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Chapter 13

Author's note: I made Akari up, completely. She's cool though! Don't run away! And I present to you Lunikitkat at her absolute fluffiest. But I'm proud of it.

Izam sipped his coffee, hiding in the back room of the bookstore. The security cameras revealed the line of people clutching hardcover books, waiting for his arrival. He'd never dreamed his first book would be so successful. Who would have thought his glimpse into the lives of the under-worlders would inspire him so much. He just had to hope the pink haired one wouldn't be too mad. He'd changed his hair color to a bright sea green but the resemblance was easy enough to see. The store manager appeared and gestured for Izam to follow him out, the book signing was about to start.

The table was piled with copies of his book, pens, paper, and a big stupid picture of Izam smiling. He hated that picture. When he came into view of the line they clapped politely, Izam smiled shyly and waved. Taking his seat the store manager made his introduction and the group clapped again. A well dressed cashier nodded at the managers signal and removed the rope barrier to allow the first in line to Izam's table.

The tall, dark haired man set down two copies of his book and smiled beneath his sunglasses. "Do you mind signing two?"

"Not at all." Izam smiled and looked up as the fan removed his sunglasses. Izam nearly fell out of his chair as Toshiya flashed another smile. He'd untied his cornbraids and the blue tinge was gone from his obsidian hair. Toshiya opened the books so Izam would sign them instead of gaping like a fish.

"He dyed His hair green once He finished reading His copy." Toshiya grinned. "He's been driving everyone nuts His ego's become so big."

Izam couldn't help but grin as he signed one book simply and then the other. "For Toshiya, my biggest fan. I miss you. Izam." Toshiya smiled his thanks, winked and left taking his two books with him.

Izam was in a daze for the next couple of fans until Shinya and Die walked up to get their own books signed. Soon after came Hakuei and Chisato and Izam couldn't help but feel elated. They hadn't forgotten him.

When the book signing was finished Izam searched the mall for the vampires but they had disappeared back into the darkness. Unsure just how to feel he returned home wishing he'd said something, asked for a number, anything.

Turning on the light in his apartment Izam dropped his coat and put on a pair of slippers. Stepping into his kitchen he was surprised to find a vase full of blue and red roses sitting on the table. Going straight to it he pulled the large white envelope out of the bouquet. Opening it he found a picture of his vampire friends all grouped together in a park setting. Hakuei and Chisato were on the right, Hakeui riding piggy-back on his lover. Die and Shinya were on the left giving peace signs and big smiles. Toshiya was in the center with a huge smile, waving. Turning the picture over he felt his black rabbit pressing against his ankle. "Congratulations! May your writing career flourish! (It was a big hit downstairs!) luv, Toshiya, Die, Shinya, Hakuei, and Chisato." Smiling and blinking back tears Izam picked up the rabbit and held it close.


Izam paced the room where he was to wait until the ceremony was about to begin. His black rabbit sat on the coffee table munching on a carrot stick and his best man had gone out to check the weather. The morning had been cloudy despite the weatherman's predictions and Izam was worried that they might have to postpone it. Akari had always wanted an outside wedding and Izam had done everything in his power to give that to her. They'd met at a writing convention and become fast friends. Now they were getting married. Izam leaned down to look the bunny in the eye. "This is it. I'm tying the knot." He told it.

"Izam! Izam quick! It's a miracle!" His best man burst into the room. Grabbing Izam by the wrist he dragged him outside. A huge wind had picked up and it threatened to pull the reception tent right out of the ground. The gray clouds were quickly rolling northwards revealing a beautiful pale sky.

"Run and tell Akari that the wedding's still on!" Izam pushed the man away and smiled as the sun made a spectacular entrance. Something touched his ankle and Izam bent down to pick up the rabbit. "Thank you Toshiya." He whispered, scratching between the familiar's ears. "This means so much to me."

