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Chapter 12

Authors Notes: It's official, I have created a VERY weird pairing… I warn you all now, do not flame me, it just turned out that way. Secondly, I really do love Tadashi, he's just kinda…angry! Just like I love Mana! I mean no harm to either of them! +It's very long, longer then the other ones.


Jun paid for his videos and stepped outside thinking on what he'd learned of Toshiya. Heading to his apartment the same as usual he stopped to talk to the homeless people. Each of them knew him by name and waved away any offers of help with hearty smiles. Despite this he made sure each of them was okay, touching shoulders and shaking hands before he continued on his way.

A figure watched the boy warily even though all the homeless men seemed to know him. The boy turned to leave and the figure couldn't help but notice the obvious improvement of the group. "He's not an angel." He muttered and moved to follow the boy. "But he's not a demon either." Hood of his shirt pulled up over his hair he followed Jun home.


"Where is this bakery Levin? Kyo followed the angel down the street

"It's not a magic bakery. It can't appear and disappear as it pleases." Levin replied crossly. "It's around here somewhere." Levin glanced across the street and paused. "I wonder what they're doing?"

Kyo followed his gaze. "Who?"

"Those cherubs." Levin discreetly gestured to a pair of teens across the street loitering near the door of a basement apartment.


"Please, I don't understand." The clink of chains as he lifted his head to look at his captor.

"Who were your parents?" the white-blond demanded.

"I told you, I don't know. I was adopted."

"Why did you help those homeless people?"

"Because they needed it."

His eyes narrowed. "You don't even know what you did, do you?" disbelief colored his tone.

"No! I didn't do anything! I rented videos!"

"Then there's only one way to find out what you are." Slowly he approached him.

"What? What do you mean 'what' I am?" his voice was high pitched with fear and confusion.

The man just crossed his arms over his chest. "Release."


"Should we find out?" Kyo asked Levin who watched the cherubs warily.

A scream ripped through the air and the immortals clamped hands over their ears and cringed at the onslaught. When they recovered, ears ringing faintly, the mortals around them had raised eye brows and worried expressions.

"It was ethereal." Levin whispered. "They didn't hear it."

"Now I want to know what's going on." Kyo's expression was dark as he checked both ways and crossed the street. "Out of my way." He snarled at the two taller cherubs.

"Demon." Hissed one. "Levin." Nodded the other.

"He means it, move." Levin told them with a face as sour as Kyo's.

"You can go down Levin, but not the demon." The first said as he glared at Kyo.

The Maker stormed past all of them, slammed open the door and went downstairs. Sugizo nodded to Levin and Kyo to follow him down.

"Not you two." Levin pushed the cherubs back and went down.

"What did you do?" the Maker snarled at the angel who stood against the wall in a state of shock.

"I just…" the angel opened and closed his mouth stupidly.

In the center of the room lay a winged figure drenched in blood. He was chained to the floor, hands behind his back, reminiscent of the demon's trial. He'd fallen face down, his wings curled and wet like a butterfly fresh from its cocoon. The Maker waved a dismissing hand and moved to the creature to untie it's wrists and remove the collar. He kneeled and leaned it back against Him so they could see its face. The bloodstained face was human and slack but he was still breathing.

"Sugizo, have that fool get Kamijo here, now. Kyo, Levin, meld and heal him."

Casting each other unsure glances Kyo and Levin moved to kneel at either side of the creature. Closing their eyes and touching palms they reached with their immortal parts. Levin's gold met Kyo's blue and where normally mortal enemies engaged in a power struggle the two melded and funneled their energy down into the thing. The Maker watched the pair with a half grin at their enthusiasm in melding, a new experience for both He was sure. Returning His attention to the figure in His arms the Maker watched the pool of blood seem to flow backwards into the body. The blood left his face and clothing and then lastly his wings.

Sugizo and the unknown angel gaped in shock. One wing was pure white feathers, the other a brown bats wing topped with a simple hooked claw. "What is he?" Sugizo whispered.

"Wait, I know him." Kyo pushed the blond bangs out of the way. "He lives around here. When he's not working he's out with the street people. Kind of like what I do only he's a hundred times more effective than I am."

Levin turned to glare at the angel. "You tried to kill someone who was actually helping people? Tadashi that's horrible!"

"I wasn't trying to kill him! I wanted to know what he was!" Tadashi attempted to defend himself.

