someone.  Do you think you could…just play in his room, as though you were practicing?  See what happens?” 

            Kaoru was certain there was something she wasn’t telling him about this particular situation but nodded and collected his guitar, prepared to follow her out. 

            She led him to the long-term care wing, to a room down at the end.  There was a small common room where larger groups of relatives could visit the children in a more neutral surrounding.  There were three large, comfy looking chairs as well as several book cases.  As she walked in she was speaking to him.  “You should be all right to practice in here.  The adjoining rooms only have one occupant and he usually has his headphones on all day anyways, you won’t bother him.”  It was obvious this speech was more for the unknown pair of ears beyond one of the doors, than for himself but Kaoru nodded anyways. 

            “Thank you very much, I hate to be such trouble, but I think I’m driving my Father insane, practicing at home all day.” 

            “No trouble at all.” The nurse smiled encouragingly and let herself out, closing the door so only a bit of the hall was visible. 

            Kaoru extended his new senses a touch to figure out exactly which room held a beating heart.  Whether from fear or excitement the heart was racing just a room away, the boy obviously trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid detection by the stranger.  Ignoring him for now Kaoru took out his guitar, made sure it was in tune, and played quietly to himself.  Feeling, somewhat guiltily, like a cat waiting at the entrance to a mouse hole he played, hoping for some reaction.  But one never came. 


            Kaoru stepped into the empty common room, extending his senses to see if his little mouse was awake.  Indeed he was, and his weak heart was beating frantically, nervously.  It almost seemed worse today than the first day that Kaoru came to practice near him.  Curious, but too patient to be the first to speak out, Kaoru set down his case and set about taking out his guitar.  Only when he was about to check the tuning did he notice the few papers left out on the chair just next to him.  They were a little crumpled, but obviously laid there with some care.  Glancing at the door to his mouse’s home Kaoru picked up the sheets. 

            What was once simple lined paper had been carefully transformed into music sheets, the lines and bars carefully drawn across the page.  Scanning the notes set between the lines Kaoru was stunned to find one of the songs he’d been working on written out.  Just below the music, like choir music, were lyrics in curly dark scroll accompanied by the notes the singer would use to counterpoint the guitar. 

            Again Kaoru restrained himself from storming in and confronting the boy about the lyrics and music.  Instead he tuned his guitar and got to work using the music he’d been provided.  He never thought of his own voice as melodious, but with a proper audience he could be induced to sing.  And since his audience was hiding, holding his breath, heart beating wildly, Kaoru allowed the notes to carry.  He ran through it two times slowly, to make sure he could get through it without stopping, and then he went to full volume, full speed.  As the last few notes hung in the air he looked to the doorway that hid his little mouse.  “Did I do it right?” he asked, no mistaking who he was talking too. 

            “It still doesn’t sound quite right.” A quiet voice replied.  “But I’ll keep working on it.” 

            Kaoru smiled, even though he could not see the other, yet.  “Why don’t you come out here and we can work on it together?” 

            There was a long moment where Kaoru was afraid he may have frightened the other away, but finally the door opened and his mouse emerged.  Although he didn’t allow it to show on his face Kaoru was surprised.  This was no boy, as the nurse had made him believe, but a young man, probably nearing his twenties.  He was thin and ghostly pale, long black hair left loose, partially covering one amber-colored eye.  He was wearing worn grey jogging pants and a large baggy t-shirt whose decal had long since faded into obscurity.  Simple white slippers finished his ensemble and Kaoru gestured casually to the chair next to him. 

            When the young man had sat down carefully beside him Kaoru offered a hand.  “My name’s Kaoru.” 

            The others fingers were sickly thin and weak when he accepted the hand shake.  “Ryutaro.” He nodded, refusing to meet the others eyes. 


            Ryutaro awoke, back in his own bed, certain he had been sitting talking to Kaoru only the moment before.  Slowly opening his eyes he found the purple-haired man standing just beside his bed holding a glass of water.  “What happened?” Ryutaro tried to push himself into a sitting position slowly. 

            “I’m not sure.” Kaoru admitted.  “We were talking about my new song, next thing I know you’re falling head first into the floor.” 

            “Well you must have caught me because I don’t feel any lumps.” Ryutaro gave a brief grin after a thorough inspection of his forehead. 

            “You’d better watch out, I’m fast.” Before tossing the younger man a wink. 

            Ryutaro’s face went into blank shock before his face fell forwards effectively hiding his blush behind a curtain of dark hair.  “Sorry about that, it happens sometimes.” 