The wedding was beautiful and Izams heart stopped when Akari appeared in her moon-white wedding gown. Their honeymoon was spent in New Zealand simply relaxing but Akari couldn't wait to get home and be carried across the threshold so she could open the presents. Akari was like a little girl that way, nothing amused her more then surprises. Izam said she could open the presents and he would open the cards.

Akari was unwrapping another tea set when Izam found a simple baby-blue envelope with his name written in a curly black scroll. Opening it carefully he found a simple white card with indented church bells on the front. Opening it he read the black script within. "I wouldn't let it rain on your wedding day, Toshiya."


Izam stood outside the maternity ward looking in at the plastic cradles bearing the sleeping and squirming bundles. A nurse was gently picking up his baby and moving towards the window.

A figure appeared at his side but he couldn't be bothered. "Hello my little Tanya." He whispered to the window. The baby squirmed in the nurses' arms, kicking her pink bootied feet.

"She's beautiful." Toshiya said quietly. "You should be very proud."

"I am." Izam pressed a hand to the window as the nurse made Tanya wave. "I have a little girl."

Toshiya put an arm around the mortals' shoulders and brushed his lips across Izam's temple when the nurse turned away. "I'm so jealous." The vampire smiled. "But I’m so happy for you."

"When will I see you again?" Izam got the courage to finally ask as Toshiya made to leave.

"I'll be around. As long as you have my familiar I will know when you need me." Toshiya smiled and disappeared down the hall.

Izam stepped into his wife's room to find the floor and tables littered with flowers and baby toys. "Izam!" Akari smiled from her bed. "These five strange men came in and delivered all of these things! They said they were friends of yours." She picked an instant Polaroid off her nightstand and handed it to him.

Toshiya and Akari had their arms around each other giving peace signs. Shinya was on Akari's other side with Die waving, Hakuei and Chisato were lying nearly in Akari's lap grinning. Chuckling Izam sat down beside his wife. "I knew them before I started writing, they're very good friends."


Izam sped home as fast as humanly possible. Akari had called in an absolute panic, so much so that he couldn't figure out what was wrong. It was something to do with Tanya and that's all he needed to know. Leaping out of the car he met his wife at the door but she was still in hysterics. "Akari! Akari!" he tried to sooth her. "What happened? What happened to Tanya?"

Taking deep breaths Akari met his eyes, her own eyes red with crying. "She's gone! I went to answer the phone and left her playing in the yard!"

For a long moment Izam couldn't even breath let alone speak. "What…what do you mean?" he took her by the shoulders. "She can't just be gone! Have you called her friends' houses? Have you checked at the park?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course! That's the first thing I did!" Akari buried her face in his chest. "I'm so sorry. I was only gone a moment."

Fighting back his own tears he held her close. "It's not your fault Akari." He whispered. "We'll get her back. Did you call the police?"

"They can't do anything for two days." she replied bitterly.

Izam looked up with a sudden thought. "Where's my rabbit?"

Akari looked at him as though he'd lost his mind. "Tanya had it with her, I haven't seen it since. Why?" Her eyes accused him of caring more for his pet.

"You don't understand Akari, and I can't explain it, but if Tanya has the rabbit with her then she'll be fine."

"What do you mean? How do you know?"

"Please trust me Akari." He kissed her forehead. Pulling her close he lead her inside to wait, but for what he wasn't sure.

A huge storm started around dinnertime and Izam sat near the phone. Akari had cried herself into a troubled sleep a little while before. The television was on, mumbling softly in the background. The only story on the news was a house across town that had burnt down in a blaze of glory taking its two inhabitants with it, they were still trying to put it out.

The rain was calming down to more of a gentle patter when the doorbell rang. Akari woke with a start and Izam scrambled to open the door. Toshiya stood on the front porch, soaking wet. He'd cut his hair to chin length and it stuck to his cheeks. In his arms was a sleeping Tanya wrapped in a blue and black blanket, rabbit clutched in her small arms.