"Oh and the big pool of blood wasn't a dead give-away that you'd hurt him?" Sugizo snarled.

"I thought that was how you abominations were made." Tadashi snapped. The two faced off, the tension in the room palpable.

"Enough!" The Maker added just enough power to His voice to cause both combatants to cringe and back down. "For your information Tadashi my demons are born of human souls and grow wings rather painlessly with my help. And I doubt you would have handled this situation any better Sugizo."

"What is so important?" Kamijo came down the stairs and stopped as he spotted the boy the Maker held. "What is that?"

"You're as clueless as your minions." The Maker snapped. "He's a half-breed, obviously."

Kamijo frowned. "Considering there hasn't been such a thing before, ever, I think my initial shock was well founded."

"We have to find his parents." The Maker returned his gaze to the boy.

"He said he was adopted." Tadashi said quietly. "He doesn't know who his parents are."

"I can't just poll all the angels in heaven." Kamijo's frown remained. "I wouldn't know where to start."

"I have a place to start." The Maker replied. "We'll take the boy to my house where we can…"

"Why your house?" Kamijo interrupted.

"Well do you have a house?" the Maker rolled His eyes.

"Of course not but considering his lineage I don't think…"

"All right." It was the Maker's turn to interrupt. "Sugizo, take Tadashi with you, get my credit card and buy a house full of furniture. Get something big, with lots of rooms. I think we'll be needing it."

Sugizo nodded and moved to leave, casting a glare at Tadashi who followed, obviously less than thrilled.

"Kyo, I want you to call all of my shadow demons and have them meet me at my favorite restaurant at six o'clock tonight." He carefully dug His cell phone out of His pocket and tossed it to him. Nodding Kyo and Levin left the two powerful angels alone.

"So what does this mean?" Kamijo asked as he slowly approached. "How do a demon and an angel bear children?"

The Maker gently touched the boy's angel wing. "More importantly, what can be done to help the child. He's caught between warring worlds and he doesn't realize it."


Levin and Kyo moved passed the baffled cherubs, Kyo holding the cell phone as though it was the holy-grail. "I’m holding the phone that rings the death march." He said with barely concealed glee.

"Kyo what are shadow demons?" Levin gave a half grin at the demon's expression.

"Shena's a shadow demon. They're demons with powers beyond wings and claws. They also have the ability to hide their thoughts and actions from the Maker. Only one of them could hide a pregnancy from him." With obvious reverence he pushed the buttons to bring up the Maker's personal phone book. "Now the Maker has to figure out which one."

"What will He do when He finds out?" Levin asked warily.

"Now that I don't know but it won't be what you're thinking. We're His Children, Levin, He loves us."


Jun awoke to a wall papered wall he didn't recognize. The sun pushed through the shuttered windows leaving thin lines of light across the bed. He rolled over onto his back and glanced down at the black puppy at his feet. It's brown eyes turned to regard him dolefully and the end of its tail twitched back and forth.

"You're finally up!" a man came cheerfully through the door with a cup of tea. "They were starting to worry."

"Where am I?" Jun asked warily, sitting up as the man approached.

He had to think about that. "Sugizo calls it Switzerland." He gave a grin at the confusion on Jun's face. "Neutral country. You're in a house we just bought where both sides of your family can believe neither of them has the advantage."

"My family?" Now Jun was really confused.

"Here, we'll start slow. I'm Ryuichi." He held out a hand.

"Jun." He nodded and quickly shook it.

Ryuichi set down the cup of tea on the bedside table. "What do you remember about yesterday?"

Jun frowned. "I got videos, visited my friends and headed home…but I never made it home…A man grabbed me."

Ryuichi nodded encouragingly as he muttered, "Tadashi."

Jun's eyes moved rapidly as his mind replayed the events of his kidnapping. Suddenly he looked up at Ryuichi. "What am I?"

"Sugizo says you're a half-breed. Half angel, half demon. They're trying to find your parents right now."

Jun's eyes went wide. "Half…? Wait, my parents?"

The Labrador at the end of the bed looked up at the door then to Ryuichi before letting out a whine. Ryuichi put a hand over his eyes. "You'd think I was babysitting." He muttered and abruptly left the room.