            Kaoru was silent for a moment before he finally hitched himself up to sit just on the edge of Ryutaro’s bed.  “What do you have, Ryutaro?  That’s the first time I’ve seen you actually act sick.” 

            Ryutaro gave a disgusted bark of laughter.  “I wish I knew.  I’m sure every doctor in this place wishes they could figure it out, they’d probably get an award.” He looked back up at the older man, his face hard and angry.  “Endless tests, endless pills and injections.  None of it makes me better.  I’m a fucking morphine addict at nineteen.”  This pronouncement was followed by a fit of coughing that had Kaoru grabbing his shoulders, eyes wide with worry.  When the coughing finally stopped Ryutaro’s hand came away bloody but he merely grabbed a Kleenex from his beside table and wiped it away.  “Sorry, have to stay calm or I fall apart.” 

            “Should I call you a nurse?”  Kaoru found himself at a loss.

            Ryutaro shook his head.  “Nothing they can do…but I should probably rest.” 

            Kaoru nodded, setting himself back on the floor to watch Ryutaro slide under the antiseptic sheets and wriggle into a comfortable position.  “I’ll be back tomorrow.  We’ll finish what we were working on.”

            Ryutaro nodded and waved goodbye to the older man.  As Kaoru closed the door behind him Ryutaro closed his eyes.  “No you won’t.” he whispered into the silence. 


            Ryutaro was lying in bed when Kaoru appeared the next day.  Kaoru opened the door, walked in with a cheery hello and proceeded to empty the messenger bag at his side for the others perusal.  “So I brought you some actual sheet music so you don’t have to waste time drawing the lines anymore.  I noticed your pen selection was getting pretty dodgy so I grabbed a new pack.  Found this really nice black leather journal in the gift shop on the way up, and it has this great lock on it so the nurses won’t be able to read it.  Oh, and there was a sale on chocolate bars so I grabbed a handful of those.  To be honest I have no idea what you like.” 

            When Kaoru looked at Ryutaro he found the other staring at him as though he’d leaped into the room and hit him with a two by four.  “What’s wrong?  Is my hair on fire or something?” 

            Ryutaro gave a snort and started laughing into his hand while Kaoru beamed at successfully making the other laugh.  “Now, really.” He grinned when Ryutaro had calmed himself.  “What’s wrong?” 

            “I didn’t think you’d come back.”  Ryutaro admitted, looking at the sheets that covered his thin form in shame. 

            “Why would I do that?  Just because you don’t know why you’re sick?”  Kaoru raised a dark brow. 

            “What good’s a friend if he’s going to die on you at any moment.”  Ryutaro muttered unhappily. 

            Kaoru frowned and grabbed the young man’s shoulders to force him to look at him.  “Are you dead, Ryutaro?” he demanded.  Ryutaro’s eyes grew wide with fear at the others fearsome expression. “Are you dead?” he gave the younger man a bit of a shake. 

            “No.” Ryutaro finally managed to squeak.

            “Then stop acting like it.” Kaoru released him and went to grab his guitar.  When he turned around again he could hear the tell tale sounds of weeping and immediately regretted his actions.  Setting his guitar against the wall he sat on the edge of the bed.  “I’m sorry Ryutaro, that was harsh.” He admitted, trying not to reach out and grab the younger man, not wanting to freak him out anymore. 

            “No, no.” Ryutaro sniffled, refusing to come out from behind his hair.  “You’re right, but I don’t know what else to do.  Without my parents I can’t even so much as go on a hospital sponsored trip.” 

            Kaoru frowned. “What do you mean ‘without your parents’?  You never told me your parents were dead.” 

            “They’re not.” Ryutaro’s voice took on a bitter edge as he grabbed some Kleenex.  “I haven’t seen them in…six years?  They pay my bills, make sure I have a private room, but that’s as far as it goes.  Feel too guilty to just disown me or something.” 

            Kaoru’s lip curled in disgust.  “Your parents abandoned you?” 

            Ryutaro nodded, finally coming out from behind his hair.  “Without a legal guardian’s permission I can barely leave this bed.  The nurses used to try and mail permission forms to my parents for a signature, but we’d never see the envelopes again.” 

            “When was the last time you were off the hospital grounds?” 

            Ryutaro hummed for a moment, looking at the ceiling for answers.  “My twelfth birthday they took me to a nice sushi restaurant.” 