"Tanya!" Akari yelled as tears of joy started pouring down her cheeks. Tanya woke and fell into her father's arms as Akari hugged Toshiya, repeating her thanks over and over again. Tanya then moved into her elated mother's arms and Izam hugged Toshiya as well.

"How can we ever repay you?" Akari asked, holding her daughter tight.

"I owed your husband." Toshiya replied. "Please don't trouble yourself."

"Thank you Totch-san." Tanya said sleepily, arms around her mother's neck.

"My pleasure Tanya-hime." Toshiya gave a bow. Nodding once more Toshiya left the porch and went down the walk. Izam watched Die pat him on the shoulder before he and Shinya waved. The three vampires, as beautiful as ever, got into Die's cab and disappeared.


Izam tried to keep tears out of his eyes as Tanya descended the stairs. Her beautiful red graduation dress sparkled with tiny fake diamonds and little red flowers decorated her hair. "You look wonderful." He smiled and offered his hand to help her the rest of the way down the stairs.

"I agree." Her date looked star-dazzled as he offered her a white rose corsage.

"As nice as it would have been to get a limo I think the dress was worth it." Akari was attempting to keep from weeping.

Tanya nodded and allowed her date to slide on her corsage. Izam happily snapped photos as the pair posed on the stairs and in front of the blooming tree in their front yard. As the two moved to get into Izam's car a long black limousine pulled onto their street and parked in front of the driveway. Tanya looked at Izam in disbelief but he looked similarly confused.

Die exited the drivers side wearing black sunglasses and the drivers hat. "Are you ready to go Tanya-hime or would you like to take some pictures first?" Die asked with a wry grin at Izam's expression.

"Dad?" Tanya was still shocked.

"Your godfather wanted your graduation to be perfect. My name is Diesuke and I am at your service for as long as you need me."

Akari and Tanya looked to Izam who grinned stupidly. "You tell her godfather he should clear such things with me first! Now stand by the limo Tanya, I do want those pictures!"

Izam held Akari tight as Tanya hung out the window to wave as the limo drove away. Akari still had tears in her eyes when she looked up at Izam. "She has a godfather?"


Izam stood out of the way as everyone bustled about trying to make everything look perfect. The sun was shining and only a few stray clouds floated lazily above. He stood in the shadow of a blooming tree and smiled as Akari began scolding someone for stepping on the white curtains hanging from the alter.

"Gackt says you threatened his immortal life if he didn't give me the invitation." Toshiya stepped up beside the human.

"If he didn't want to be found he should have changed his habits. He hasn't stopped walking down that street since the last time I found him." Izam turned to regard the vampire. Toshiya had cut his hair in a short boyish style and dyed it the same caramel blond as Yoshiki's. He was in a formal black suit with a pair of sunglasses. "Tanya wanted her godfather to make an appearance, and I wanted the weather to be good."

"I didn't let it rain for your wedding, I'm not going to let it rain for hers."

"How am I going to explain that her godfather looks to be the same age as her?"

"I learned a neat trick from Yoshiki." Toshiya grinned as his face suddenly aged and matured. "Taadaa."

"How long can you stay?"

"The wedding and the reception." Toshiya nodded. "I already put my present on the table and signed the guest book."

"And the others?"

"Last I checked they were mingling, trying to act like old and distinguished business men."

"Thank you for coming." Izam looked back at the flurry of activity in front of him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Toshiya replied gently, laying a hand on the mortals' shoulder.


Tanya squeezed her father's hand tightly as the casket was lowered into the ground. She glanced up at him, hoping to meet his eyes, but he wouldn’t look away from the casket. Leaning her head against his shoulder, her husband holding her other hand, she returned to listening to the preacher. Roses were dropped onto the polished surface before the group began to filter away. Tanya squeezed his hand once more and this time he turned to look at her. "Come dad. It's time to go." She said gently.

"If I could have a moment to speak to her, alone." Izam whispered. "Please."

