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Abandoned Bloopers



The two larger angels rushed forwards and the fight began but the tiny Levin didn’t stand a chance. Only when firm hands took a hold of his wing did Levin realize they had been planning a fate worse then death. He let loose an agonized scream as his attackers pulled and from somewhere a scream of rage echoed his. The larger angels looked up at the shadowed bat winged figure that dropped out of the stars towards them screaming. Dropping Levin they folded their wings and ran, frightened by the thought of facing a rare winged demon. The demon's toes touched pavement but he was unable to back-wing and inertia pulled him forwards, over top of Levin, landing face down.

Levin rests his chin on his hands and looks over at Kyo whose shoulders shake with laughter. "Have a nice trip?"

"You shut up!" Kyo points a finger at the drummer as a couple of set-hands pull him to his feet. "I don't see you dropping out of the sky anywhere in the script!"


Yoshiki sits on the crypt stairs with a copy of the script in his hand. He mumbles to himself and makes different facial expressions as the camera carefully approaches. Sliding around the rich man it zooms in on the expanse of lines highlighted. "Look at all this crap I have to say." He whispers and flips the pages. "This was Toshi's job! I'm not supposed to talk this much!"

"That's it!" the camera spins to find a red-head in a black cap labeled 'director' at the top of the stairs. "Get my phone book! I want Toshi on the line right now!"

"No! No! Luni-sama!" Yoshiki scrambles to placate her. "I'd make a much better vampire king!"


Movement in the corner of his eye alerted Toshiya to some presence in the mass of sheets on Kaoru's bed. Half fearing it to be that damned raven Toshiya quickly stood and warily approached after replacing the picture frame on the desk. Ready for anything Toshiya grabbed onto the sheet and threw it back.

"Do you mind?" Die glares at Toshiya and grabs the blanket from him. Shinya waves bye-bye to the camera as Die pulls the sheet up over them again. Toshiya's hyena-like laughter echoes as the sheets begin to move again.


Levin shook his head as his wing withdrew before he actually opened his eyes.

With a startled yelp Levin jumped to his feet, withdrawing from Kyo as if he'd burned him. "Demon!" he pointed at Kyo accusingly.

"Keep that thing to yourself, Holy Boy." Shena gently slapped Levin's finger down. "Try savior."

Levin's eyes narrowed in concentration as he looked at Kyo. "The scream that scared them?" he bit his lip and abruptly crumpled to the floor with a loud thump. The camera pans out to look at Shena.

"Oh shit!" she covers her mouth. "I was supposed to catch him!"

"Yes you were!" Comes Levin's pained voice as Kyo moves to help him up, chuckling.


"Don’t blame me!" Kyo held up his hands in innocence. "Levin let him feed off him!"

"He was hungry!" was the red-head's muffled reply.

"How did he get drunk of pip squeek?"

Levin sat up and glared. "Back off blub suck…" bursting into laughter Levin slides out of the shot.


Levin sat up and glared. "Back off blood sucker before I…kick your ass!" Laughter erupts off camera as Levin turnes bright red. "What was the rest of the line?"


Levin sat up and glared. "Back off blood fucker before I…" Realizing his mistake Levin claps a hand over his mouth. The camera pans to Kaoru who sits across from him looking stunned. It pans once more to Levin who slowly slides under the table.


The two figures on the roof of the building making up half the alleyway watched the odd pair disappear down the street in silence. One man was seated on the edge, bright orange hair a fluffy mess. The other stood just beside him with a bright blue top-knot.

"Chirolyn." The orange-head spoke up. "They were going to kill our Kyo."

"And the angel." Chirolyn nodded. "Not very angelic if you ask me Kiyoshi."

Kiyoshi nodded. "Should we do something?"

Chirolyn pursed his lips in thought. "I don't know." He admitted. "Has Kyo done enough?"

"It wasn't enough the first time." Kiyoshi reminded him.

"Kyo didn't beat the crap out of them the first time."

"Maybe we should make sure they got the point." Kiyoshi gave an evil grin.

"Well, Kyo is our brother, and Levin doesn't seem like a bad guy."

"Wouldn't want to loose either of them." Kiyoshi agreed.

"But they're angels. We'd have to get permission from the Maker first."

Kiyoshi nodded. "Hang on a second." Standing he cups his hands over his mouth. "Hey hide!"

The camera pans off-set where the pink-haired guitarist turns away from a conversation with Sugizo. "What?!"

"Can we beat up some angels?"
hide raises a brow. "Like I give a fuck!" and he returns to his conversation.


Yoshiki sat forwards in his seat and opened his mouth to speak before abruptly curling over himself. A strangled scream escaped his throat and he struggled blindly against the pain. Kaoru and Toshiya tried to stop him from hurting himself while wondering what the hell was happening. Yoshiki lies in Kaoru's arms, legs across Toshiya when somewhere a cell phone rings. The camera pans to a suddenly embarrassed Toshiya as he digs his cell phone out of his pocket.

"Hello?" he waves at the camera to look away. "We're filming I'll call you back! …Abandoned, Luni-sama's first big one."

"Give me that!" Yoshiki pulls the cell phone out of Toshiya's hand. "Yoshiki speaking, who am I talking too?" A big grin spreads across his lips. "Yes, that Yoshiki. Oh thank you. No you don't have to go, I'm quite comfortable right where I am." Kaoru and Toshiya look at each other and abruptly stand dumping Yoshiki to the floor.


A shadowed figure made its way up the walk way, huge blacked wings decked with heavy silver claws curled against the rain. It stopped before it reached the steps and kneeled down to move some rubble. Lifting the bobcat from the ground they moved up into the ruin. The demon moves slowly to Kaoru who wails Ryutaro's name, trips and lands on the guitarist.

"Oh yes Ryutaro!" Kaoru's voice floats to the camera through the rain. "Take me now!"


Special thanks to SilverFox and AmandaRose for their continued support despite their lack of Jrock knowledge.

Thanks also to Lain-chan and Lori-chan for cheering me on even though they have yet to read Abandoned!

Thanks to Alecia who still has the original copies of chapter 1 and 2. Wherever you are now you can just throw them out, I don't need the corrections any more!

Thanks to Menhkie for taking the time to e-mail me with word of encouragement. Thanks also to Hikaru for the same as well as her inspiring questions that may lead to a sequel. ^^

To Mana Camui, a box of imported Pocky for hosting my work on her amazing site.

And thanks go out to the fellow writers and readers who enjoyed Abandoned enough to comment and demand more! These bloopers are for you! For Ko, Ki~, Kaoru Camui, Maharet and Erisha, pocky sticks for support. For Mako, a bottle of MtDew for her enthusiasm. For DrkShinigami who hopefully still has all of her hair. For Shaynako for enjoying every one of my anime-like chapter endings! And finally for Ashna who loved it enough to read it despite having no idea who most of them were. ^__~

Finally, thanks to the people who will read this now that it is finished and leave comments! Arigato!