            “And if you could walk out right now, where would you go?”  When Ryutaro looked at the older man to see if he was serious he was taken aback by the fierce concentration in the look he was getting. 

            “To a karaoke bar.  Just a private room, just you and me.” He finally announced, voice quiet, as if revealing a secret fantasy. 

            “Do you have anything you could wear?” Kaoru looked away now, eyes scanning back and forth as if making plans. 

            “Not really.” Ryutaro admitted.  “What are you up to, Kaoru?  You’ll never get the nurses to agree.” 

            The grin on Kaoru’s face was predatory as he replied.  “They won’t have to.” 


            “You’re here awful late, Kaoru.” The nurses looked up as he passed with plastic bags in his hands.  “Visiting hours are almost over.” 

            “I won’t be long.” Kaoru flashed a winning smile as he headed for Ryutaro’s room.  He found the younger man seated in bed reading a book when he dumped the plastic bags in his lap.  “Get dressed, our reservations are for seven.” 

            “Reservations for what?” Ryutaro was skeptical as he drew a pair of blue jeans out of the bag. 

            “Dinner.” Kaoru winked. “Hurry up; I’ll wait in the hall.” 

            When Ryutaro finally emerged he was dressed in jeans, black Birkenstocks, a red long-sleeved shirt and a black woolen jacket with a brown faux fur lined hood.  He’d quickly brushed his hair and was breathing a little heavily. 

            “Are you all right?” 

            Ryutaro nodded.  “I just have to take it slow.  I don’t get out much.” And he tossed his friend a grin.

            “If you need a break, just tell me, okay?” Kaoru turned serious for a moment.  “I’m not helping you escape from prison; I’m walking you right out the front door.” 

            “And how exactly are you going to do that?” Ryutaro asked quietly as they headed casually down the hall way towards the nurses station. 

            Kaoru gave a wink.  “Watch and see my skeptical friend.”  Ryutaro stuck close to the other man as they turned the corner to the nurse’s station.  “Have a good evening, ladies!” Kaoru called out, making Ryutaro cringe. 

            “Good night Kaoru.” The ladies replied in monotone, all giving brief, lazy waves, not even looking up from the paperwork in their hands. 

            Kaoru was practically skipping as he led Ryutaro out the front door to the hospital.  It was almost as if the slightly taller young man hadn’t existed the way the nurses and doctors acted as they walked by. 

            “So where are we going again? And how are we getting there?  I don’t have bus fare or anything.” Ryutaro followed Kaoru into the parking lot, looking around as though he’d never seen the parking lot before.  He winced as a nearby ambulance screamed to life and headed away, latching onto Kaoru’s sleeve.  

            “I borrowed my Father’s car.” Kaoru grinned like a kid in a candy store as he stopped next to Yoshiki’s red convertible. 

            “You’re joking.” Ryutaro seemed almost afraid to touch the vehicle as Kaoru popped the locks for them both and climbed in. 

            “Nope, hop in.” 

            They drove with the top down and had a quiet dinner for two in a private booth of Kaoru’s favorite Italian restaurant.  Kaoru kept things casual, making sure the skinnier man didn’t rush and had plenty of time to rest.  After dessert he drove them to a karaoke bar that he’d called in a reservation to.  The room was small, with a big screen television mounted into the wall and a single couch.  Kaoru refused to allow the younger man to stand or dance, telling him if they were going to be out all night he was going to walk Ryutaro back to his room at the end of it. 

            “What do you want to sing next?” Kaoru was casually flipping through the song listing binder in his lap while Ryutaro sipped the fruity drink Kaoru had picked out for him. 

            “I’m not sure.” Ryutaro slid over so he could look into the binder as well; extremely aware of how close he was to the other man, hoping the darkness in the room would hide his blush.  “It’s too bad our songs not on there; it’d be neat to sing it into a microphone.” 

            “Are you getting sleepy?  Should I take you back?” Kaoru asked, concerned. 

            “No, I don’t want to go back there.” Ryutaro pouted childishly.  “Don’t make me go Kaoru.” And he put his head on the other’s shoulder. 

            “They can take care of you a whole lot better than I ever could.” Kaoru rested his cheek on top of the others head as he spoke. 

            “I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve been his happy in a long time.” Ryutaro bravely replied. 

            Carefully Kaoru reached out and twined his fingers with Ryutaro’s.  “Is it me, or finally getting out that makes you happy?” 

            “You.” There was no hesitation.  “I don’t feel like I’m sick when I’m with you.” 