Tanya slowly nodded. "We'll be waiting in the car." With her husband and two children she moved away towards the barrier of trees dividing the cemetery from the parking lot. Telling her husband to go without her she paused and turned to look back at her father. He kneeled in front of the hole in the ground with a man beside him.

"You once said you were jealous." Izam announced quietly. "Did you hate her?"

"No." Toshiya shook his head. "I loved her because you loved her."

"I could have stopped this."

Toshiya reached out to take Izam's hand. "No Izam. She wouldn't have been happy in eternity. Just as I played third wheel to your lives she would have been third wheel for our eternity. You gave her everything she ever wanted. She is happy now, in heaven." Toshiya met Izam's eyes and smiled. "I checked with the liaison between above and below. She's so happy now Izam, you must feel that." Slowly Izam broke down and leaned into the vampire as the tears cascaded down his cheeks. Toshiya just held him tightly cooing soft words to calm him.

The unknown man rose first, blond hair flashing in the sunlight. He moved to leave but noticed her watching. He did not pause as he moved towards her. He was young and yet somehow familiar looking. "Apologies for your loss Tanya-hime." He said softly as he passed and Tanya's breath caught in her throat.


Tanya carefully placed the black rabbit on the bed next to her father. She smiled at the memories of her mother calling it Bunnicula the vampire rabbit considering how long it had lived so far. Her father's arm wrapped around it tightly as he kissed his grandchildren goodnight. The machine attached to his arm beeped quietly as he squeezed her husband's hand and warned him once again to treat her nice. When they were gone Tanya took his old hand and squeezed it tightly.

"My nurse says you slept in the hallway last night." He announced with a wry look in his ancient eyes.

"I don't want you to go without saying goodbye." She admitted and held his hand to her cheek.

"Well then let's say our good byes right now." He smiled and ran wrinkled fingers down her cheek. "I love you and I'm very proud of you. I'm sure your mother is too. I couldn't have asked for a better family."

"How will I go on without you?" she felt a tear slip down her cheek.

His eyes twinkled. "I'll be around, you'll just have to watch for me."

"I love you." She smiled and tightly embraced him.

"Never forget how much I love you." He whispered back.

Tanya squeezed his hand once more time and backed out of the room, her eyes finally leaving his as she disappeared into the hall. Her mother's scrapbook lay on the long bench a little ways down the hall and she went to it.

Toshiya slipped silently into the room and smiled at the old man lying there. "Are you ready? Or do you want to go to Akari?" he asked quietly, sitting in the seat Tanya had abandoned.

"What a thing to say." Izam snorted. "How selfish do you think I am?"

"I don't want you to do this and then have regrets." Toshiya took his hand.

"I've had a lifetime to think about this." Izam said quietly. "Don't leave me Toshiya."

"Never." Toshiya held the wrinkled hand to his cheek much like Tanya had done. "I will not abandon you."

"Then I am ready."

Toshiya unlocked the bar that stopped Izam from falling out of bed and lowered it. Sliding onto the bed beside him Toshiya took a moment to kiss his temple. "I was so jealous of Kaoru." He whispered.

"Why?" Izam breathed.

Toshiya smiled. "He got to taste you first."

Tanya pulled the instant Polaroid off the aged paper and scanned the faces of the five men around her mother. Her fingers delicately moved over the face of the one wrapped around Akari. "Tanya-hime." she whispered.

Movements down the hall made her look up as two young men emerged from her father's room. One was blond, the other brunette and they hugged tightly. The blond opened his eyes and met Tanyas'.

Tears sprang into her eyes as she whispered, "Take care of him."

Toshiya smiled. "I will." He mouthed the words back to her.

Tanya watched the two walk away, hand in hand. She found herself crying but whether for joy or heartbreak she could not tell. Something nudged against her ankle and she looked down. Her father's black rabbit and a tiny black kitten looked up at her expectantly.