Jun carefully followed him into the hall and moved halfway down the stairs that opened on to a huge living room connecting to and equally huge kitchen. Two men stood in the living room arguing. The one man had pink hair, the other was the one who'd kidnapped him.

"What are you arguing about now?" Ryuichi asked with exasperation.

"Shut up, blood sucker." Snarled Tadashi.

"Hey! Don't talk to Ryuichi that way!" Sugizo's anger appeared to double.

"Why not?" Tadashi moved so they were almost nose to nose. "He's as much and abomination as you are!"

"Whoa! Whoa!" Jun abruptly put himself between the two that were obviously about to come to blows. "If anyone's the abomination it's me, remember?" That seemed to wake them up because they both looked at Jun then looked away.

"No, you're not." The Maker stood in the hall leading away from the kitchen. "And don't you ever think of yourself that way." His brown eyes waited for Jun to nod before moving to Sugizo. "If your fist touches anything that isn't mine you loose a set of wings, you hear me?" Sugizo's mouth hung open in shock but he quickly recovered and nodded. The Maker then turned on Tadashi who was looking smug. "As for you, I may not be able to punish you myself but hear this. If you harm anything that's mine, be it demon, vampire, or half-breed, I declare war."

Tadashi looked more shocked than Sugizo had. "You wouldn't."

"I would." The Maker's voice was dead serious, as were His eyes behind his large bug-like sunglasses. "Now I am going for dinner. Ryuichi you're in charge till I or Kamijo return. It's obvious Sugizo can't handle the responsibility." Sugizo frowned but hung his head.

The Maker moved to Jun. "You are not an abomination. You are a gift. If anyone can bridge the gap between our two worlds it's you." Jun nodded once, struck by the power behind those brown eyes. "When I come back I'll bring you a parent." With that the Maker went to the front door and left.

Jun slowly turned to face the immortals in the living room "Who was that?"

"The devil." Tadashi announced with scorn.

"The Maker!" Sugizo and Ryuichi corrected together.

"Oh." Jun blinked.


The Maker sat at the head of the table watching His shadow demons as they entered the private back room. The owner was a vampire, their waiter the same and the walls sound proof. He wasn't expecting a brawl to break out, He just didn't want the human population to hear what they were discussing. There were only ten shadows among His children and He'd long ago decided their human selves had held some power that stuck with them into their new incarnation, if it could be called that. These were the ones He had to trust most, the ones that could do things without His knowing or approval.

It wasn't that He was mad at the one that helped create Jun, He was just sad. Saddened that they felt the need to abandon the child rather then tell Him. He always thought himself to be a good Father but with someone He had failed to gain their absolute trust. But which one?

Though they had no real need to eat some ordered appetizers to hide nervous fingers. A meeting of this kind happened very rarely and only when something the Maker couldn't explain occurred. The last time they'd met a demon had lost his wings for leaking information to the angels in an attempt to get into heaven. The Maker closed His eyes in pain at the memory. The angels had been leading him on, they'd never intended on helping him, just themselves.

Everyone finally settled and He opened His eyes. "I assure you all that no one is going to be punished tonight." That didn't seem to help the tension in the room any. "Someone in this room kept a very large secret from me and I can only assume they did so out of fear of punishment. I am not angry. I'm just sorry that I have not been a good enough Father. If I had been it would never have been hidden." That had everyone's attention.

"Someone in this room helped to create this boy." He opened His hand and a dark shadow gathered depicting Jun, fast asleep. "Due to the shielding done by his parent he wore an unconscious shield his whole life. That is why I didn't know of him until yesterday. His shield was shattered when an angel made him release his wings." The silence was almost too thick to breath. "He needs guidance and both parents. Someone here put him up for adoption. Someone here helped to create a great gift to our world and the Big Guy's. Someone here may have ended our war."

The silence was invaded by a gently weeping as someone's shields fell. The Maker felt the grief wash across Him and knew exactly who it was. When the weeping was identified so did everyone else. The Maker stood and made His way to her, wrapping His arms around Shena tightly. "I am not angry." He repeated as the other demons moved to leave. "At least now I know why you hid this from me."

Shena nodded, they both knew why she was a demon. She had killed herself and her unborn child rather then have an illegitimate child and be left on the street.

"Come dear-heart. I think it's time you met your son." The Maker smiled and helped her to her feet.

Shena sniffled. "May I keep my vampires?" she asked quietly.