            Pleased Kaoru shifted so he could press a quick kiss to the top of Ryutaro’s head.       

“You missed.” Ryutaro sat up a bit so he could look at the other.          

            “Missed what?” Kaoru was genuinely confused. 

            “My mouth.” Ryutaro gave a coy smile and moved forwards to press his lips against Kaoru’s. 

            To say Kaoru was surprised would have been an understatement, but he was far from complaining.  Listening carefully to the others excited heart Kaoru taught the younger man that kissing was more than pressing each others lips together.  When it sounded like Ryutaro’s heart couldn’t take it any longer he reluctantly broke away, smiling to assure the other that nothing was wrong.  “We should get you back.” 

            “Why did you stop?” Ryutaro asked as though in a daze. 

            Kaoru grinned.  “Too much excitement in one night.  I won’t loose you so easily.” 

            The trip back to the hospital was quiet.  The trip down the hallways eerie because, again, no one seemed to notice they were there.  Kaoru had to help him back into his hospital clothing since he was so tired, which involved an awful lot of chuckling and blushing on both their parts.  Back in bed Kaoru found the other looked so small and unhappy he crawled up beside him to give him one last kiss.  “You’ll see me again soon, you know that.” He whispered.  Ryutaro nodded and watched the other leave.  When he door was finally closed it only took a moment before he was quickly asleep. 


            The sun was shining in the curtains and Ryutaro muttered unhappily as they stirred his sleeping brain.  The night before he and Kaoru had gone on another late-night expedition and he was still tired.  Despite his best efforts he continued to awaken until finally his eyes opened. 

            There was someone in the room, an older man with long blond hair.  He was seated next to Ryutaro’s bed, looking out the window. 

            “Can I help you?” Ryutaro warily sat up, this man completely unknown to him. 

            “Only in a very minor way.” The man turned to smile at him.  “I am Kaoru’s Father, and I thought I’d better come and meet you.” 


            “I really must protest.” The doctor was standing at his bedside looking quite alarmed as Ryutaro packed his meager belongings into the small suitcase Kaoru had brought for him the day before.  “You are not completely healthy, and well aware that we have all the available equipment…”

            “To keep me here for the rest of my life not getting any better.” Ryutaro glared at the doctor as he zipped the case closed.  “You cannot help me get better; you can only sustain me as I am.  Well I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of this place.  I’m checking out…today.”  He made his tone final but the doctor continued to make sputtering noises until Kaoru walked in the door. 

            “Kaoru! Surely you can convince him that it is in his best interests to remain here in the hospital.”  The doctor turned to the purple haired man for support. 

            “Don’t look at me.  I’m the one driving him to his new home!” Kaoru chuckled and took a hold of Ryutaro’s case. “You ready to go?” 

            “Absolutely.” Ryutaro shot the doctor one last contempt-filled glance and followed Kaoru out the door. 

            Three nurses watched the two young men as they disappeared down the hall together. 

            “Did you know he was like that?” the one whispered to the nurse that had asked Kaoru to try and get Ryutaro to open up.

            “I suspected.” She admitted, nodding, a gentle smile on her face.

            The third nurse gave the second a light smack on the shoulder.  “You should have told the rest of us.” She teased. 

            Kaoru opened the door so Ryutaro could get in before putting his suitcase away in the trunk.  Getting into the drivers side Kaoru reached out to squeeze the younger man’s hand.  “Let’s get you home.” He purred, and started the car. 


            Kaoru groaned as his dream lover lavished wet attention upon his quickly hardening nipples.  He moved his hands up to play with the silky strands of black hair and felt the other man smile against his skin.  “Ryutaro.” He murmured into the darkness as his lover dotted kisses across his abdomen. 

            “Say it again.” Was the husky response, followed by a teasing lick into Kaoru’s navel. 

            “Ryutaro.” Kaoru smiled himself as the dream slipped away and he found his fingers buried in the others’ hair. 

            “Don’t stop.” Ryutaro began tugging at the others boxers, heart pounding wildly, nervous and afraid of what he was attempting to do, but excited all the same. 

            “Ryutaro.”  Kaoru obliged, lifting his hips to allow the other access.  “Ryutaro, what have you been reading?” 

            “Girly smut mangas.” Was the nervously giggled response.  “You’d be surprised how much you can learn from a woman’s fantasy about homosexual men.” 

            Kaoru groaned at the teasingly tentative lick to the head of his organ.  “Just don’t…” the sentence was cut off as long shaking fingers began gently massaging his balls causing a moan. 

