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The Hackers Crew




This group aims to perfect hacking skills and create a better security system for computer systems and web sites.

Most firewalls and anti-virus software are inadequate for the growing expanse of viruses and programs that allow hackers to manipulate systems which often do not have the protection needed.

These holes or back doors allow hackers access to even the most secure of systems. One slip up and the whole system is compromised.

Even more worrying is that many of these security compromises are made possible by the employees of the company (though unwillingly of course) by social engineering. Social engineering is the name given to the act of gaining passwords or access to unauthorised sections of a system or website through the use of tricking people.

For example, a company employee is phoned up from the office and finds that the computer system is down and the engineers need the password to fix it. If the employee believes this request is genuine the password may be given.

The Hacking Crew will try all possible ways to undermine the security put in place and then give the company advice on patching the holes. This although illegal will give the company better security and over time this method will become legal with a license.

To join the Hacking Crew, click here to send an e-mail requesting to join.

This request is a genuine call for help in cracking down on security compromises.

We plan to perfect skills in programming and hacking with small computers with weak security and move onto higher levels. This is the proposed list in order of attack.

1.      Home computers

2.      Small business computers

3.      Bigger business computers

4.      Large businesses

5.      Prime minister’s computer*

6.      Microsoft Servers (including hotmail)*

7.      White House System*

8.      Pentagon*

9.      UN main system*

10.  NASA*

*Dangerous (even though all are illegal, these are the most difficult and we could easily be caught!!)

This proposal is not a decision to be taken lightly and once you’ve got too far involved you can’t leave!!

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