"Of course. We'll pick them up on our way to Switzerland. Perhaps your son can help Khota."

Shena nodded then paused. "Switzerland?"


Ryuichi's familiar suddenly perked, dove off the couch and scrambled to the door yapping happily as everyone got to their feet. The Maker appeared first and motioned for Jun to come forwards. "Jun, I'd like to introduce you to your mother." Waving Shena forwards He stepped away to give them room.

Shena and Jun nodded to each other hesitantly and was the motion followed by an awkward silence. Shena opened and closed her mouth, wondering if she should offer some explanation until Jun moved forwards and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Shena closed her eyes and pulled him as close as she could, fighting tears. "I'm sorry." She finally whispered, her red-furred wings wrapping around him nearly as tightly as her arms. "I'm so sorry."

"It's all right." He whispered back. "We'll just start here and now."

Shena nodded and held him a moment longer. When she finally released him she was smiling. "Well, to start. I want you to meet my vampires." Gesturing the brothers forwards she put an arm around each of them. "This is Kirito, and his brother Khota. Boys." She sniffled. "Meet my son Jun." The three boys nodded once and Jun looked to his mother for explanation. "It's kind of a long story but I'm sure Khota will tell you." Khota rolled his eyes.

"My brother doesn't talk any more." Kirito explained what had sort of become an inside joke between her and Khota. Jun couldn't help but notice that Kirito's tone caused Khota to somewhat hang his head.

"Don't just stand in the hall way, come in." Ryuichi announced, drawing the brothers' attention. Both smiled and went to hug their Brother. Jun offered a hand to his mother who accepted it with a shy smile and they followed the vampires into the living room.

"Make sure they're all comfortable." The Maker told Sugizo. "I have to go collect the father."

Sugizo nodded and the Maker left.

Tadashi abruptly slid up next to the demon. "Who's the father?"

"He didn't tell me." Sugizo admitted.

"Why wouldn't he?" Tadashi's eyes narrowed, suspecting a lie.

"I don't know Tadashi, why don't you go ask the Big Guy?" The two glared at each other quickly before turning their attention back to the group in the living room.


It was the middle of the night and they were all still awake. Kirito found himself next to Ryuichi across the coffee table from Shena, Jun, and Khota. Jun and Shena were trading life stories while Jun and Khota carried on a conversation on paper. Kirito seethed as Jun wrote something that made Khota cover his mouth to hide laughter again. The two had hit it off right away and all Kirito could feel was jealousy, a tinge of green coating his vision. Why hadn't he thought about getting Khota to write down things instead of the choppy charades they played? He was supposed to think of things like that,ways to help his little brother talk again, not some stranger who didn't know why he'd stopped speaking in the first place.

Khota started chuckling again and Kirito abruptly stood. "I'm going to bed." He announced coldly and moved up the stairs, ignoring the looks he was given. Jun glanced at Khota who watched his brother leave with mixed emotions in his eyes.

Kirito followed Ryuichi's directions to the room set aside for he and his brother. On Khota's bed lay their two feline familiars curled up around each other. Kirito paused as he looked at the pair. Shena had once said the familiars were supposed to reflect the health and feelings of the vampire. Kirito's heart twisted. 'I should have been able to help him.' Pulling his familiar away from the short haired one he moved and got into bed, turning away from the other kitten. 'He deserves better.' He closed his eyes but could not hide from the shame in his heart.

Khota's familiar regarded Kirito for a moment before jumping from the bed and moving down the stairs. Moving quickly across the room it jumped into Khota's arms. Khota's conversation with Jun had ended with Kirito's leaving and he stood and disappeared out onto the deck.

Jun turned to his mother as the door closed behind the vampire. "Tell me what happened to them."


Khota crept silently back into the house, kitten on his shoulder. Everyone else had long since gone to bed and all the lights were off. Remaining quite he moved upstairs and into the bathroom. Turning on the light and starting the tap he set down his familiar and began splashing water on his face.

"He mad you say things, didn't he?" Jun startled the vampire by appearing behind him. "Mana did." Khota turned to face the half-breed, shock written in his features. "Things you never wanted to say." Khota closed his eyes and backed against the sink, shaking his head against the memories. "Then he made you do things to prove what he'd made you say." Khota's whole body started to tremble until Jun put a hand on his shoulder. Khota looked up into Jun's eyes. "He made you lie, Khota. That's all he did. He hurt you enough to make you lie." Searching Jun's eyes he slowly nodded.