            “Don’t what?” Ryutaro nuzzled playfully at Kaoru’s cock. 

            “Don’t go further than you can handle.”

            Ryutaro smiled and gave a gentle kiss to the inside of Kaoru’s thigh before delivering a teasing lick up Kaoru’s rapidly swelling cock.  Though girls smut manga’s never really went into detail on what one did with what amounted to a tube of light on paper, Ryutaro tried his best. Judging from Kaoru’s moans and the fingers in his hair, he must not have been doing too badly.  He listened raptly as Kaoru’s breathing became more ragged and his body started to quiver. 

Suddenly Kaoru arched up and flipped their positions, trapping the younger man beneath him with a playful growl and a gentle nip at the skin where Ryutaro’s neck met his shoulder.  “You tell me to stop if you need to, okay?” 

            “No fair, I wanted to thank you.” Ryutaro pouted into the darkness, quivering beneath the other. 

            “Staying with me is thanks enough.” Kaoru softly kissed the pout away. 

            “As long as I can.” Ryutaro replied when they broke apart. 

            Smiling Kaoru returned the favor to his lover’s nipples, loving the panted whimpers and moans he elicited.  Calloused fingers slid up and down the other’s sides, tickling his ribcage before sliding beneath the band of his boxer shorts.  Ryutaro arched his hips up so Kaoru could drag the fabric away, painfully slowly, as he kissed at the younger man’s pale white legs.  The shorts were tossed away without a thought as Kaoru moved up to nuzzle the dark hair surrounding his lover’s length.  With one hand he encouraged the other to bend one knee up, dotting kisses of revenge upon Ryutaro’s exposed thigh.  One ear open for the younger man’s frail heart Kaoru licked up him and then deep throated him.  He knew Ryutaro had the makings of a good vocalist, but he was able to prove it as he worked his tongue upon the other. 

            His other hand was absent for a moment as it reached for the top drawer of the bed side table.  A tricky operation one handed, the other sliding across pale skin, Kaoru got the tube open and managed to get some of the lube onto his fingers, rubbing them together to warm it.  Ryutaro moaned and arched up slightly at the first intrusion, causing Kaoru to smile around his shaft.  Slowly another digit was added, carefully searching for the right spot in his inexperienced lover.  When he finally brushed it Ryutaro bucked upwards with another cry and Kaoru reluctantly pulled himself away. 

            “Don’t stop.  Please don’t stop.” Ryutaro panted, still shaking nervously, as Kaoru crawled upwards to kiss him deeply and situate himself properly between the others legs. 

            “Just relax.” Kaoru purred in his husky voice waiting for Ryutaro to nod before he pushed himself inside the pale man beneath him, slowly. 

            Ryutaro gave out a breathy gasp at the welcome intrusion, feeling a pain unlike the kind he’d felt every day for so long.  Reaching up he pulled Kaoru tight to him, nipping the older man’s earlobe to cover a pained whimper. 

            Kissing tenderly at the throbbing vein on the others neck Kaoru began to move, slowly at first, and then angling himself to hit just the right spot within the other.  Wishing he had the forethought to set up a tape recorder, Kaoru reveled in their music, moving slowly faster.  

            “Ryutaro.” Kaoru breathed into the others ear.  “Stay with me, forever.  Please.”

            “Always.” Ryutaro gasped, arching his head back, feeling Kaoru dot more kisses upon his pale skin.  “I don’t ever want to leave you, Kaoru.” 

            Kaoru could hear it, the change in the heartbeat so close to his own, the fluttering and fluctuations.  He couldn’t wait any longer, sinking his fangs into the other’s neck he tasted the sweet hot juice of his lover, swallowing deeply. Ryutaro gave a pained gasped at the unexpected movement, opening his eyes.  When Kaoru released his throat Ryutaro heard the older man hiss and found a bloody wrist against his lips as Kaoru continued to thrust into his thin form.  Tentatively at first he licked at the wound, surprised at how much he enjoyed the coppery flavor.  Kaoru’s pounding grew more persistent, his free hand wrapping around Ryutaro’s length.  With Ryutaro sucking strongly at his Sire’s wound they both came together, sharp teeth stained red with each other’s blood. 

            Gasping practically into each other’s mouths the two men were ignorant of all but the white light filling their vision.  Kaoru came back to Earth first, pulling away to dot gentle kisses across his lover’s face as a small black raven chattered contentedly between them.