"Do you honestly believe Kirito is angry or ashamed of you?" Jun asked quietly. Again Khota nodded. "He's ashamed of himself. He couldn't save you from Mana, he can't help you speak now. His anger is directed inwards, not at you. Plus he's jealous of my talking with you on the paper. Angry that he didn't think of it." Khota's brow crinkled and he shook his head. "If you don't believe me, ask him yourself." Jun moved out of the way of the door. Khota looked from the dark hallway, to Jun, and back again.


Kirito heard the door slide open and saw the light coming from the bathroom creep up the wall. Wondering what Khota and Jun had been talking about for so long he closed his eyes, unable to sleep until his brother returned to him.

"Kirito?" The voice was raspy with disuse, more of a whisper really, but Kirito quickly rolled over to gaze in shock at his little brother.

Khota stood in the door way, a nervous hand petting his familiar. "I'm sorry." He stared hard at the floor.

Kirito was at a loss. Standing up he went to his brother. "Sorry? For what?"

"I…" He fought the block in his mind. "I wasn't strong enough. I disappointed you." Kirito's mouth hung open and Khota continued, still not looking up. "I made you ashamed…of me."

"No!" Kirito grabbed his brother by the shoulders, forcing him to look up. "I was never ever ashamed of you!" He searched Khota's tear rimmed eyes. "Is that what you thought? That I was ashamed of you?" Khota hung his head and allowed his familiar to jump to the floor. Slowly he nodded and Kirito wrapped an arm around his neck to hug him. "No Khota. Never you. I was mad at myself, ashamed of myself. I'm supposed to be your big brother, supposed to protect you. I should have suspected Mana, should have stopped him, helped you escape, anything! But I didn't! I let you down."

"No." Khota shook his head. "You couldn't have known."

"I should have known, I was stupid."

Khota pulled away enough to look into his brother's eyes and offer a half smile. "We're both stupid then." Smiling Kirito nodded and pulled his brother close once more.


Jun stepped sleepily down the stairs to the smell of breakfast. He was surprised to find his mother standing at the stove humming. She turned when his foot touched the hard wood and offered a happy smile. "Good morning. Hungry?"

Jun nodded and moved to sit at the table. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"I dreamt you turned into a purple butterfly." She admitted with a quizzical expression. "I'm not sure how to interpret that one."

"Have you heard anything about my father?"

Shena stopped stirring. "No but I'm sure he'll come when the Maker returns." Setting breakfast on a tray she moved it to the table. Jun giggled as the brother's familiars jumped onto the counter to lap at the left overs. Turning to see them Shena rushed back wielding her spatula threateningly. "Bad souls! Bad! Out of there!" Chasing the kittens off the counter she glared at the vampires chuckling at the top of the stairs. "Well you might as well come down."

"Want some breakfast? I won't be able to finish it all." Jun waved them towards the table.

"I'll feed you two at lunch time." Shena told the brothers as she moved the dirty dishes to the sink.

"I wouldn't mind a bite or two." Khota had a seat beside Jun and took his fork.

Shena got a look of absolute shock on her face until her lips curled into a smile. Dropping the dishes she scrambled to the vampire and hugged him tightly. "You talked!" he practically squealed. "You talked in whole and complete sentences! Quick! Quick! Tell me what your first word was!"

Khota got an embarrassed look on his face and looked at his brother. "It was Kirito."

Shena pulled Kirito over to hug him with one arm, her other wrapped around Khota. "I'm so happy! All of my boys are immortally alive and well." Sliding over to Jun she hugged him tightly before returning to the dishes.

"So Shena tells me you know Toshiya." Jun asked the brothers as Kirito had a seat and Khota helped himself to the food.

Kirito looked surprised and nodded. "He's our older Brother, Mana's first Child. How did you know him?"

"I used to work with him. Saw him a couple days ago with some vampire buddies, I assume."

"That shopping trip." Khota reminded his brother and Shena gave a happy giggle.

Kirito nodded. "Yeah, they said he hadn't been getting out of the house much and took him shopping."

"It's all so hard to believe." Jun admitted. "One day I'm renting videos, the next I'm an immortal being and meeting my parents."

"Speak of which." Sugizo appeared out of the basement with Ryuichi just behind him. "Your father's on his way. Now Jun, don't get your hopes up. I highly doubt he's going to be as accepting as Shena." Jun nodded and looked down at his breakfast. "But we're all right here with you, except maybe Tadashi."

"He's half angel, of course I'm on his side." Tadashi half snarled as he pushed passed Sugizo into the kitchen.

"Not very convincing." Kirito mumbled as he watched the angel start digging through the fridge. "So who do you think will get custody?" he casually asked Jun.

"Custody?" Jun's brow furrowed.

"Well you're not an angel, but you're not a demon either. So what are you? Where do you go?"

Jun looked unhappily into his food again and Khota glared at his brother. "He's Jun. That's all he needs to be."

"I agree." Shena slid up beside Jun for another hug.

Everyone heard the front door open and Shena took a hold of Jun's hand to squeeze it gently.

"So where's the mother?" Kamijo asked loudly as he made his way into the kitchen.

"I am." Shena held her head hight.

Kamijo turned to look at her and his eyes went wide. As the Maker made His way up beside him Kamijo looked back then at Shena again. "You?" he managed to gasp out.

Shena nodded. "Being a shadow demon I'm able to hide what I am from others. Even angels." She looked at Jun and gestured for him to stand. "Jun, I'd like you to meet your father. Kamijo, this is our son, Jun."

Kamijo seemed to be frozen in shock as Jun made a tentative nod of the head. Abruptly Kamijo met his son's fearful brown eyes and gave a strangled chuckle to release his shock. "I have a son." He muttered and pulled Jun into his arms. "I'm just glad you resemble your mother." And the new and awkward family chuckled nervously.

"Angels make no sense to me." Ryuichi whispered to Sugizo as Kamijo allowed Shena into the hug. "I would have thought he'd deny any evidence of his being the father."

"I think part of it might be jealousy." Sugizo said quietly back. "None of us are supposed to be able to have real children. Jun is a miracle."

"So what happens now?" Tadashi glanced from Sugizo to the Maker.

"Now we find God and hope He's not angry." Sugizo replied quietly.


"Do you think I'll ever be able to fly?" Jun turned away from the window to his parents who were sitting on the couch.

"I don’t see why not." Shena replied. "Have you tried spreading your wings since you got them?"

"Not really." Jun admitted quietly and Tadashi winced from where he sat at the kitchen table.

"I never did ask for your forgiveness, did I?" Tadashi spoke up. "I wanted to know what you were, I didn't think it would cause so much damage."

"No one could have known." Kamijo tried to make Tadashi feel better.

"Do you want to try and spread them?" Shena stood. "I don't know about angels but when I spread my wings I feel as though I'm pulling off a cloak." Closing her eyes she made an almost shrugging motion and her wings uncurled.

"For angels it's more of a pushing motion, as though your wings are hidden behind your shoulder blades." Kamijo stood as well and closed his eyes. After a moment of obvious concentration his shining wings burst forth.

"So if I'm half and half I have to push and pull?" Jun looked between his two parents.

"Maybe we should try popping him off the roof." Sugizo grinned and leaned against the kitchens' island.

"Don't listen to him, he just wants an excuse to show off his wings." Ryuichi tossed his familiar scraps from the counter.

"I'd like to see them." Jun spoke up. "Do you do it the same as my mother?"

"Well, I don't shrug so much as I stretch. You can feel your wings with you, you just can't see them. So when I want to see them I just spread them." Moving away from the counter he moved as though stretching out his shoulders first thing in the morning. Eight brown wings emerged in their usual flourish and Jun's eyes went wide.

"Oh impressive." Tadashi announced sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Wing envy." Sugizo told Ryuichi with a smirk.

"What about you Tadashi?" Jun tore his eyes from Sugizo who was flexing like a body-builder, his wings joining in conceitedly.

"I've never really thought about it." He admitted. "When I want my wings they're there. I don't hide them, or cloak them. I just know when I need them and when I don't." As if to prove his point Tadashi met Jun's eyes and spread his wings, no display, no concentration. "My wings are an extension of myself."

"Maybe everyone had a different way of doing it." Kirito announced, seated by the fireplace dangling a piece of string for the kittens. "You just have to figure out the best way for you."

"Can you really feel your wings?" Khota asked. "They're with you all the time?"

"They're always there." Shena nodded. "But when you can't see them they're ethereal, that way we don't destroy things when we turn around." She winked at Khota.

The three familiars paused to perk their ears and everyone looked up at the opening of the front door. "Jun! I have someone I want you to meet!" The Maker called and the door was closed. He walked into the kitchen and looked around with a raised brow. "What's going on?"

"Showing Jun how to spread his wings." Kamijo explained.

"Oh, Okay. Sounds like fun. Levin," The Maker gestured the angel forwards, Kyo just behind him. "Meet Jun."

Levin smiled warmly and moved forwards to shake Jun's hand. "Nice to see you're all right."

Jun nodded and the Maker patted Levin on the shoulder. "Since we're all playing show and tell, I'll start." Flashing another smile He spread His pair of black feathered wings. "Kyo's turn."

Kyo nodded. Touching his chin to his chest he flung back his head and spread a pair of brown wings. Curling his wings up behind him he nodded to Levin. Levin offered a wane smile to the demon and closed his eyes. With not so much force as Kamijo had used Levin's wing came from his back and ruffled slightly. Jun couldn't help but glance at the other angels. Kamijo was half smiling, eyes sad, and Tadashi looked away.

"Looks like you’re in for another story." Shena broke the silence.

After Levin's story had been told Levin asked Jun to meet him on the deck. The Maker had asked Levin to try and help the halfling. Though the circumstances were entirely different their situation was nearly the same.

"So you can't fly?" Jun asked as he joined Levin in leaning against the banister looking out at the manicured lawn.

"Not by myself." Levin admitted. "I have Kyo to help me though."

"The demon helps you?" Levin nodded and Jun looked bewildered. "But I would have thought…"

Levin nodded again. "It's the angels that hurt me and the demon that saved me. Somehow I feel safer around Kyo then someone like Kamijo. I've learned more from him than any angel ever taught me."

"What do the other angels think?"

"There's been a mixed reaction. Some are proud, some disgusted. Some are sure that when His Majesty is found I'll be booted out of heaven. Others think it's about time." Levin met Jun's eyes. "Like me you're caught between two worlds. Make the best of it. Most of the angels will embrace you like a brother. Many of the demons will do the same but there is still a very distinct pride in each that will pull you to pick a side. It's your decision."

Jun nodded. "And if I don't choose?"

Levin smiled. "Then I will always be here to help you. It'll be tough to please both sides but I believe if can be done." He gestured Jun close to whisper, "They're more alike then they know." Winking he turned to look inside. "Shit." He cursed and moved inside, Jun just behind him.

Kyo and Sugizo were apparently facing off against Tadashi. Shena and Ryuichi were attempting to quell the demons while Kamijo had a hold of Tadashi.

"I don't know Tadashi! Your track record isn't very good in the first place!" Sugizo was snarling. "Levin's wing, the attack on Kyo, the trial, Jun. For a group asking for help I'm starting to think we should just let you rot away up there!"

"Well that's not your decision to make now is it? You're just Lucifer's lap dog!" Tadashi snarled. "No wonder you never made it to heaven."

A deep growl escaped Sugizo's throat and he made to lunge at the angel. Nearly the whole room moved in an attempt to stop him when Jun's voice ripped through the air. "Stop!" he commanded, a deep voice over-laying his own. "You are all God's children!" And the world went white.

Jun stood alone in the white light, his wings spread out and mantled. He could hear the whispers of other presences around him but could not find them. A huge purple butterfly grew into being before him and multi-colored eyes looked down at him from its magnificent wings. "What are you?" the butterfly demanded, the voice the same as that which Jun had used.

"A demon." Somewhere Sugizo whispered.

"An angel." Tadashi's voice.

"A halfling." The Maker.

"An equal." Levin.

"Jun." Khota's quiet voice.

Jun looked up at the butterfly and set his jaw. "I am Jun. I am myself."

Abruptly the white was gone and the group stood shocked in the living room of their Switzerland. Each of them was in their true form, angels and demons with their wings out, vampires with their fangs showing, familiars glowing with an aura of self.

"Well." Kamijo broke the silence. "I guess that's where He was, trapped in Jun somehow."

The Maker let out a snort. "Show off."

Authors note: What I tell you? Weird pairing. NEWays, One more chapter to go! Promise this time!